Read if you want one stock you can retire on


Jan 19, 2005


By John Vandermosten, CFA


Over the last couple weeks Predictive Technology Group (OTC:pRED) has achieved two milestones in its advance towards validating and commercializing its endometriosis diagnostic test. On June 19th the company announced a research collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific (NYSE:TMO) and on June 24th presented new genetic findings in endometriosis at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) conference. We attach significant value to Predictive’s efforts in endometriosis as it is a component of the ARTguide and Fertility Dx diagnostics and is the purpose of the ENDORisk diagnostic. As we discussed in our initiation, the disease impacts an estimated 200 million women worldwide, is frequently misdiagnosed and can be diagnosed early with Predictive’s genetic tests.

Thermo Fisher’s collaboration with Predictive Laboratories is focused on studying the genetic factors underlying infertility in women. Thermo Fisher is a global leader in diagnostics and provides a number of assays and sequencing tools that are used in the development, optimization, validation and verification of tests for reproductive health. The primary focus of the work will center on endometriosis, which is estimated to affect 40% of women with infertility. With this arrangement, not only does Thermo Fisher help cement its reputation as a dominant player in the research of genetic diseases but Predictive is able to bring greater attention to its leading edge work. Predictive has combined the information from its DNA sample library, exome sequencing database, ancestry records and other genetic data with Thermo Fisher’s assays and sequencers to develop effective tests to estimate the probability of certain conditions.


View Exhibit I - ARTguide Diagnostic Result Tear Sheet

The collaboration will combine Predictive’s research with Thermo Fisher’s equipment to identify women who are most likely to suffer from endometriosis. The equipment that will be used includes Thermo Fisher’s Applied Biosystems CarrierScan Assay, Ion ReproSeq PGS Assay, CytoScan Dx Assay, and Ion AmpliSeq Exome RDY.


View Exhibit II - Applied Biosystems CarrierScan Assay Components

Many of these assays and tests can be run on the Ion GeneStudio S5 genetic sequencer imaged below.


View Exhibit III - Ion GeneStudio S5 System

As part of Predictive’s research advancements in identifying gene markers for disease, Dr. Kenneth Ward takes on a leading role. He sits on Predictive’s Scientific Advisory Board and also presented new data demonstrating the genetic basis of endometriosis at the ESHRE conference held June 23 to 26 in Vienna, Austria. His work condensed the key identifiers of endometriosis to mutations in four genes identified as ZNF586, LUZP4, POP4 and UNC5CL.

The underlying research found that 25% of women with endometriosis present at least one of these mutated genes compared to 8% for the population overall. It additionally found that there were 141 distinct coding mutations in the identified genes. These results combined with other genetic data will be used to develop genetic tests that will predict the likelihood of endometriosis in women. The process also forms the basis for an approach that will support the development of additional tests in scoliosis, degenerative disc disease and other genetic disorders.

Predictive has distinguished itself as a trailblazer in genetic diagnostic testing. Their access to a substantial and broad genetic data set and consistent focus on fertility medicine has placed them in the vanguard of companies in their industry. We expect to see additional genetic tests launched in the coming quarters leveraging the company’s data and research expertise.


Jan 19, 2005
July 9th, 2019

If you have not jumped on the train it is time to do so!

List of stocks that we are selling for huge profits.

First and foremost :
If you have not reviewed our current recommendation on PRED that was initially released April 22nd and April 29th 2019 please visit and review the email alerts that are posted.
Every year for the past few decades we are asked to supply the financial publication " Wall Street's Best" with a stock pick at the beginning of the year and then at the end of the first 6 months.
Our pick for January was ARWR @ $13.00 ( We initially recommended ARWR a few years ago @ $2.12). At the end of the 2nd Q ending June 30th 2019 ARWR was trading at around $27.00. A huge gain in a very short period of time. Our selection placed us at the top of the pack of 40+ analysts.
We are so intrigued about PRED's near term as well as it's long term future it was an easy choice to label PRED as our MID YEAR STOCK of the 2019.
See brief that will appear within the "Wall Street's Best" financial publication to be released July 10th 2019.
Predictive Technology Group (PRED~$3.88)
PRED aims to revolutionize patient care through predictive analytics, novel gene-based diagnostics and companion therapeutics through it's subs Predictive Therapeutics, Predictive Biotech, and Predictive Labs. These subs are focused on Endometriosis, Scoliosis, disc disease and human cells (STEM CELLS) and Tissue Products (HCT/P's) to clinics/doctors. The run-rate is $40 million and growing rapidly. The company is currently cash flow positive. The company is near completion of their Endometriosis test kit.
Endometriosis is a chronic, complex, yet relatively common gynecological disorder, reportedly affecting 200 million adult and adolescent females worldwide. The first expected diagnostic kit is close to commercializing a genetic diagnostic for Endometriosis for the fertility market. The company recently announced collaboration with Thermo Fisher (TMO~$25 billion in revenue) in order to focus on studying the genetic factors underlying infertility in women. The Global Endometriosis market is anticipated to reach over $2.3 billion within 5 years.
We have only touched upon a small cross section of PRED's enormous use of GENE DIAGNOSTICS . The management reads like a Fortune 100 company. The management, directors and advisory board have migrated from such companies as (top of the food chain) Pfizer, C.R. Bard, Sagent Tech, Wyeth, Vivint, Norbest, J&J, Metronics, Sintx Tech, Myriad, ING Financial Advisors and Retired Senator Orrin Hatch.
The company submitted their application on May 2nd 2019 to list on the NASDAQ. We anticipate listing any day!
Once listed we feel that the share price will begin to appreciate rapidly because it allows all kinds of funds & brokerage firms the ability to participate in the purchase of shares. (Note: Up to this point because of " pink sheet" listing most institutions cannot own until listed on recognized exchange.
We believe near term that management will secure a top tier Investment Banking firm in order to maximize the company's speed and ability to take on their many areas of interest.
We also anticipate that near term management will announce joint and/or partnerships with major medical as well as Biotech companies. Upon visiting their website, spend some time and read between the lines!
Finally, we anticipate the release of their Endometriosis kit that could easily accelerate their revenue into the hundreds of millions of dollars within 6-18 months.
PRED has ZERO long term debt, is currently cash flow positive, new products to be released soon, world class management , NASDAQ listing imminent , initiate an Investment Banking firm relationship, broad investment coverage , joint and partnerships created and a worldwide introduction to the Biotech Industry.
It is our belief that PRED within 6 months could easily trade between $10-$15/sh. We believe that during the form 10 filing and NASDAQ listing management was forced to tone down the press. The floodgates are getting ready to burst. We rate PRED with our strongest Buy rating that we can initiate !

Everybody Got Dey Cups But Dey Ain't Chipped In...
Dec 9, 2004
Bruce, any thoughts on the pullback?

Jan 19, 2005
The chart shows the crooks are in charge. The selling is being driven by the shorts, not from anyone who "knows anything " fundamental about any changes with the company .

They will get run over, the stock is going to 100, and I would use this pullback to initiate and or add to positions .

When the company gets on NASDAQ, its game over for shorty

Everybody Got Dey Cups But Dey Ain't Chipped In...
Dec 9, 2004
The chart shows the crooks are in charge. The selling is being driven by the shorts, not from anyone who "knows anything " fundamental about any changes with the company .

They will get run over, the stock is going to 100, and I would use this pullback to initiate and or add to positions .

When the company gets on NASDAQ, its game over for shorty

Thanks, I appreciate the insight.

Jan 19, 2005
not even gonna post the bullshit short report out out today with bullshit allegations. Its nonsense

This is the what the shorts do to give them an opportunity to get out of their jam . Look for the shorts to start covering since thats the only way they can lock up profits
Nov 8, 2012
A few weeks back, i set up a text alert to let me know if this stock went under $2.

This morning, I received the alert.

I had a little cash in my account so i just bought in at $1.68

Jan 16, 2010
A few weeks back, i set up a text alert to let me know if this stock went under $2.

This morning, I received the alert.

I had a little cash in my account so i just bought in at $1.68

I bought 1k more down here too. I can not believe we’re back down to almost my original position. Still think we’re Golden the rest of 2019 and after...

Cant lie and say this one didn’t hurt to watch this week, though...
Oct 26, 2013
not even gonna post the bullshit short report out out today with bullshit allegations. Its nonsense

This is the what the shorts do to give them an opportunity to get out of their jam . Look for the shorts to start covering since thats the only way they can lock up profits

Woke up to this article on Seeking Alpha this morning. Wowsers :ohno:

I loaded up a bit myself... yesterday. I wonder when the bleeding will stop

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
oh geeeeezzzzzz....that SA article is a BRUTAL takedown. Wonder what's going on in Utah in the office right now???

Predictive went public on the OTC Market via a reverse merger in 2015. Originally, the public entity had been used by a company called K-9 Concepts Inc. that sold vitamin-laced showerheads, then later reverse merged into a shoe company, which then reverse-merged into a housing company, before finally reverse merging into Predictive in 2015. It then applied to uplist onto NASDAQ about 2 months ago.

Beyond its core-revenue generating business, we will also explore Predictive's $120 million+ acquisition spree.
In particular, 4 out of 7 of Predictive's recent acquisition targets were based out of the same address, which also happens to be Predictive's old headquarters.[1] For context:

Predictive's Headquarters: 2749 East Parleys Way

Background: Three of Predictive's Key Backers (Who at One Point Held ~90% of its Shares) Have Previously Been Alleged by the SEC or State Regulators to Have Committed Securities Fraud

Jan 19, 2005
I bought more today of course . Never thought we would see these prices again, but so be it . so far, we have a triple bottom around 1.55 .

If your nervous about buying, i would suggest scaling in at various prices, or wait until we clear the long term moving avg and hold it, presently 2.15 I believe

If you do that, your sure the long term trend is back in you favor

If I am right and we end up at 100, you wont care you paid a little higher then the actual bottom

Me, Im buying now

Jan 16, 2010
I bought more today of course . Never thought we would see these prices again, but so be it . so far, we have a triple bottom around 1.55 .

If your nervous about buying, i would suggest scaling in at various prices, or wait until we clear the long term moving avg and hold it, presently 2.15 I believe

If you do that, your sure the long term trend is back in you favor

If I am right and we end up at 100, you wont care you paid a little higher then the actual bottom

Me, Im buying now

LOL, I hear ya, I just wish I had more shares, and I could've...Would've, should've, could've, I'm fine with what I got, and I'm tapped out for sure this time. Well, I could clear enough to buy another 8k shares at these levels, but it would take 3 days to clear, and I don't wanna see it stay down here for any longer...LOL $2.15 would work too, though, that's actually the average of the only buyer I talked into going fairly large (for us, anyways) on PRED...

Jan 19, 2005
Wouldn't be the first time these crooks were sued

Remember , the form 10 was already approved and posted with the SEC

SUMMARY OF THE ACTION 1. This is an action by Yangtze, a public company, for defamation, defamation per se, tortious interference with prospective business relationships, tortious interference with contract, civil conspiracy and common law fraud, against an individual and related entities and "research firm" d/b/as through which they published, promoted and distributed an erroneous "research report" concerning Yangtze after acquiring one or more "short" positions in Yangtze's stock, and for coordinating, with other short sellers and co-conspirators to manipulate and depress the market in Yangtze's common stock. Defendants published the fictitious report, then FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/23/2019 04:49 PM INDEX NO. 150721/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/23/2019 2 of 30 through one or more websites and social media accounts, re-published and directed online "traffic" to the purported report that is replete with false, mi&ading and defamatory statements and "research" bullets that are presented in a context and as a whole so as to suggest to the investing public that Yangtze's SEC filings are materially false and misleading

Everybody Got Dey Cups But Dey Ain't Chipped In...
Dec 9, 2004
Tripled my position at under $2. In for the long haul.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
I put in an after hours $2.10 limit order since I was hammered at work and will be in the hospital tomorrow for my wife’s surgery.
Please reassure me these dudes don’t have a legit shitty product (s) and I’m not a true degenerate that really wants to lose it all.

Gotta be sobering to see your mkt cap go from a billy to half that in an instant. At least it better be.

Jan 16, 2010
Tripled my position at under $2. In for the long haul.

Hell yea. Let’s ride...

Highly considering increasing mine by 50% around $2. Probably would for sure if the funds were readily available...

Good luck to us...

Jul 14, 2007
Is there any fundamental analysis of this moonshot to read about rather than press releases or pump newsletters?

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