Walk of life, your ignorance is incredible here. Roy, who is not only a minority owner of rio, and a customer of Lenny's happens to be DEAR friends with Lenny. Did you know that roy spends Christmas with Lenny's family. did you know that they have been like family to one another for over 5 years. roy made it perfectly clear to me that this dispute will not affect their friendship, and roy wanted me to make it clear to all here in the forums that he considers Lenny a class act along with Cascade. Your comments according to roy illustrate just how out of the loop that you are. if you would like to clarify any of these points, feel free to call Lenny. rio wasn't kissing any ass, Mr. Moron, just acknowledging that Lenny and his outfit are respected despite any disputes. The next time you want to pop off, catch half of a clue. You probably don't even know Lenny, lol.