Reuters is reporting Pope has died


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
ego74 said:
guys, sorry for posting this thread in the main forum, guess i shoulda put in in politcs/world events. My very first post moved to the RR, i feel as though i have officially "arrived"
you handled it like a champ though. a lot of people flip out.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
i have to admit it is worth a chuckle to see a bunch of gamblers act like theyre big pope fans. go tell J2 if he was still here that you love to gamble tell me what he says

International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
some of you say it is disrepectful to call someone a POS on their deathbed.....but you are just saying that because you think the pope is a good person.....surely you wouldn't for someone you considered a POS, right? so why does the pope get a free pass?

journey, i think of the pope as "not a good person" because he was WELL AWARE of "what was going on" with his church, yet instead of having priests arrested he approved the moving to another church and let it go on for years! if he was a school teacher or something like that you would all be joining me in my hatred towards him, but for some reason since he is the pope, you say i am the piece of trash. I dont get it.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
OK Sherman, I will bite! What makes you think that he is a POS??? I mean do you have personal knowledge that we dont?? You cant even speak his native tongue! I am not too sure that you even speak English that well!

If you have never met someone, dont make a comment like this. It is not like the pope has done alot of bad things in the past or anything.

I made one of the first posts in the previous page about your classless post! I couldnt care either way, but you definitely has lost some respect around here. It will take 6 months or so to get over this, why not start now and just let it go and apologize for bringing this whole FORUM down a few nothces. Keep in mind that we have newbies come in everyday here and that was one of the most threads that they see. They will most likely leave after that statement

Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004

Your adding feet to your grave by the post...keep digging.....You have no insight into the Pope's world, as we all don't so to call him a POS.....just makes you look ridiculous.
SHERMAN:monsters- Insert both feet
Sep 21, 2004
aceduecetrey said:
Come on Sherman, dont be like that. I know this is a gambling forum and I am as big a deviate as the next guy, but I dont want to see something like that. I would have never guessed you would post something like this.
what was the edit here?

Sober up had "quoted" Sherman, therefore his post that i deleted, was showing in your post as well, therefore i simply edited out sherman post from yours.....

nothing that you posted was edited....LOL
Last edited by a moderator:
Sep 21, 2004
My first edit ever and although I am drunk, I am still trying o figure what was edited?
Sep 21, 2004
sherman said:
some of you say it is disrepectful to call someone a POS on their deathbed.....but you are just saying that because you think the pope is a good person.....surely you wouldn't for someone you considered a POS, right? so why does the pope get a free pass?

journey, i think of the pope as "not a good person" because he was WELL AWARE of "what was going on" with his church, yet instead of having priests arrested he approved the moving to another church and let it go on for years! if he was a school teacher or something like that you would all be joining me in my hatred towards him, but for some reason since he is the pope, you say i am the piece of trash. I dont get it.
Sherm- I wish I was more religous than I am, but I have to respect any person who basically devotes his whole life to any cause, let alone one that like what sarifices that the POPE had to endure.

International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
playersonly69 said:
OK Sherman, I will bite! What makes you think that he is a POS??? I mean do you have personal knowledge that we dont?? You cant even speak his native tongue! I am not too sure that you even speak English that well!

If you have never met someone, dont make a comment like this. It is not like the pope has done alot of bad things in the past or anything.

I made one of the first posts in the previous page about your classless post! I couldnt care either way, but you definitely has lost some respect around here. It will take 6 months or so to get over this, why not start now and just let it go and apologize for bringing this whole FORUM down a few nothces. Keep in mind that we have newbies come in everyday here and that was one of the most threads that they see. They will most likely leave after that statement

i have already said why i dont like him.....he helped cover up priests molesting kids.....anytime someone molests children or helps, to me they are the lowest scum on earth....don't know how well you followed cases of priests, but i have stayed up on it......the majority of my family is from Fall River, Massachusetts....well there was a priest there that molested alot of kids....he even told the pope what was going on, that he needed help, and the pope did NOTHING! In the real world, they both go to jail!

so yes i ca apologize for stirring things up because it was not my intention, but i will not apologize for my feelings toward the pope......

Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
aceduecetrey said:
what was the edit here?

Sober up had "quoted" Sherman, therefore his post that i deleted, was showing in your post as well, therefore i simply edited out sherman post from yours.....

nothing that you posted was edited....LOL

LOL, i was laughing so hard at your post about editing, that i hit edit on yours again, rather than the quote function......geesh

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
OK, no I did not see your opinions and reason why you dislike him. Maybe you ahve stated it elsewhere on this site that I never located it before

Oct 5, 2004
While I understand how what Sherman said can offend many people, I am not sure it is right for everyone to be piling on him like was correct to move the thread, because it was getting out of hand, but I don't thinkSherman is the devil for having a strong opinion...on the other hand his choice of words and timing to express those sentiments are not cool...i realize that the church has a history of turning a blind eye to certain things such as the Holocaust and all of the pedophilia in the church, and they should be called on it...but the pope himself has devoted his life to others, and has done alot of good, so to wish him death is way off base in my opinion...i just think we can be a little more tolerant of each other here

International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
Thanks Lawrence....

I do NOT know all the good things the pope has done i'm sure, but to me he could do a million good things and it would not make up for ignoring and covering up priests whom molest children.......

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
SHerman, from what I understaqnd you are about 20 years old yourself. Maybe this story hits a little too close to home for you!

International Playa
Dec 15, 2003
I am not 20 but I find it disgusting that because children being molested bothers me more than ANYTHING in this world, you would think that means I was molested....I can assure you I was never molested. Do you have to experience something to think it is disgusting?

The other thing I find funny is you all keep saying how "classless" i am but you guys stick up for the he covers up priests molesting kids, doesnt turn them into police etc and yet I'm the bad guy for saying he is scum......i'll never get that....

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