Just unreal. The obstructionist do-nothing Republicans have the audacity to blame Obama for the economy yet they prevent any measures that have been used in the past by almost every President to increase economic growth. Look at the average increases in spending for Reagan and Bush. Almost over 5%. Obama though is forced to be the first President in the past 50 years to spend less in the span of a year. It's insane. The economy would be working just fine and growing if the government were allowed to do what its been doing for the past century.
Obama, because of the worthless do nothing Republicans is officially the biggest fiscal conservative we have seen in the past century. And this does not include the massive reduction in public sector employment, state and local spending, etc. It's embarrassing to know that I once thought highly of Republicans. But the new party is such a joke and a disaster to the country that I probably will never be able to vote Republican again. Their constituents are just too dumb and they are willing to destroy this country to defend their failed ideology. Sort of like a religion. Just sickening stuff.
WHAT THE FUCK are you talking about? Do you not even know what you wrote?
You are trying to wiggle out of this, you have been exposed as a fraud and a liar by many on here, and here you go once again.
You say Obama cant spend the money he needs, based on some bullshit graph which means absolutely nothing to anyone except for a silly person trying to use some kind of statistical anomaly of skewed data because of a huge increase of spending from a prior year.
So, based on your words, and your graph, that is exactly what you are saying.