Gotta hand it to the shorts. They dont die easy . So I posted the few websites that wrote up PRED , with one day promotions.
This newsletter is a paid advertisement We have been compensated fifteen thousand dollars by ACN LLC for a 1-day investor relations advertising marketing campaign w/ 1000 TradingView™ views for PREDnt, not a recommendation nor an offer to buy or sell securities. This newsletter is owned, operated and edited by both MJ Capital, LLC and PennyStockLocks, LLC
The write ups are beautiful they did a nice job. The question is , who paid for them? IT CERTAINLY WASN'T THE COMPANY . Why pay for any promotion when your days away from getting listed on NASDQ ?
Well, either a large shareholder paid for it to sell some stock , except there wasn't any blow off volume to show the selling, OR......
The shorts paid for it to LOOK like PRED was running a pump and dump. They then naturally trigger and inquiry from NASDQ to delay our listing . I believe the second scenario is much more likely.
Also with a holiday coming , and end of the month net cap requirements to meet, the timing is too perfect
This is a gift, if you thought you missed PRED, take advantage of this
3.85 WORST case IMO