Released video of man gunned down by police with ARMS UP in San Antonio.


Feb 28, 2005
"the only reason he survived is because the gun was only about 18 inches from his face. If it was farther away the bullet would have picked up more velocity and killed him."

LOL. A bullet loses velocity the split second it leaves the gun. And, it continues to lose velocity, basic physics.

You can "LOL" all you want.....I'm not a scientist or a physics I was a firefighter, not a cop. I'm not a weapons expert either (I just relayed what I was told about the incident)....but regardless, my friend and colleague was shot IN THE FACE by a suspect and lived. Had he just shot the motherfucker (instead of tackle him) he'd have never gotten shot.

You people act like criminals do exactly as they are told, have no ill intentions, don't carry weapons, and cops just want blood.

We live in an imperfect world. Like I said before, I'm taking the cops side 99.99% of the time.

RX Cowbell Ringer
Nov 21, 2010
"the only reason he survived is because the gun was only about 18 inches from his face. If it was farther away the bullet would have picked up more velocity and killed him."

LOL. A bullet loses velocity the split second it leaves the gun. And, it continues to lose velocity, basic physics.

Maybe it was like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons where the rabbit plugs the barrel of the gun before the bullet catches enough velocity...:laugh:
Sep 21, 2004
You can "LOL" all you want.....I'm not a scientist or a physics I was a firefighter, not a cop. I'm not a weapons expert either (I just relayed what I was told about the incident)....but regardless, my friend and colleague was shot IN THE FACE by a suspect and lived. Had he just shot the motherfucker (instead of tackle him) he'd have never gotten shot.

You people act like criminals do exactly as they are told, have no ill intentions, don't carry weapons, and cops just want blood.

We live in an imperfect world. Like I said before, I'm taking the cops side 99.99% of the time.

Dude, I wasn't commenting on the situation in San Antonio. Just that a bullet doesn't gain velocity after being fired....I'll wait until the other video and all the facts come out to comment on this one.

Buy low sell HIGH
Nov 13, 2004
Coach, the problem with what that clown just wrote is when a cop arrives on the scene of a possible DV, they don't know who the perp is or what is criminal history is. They have no clue if he has a history or not. Hell, they don't even know if a woman is cut up by this guy even? Now, should he get on the ground when they tell him to get on the ground? Hell yeah he should.

1.) Clown? Hahahahaha, right on

2.) pretty obvious who the perpetrator was. The shirtless dumbass running around the vehicles not listening to the cops. The perpetrator certainly wasn't the lady that was bleeding or the infant in her arms.

3.) You can bet your ass they knew who this guy was. Whether running his plates or looking who owned the house or asking the lady who was beating on her, etc.

If you don't do EXACTLY what the cops tell you to do and you act like a loud mouth gangster big shot......suffer the consequences. Not hard to understand.

And for those who don't get it and would rather defend a criminal go for it. I have no patience and or time for you.

Sep 20, 2004
Hmm. I watched the video and the first thing I considered on first viewing is that the victim was reaching down quickly when he got shot. Now of course I realize the reaching down I interpreted may in fact be simply a reaction to getting shot. But it may be quite possible that this kid/guy/whatever make a quick movement towards his pocket and that's when he got shot. At least that's what I considered first viewing.

I guess we will see. The neighbor's closer video will certainly help. I just have a hard time believing cops, with all that has happened recently, are murdering bad guys just for the F of it. I'm gonna go with the kid going for his pocket and getting shot. final answer

Buy low sell HIGH
Nov 13, 2004
Care to bet on whether there will be a conviction or not?

Sure.....I go to Vegas 4 or 5 times a year. I'll buy you a steak at Joe's Stone if the cop is convicted. I will forget this thread in about 31.5 hours if not before. So bump this when he gets convicted and PM me. I'll then let you know my next trip to Caesars and we will go from there.(<)<

May 27, 2007
1.) Clown? Hahahahaha, right on

2.) pretty obvious who the perpetrator was. The shirtless dumbass running around the vehicles not listening to the cops. The perpetrator certainly wasn't the lady that was bleeding or the infant in her arms.

3.) You can bet your ass they knew who this guy was. Whether running his plates or looking who owned the house or asking the lady who was beating on her, etc.

If you don't do EXACTLY what the cops tell you to do and you act like a loud mouth gangster big shot......suffer the consequences. Not hard to understand.

And for those who don't get it and would rather defend a criminal go for it. I have no patience and or time for you.

This is how utterly dumb you are. First, you tell the forum a cheating woman deserves to be raped. Second, you say a 72-year-old man should not be convicted of murder because he's old. That's a good start.

But then, it's never obvious who a perp is when cops respond to a scene. It's chaotic and crazy. You literally have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever.

Buy low sell HIGH
Nov 13, 2004
This is how utterly dumb you are. First, you tell the forum a cheating woman deserves to be raped. Second, you say a 72-year-old man should not be convicted of murder because he's old. That's a good start.

But then, it's never obvious who a perp is when cops respond to a scene. It's chaotic and crazy. You literally have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever. have no idea who I am on the RX let alone in real life. I have never said anything about rape or an old dude. NEVER obvious? That's laughable.....have you worked one day on the beat in your life? Or in any law enforcement capacity?

When you insult somebody, at least "have a clue" of who you are talking to.

New member
May 5, 2012
This is how utterly dumb you are. First, you tell the forum a cheating woman deserves to be raped. Second, you say a 72-year-old man should not be convicted of murder because he's old. That's a good start.

But then, it's never obvious who a perp is when cops respond to a scene. It's chaotic and crazy. You literally have no clue what you're talking about whatsoever.

EnflUNKO is jonesing real hard on this one. He wants so badly to make someone else the bad guy that he
is just making stuff up about what someone said.

Check the user names again genius:ohno:

May 27, 2007
EnflUNKO is jonesing real hard on this one. He wants so badly to make someone else the bad guy that he
is just making stuff up about what someone said.

Check the user names again genius:ohno:

You're right, it's his ghost.

May 27, 2007
Yeah we ghost in the RX fantasy league I actually own both teams. Are you ever right?

I'm over you dude. You sit here and just say stupid shit for shock value. Nobody believes you're anything but a forum troll. A cheating woman deserves to be raped? Geez, I'd hate to be one of your kids if you have any.

Jan 21, 2008
I have kids. I speak my opinion certainly not for shock value as if there is any value is what your response is. If a woman cheats on her husband she is the lowest of lows. Sorry your morals are out of whack. And thanks for not answering a single question I asked you.

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