Post 4 ended the debate about the partiy's and higher education levels/IQ. If you want to chage the topic to Incomes, that's another debate. Republicans dominate higher income levels, because the GOP's policies are "generally" more favorable to the higher income levels.
Post 4 did nothing of the sort. The stats in post 4 made no correlation between education level and IQ, that is what you are attempting to do. I made known to you all of the possible/probable errors in your method and you keep replying that the discussion is over LOL! Again, how do you reconcile that the majority of enrolled are women, but the majority of high IQ studies are done by men? I would put the IQ of even a small business owner with a HS diploma or GED up against the IQs of the hoards of female Social Work majors any day. ANY DAY! As for all those social workers and education majors...don't you think they might be leaning democrat because that party is "generally" more favorable to their interests, as opposed to because of a high IQ?
Now, why should I not change the topic to incomes? If you can skew some study to correlate education level to IQ to political leanings, why should I not correlate income levels, IQ, and political leanings? I am not denying the numbers in post 4, I am questioning your interpretation of them. I am "changing" the topic to income levels because it also correlates to political leaning, and is a more reliable predictor of IQ than your education level example which is riddled with ignored variables and inconsistencies.