

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Guys, nothing personal (especially towards you Judge).

but this thread is officially hijacked and getting out of hand. I am going to split the threads and moved the Raiders/Patrick McIrish portion to the Rubber Room. Interested parties may resume the Raiders/McIrish portion there.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Patrick has always been a very good poster and actually one of the best. I do not approve his off forum shit as a gun wielding crazed nut that is not afraid to pop someone. I remember when I had a business with Fishhead in Tampa I met Patty and showed me shit he had in his car. He is a fukkin nut job.

Jan 20, 2002
Pat if you do your research, I think you will find that anything that I have ever said about either of those books on any forum would be negative.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Patrick has always been a very good poster and actually one of the best. I do not approve his off forum shit as a gun wielding crazed nut that is not afraid to pop someone. I remember when I had a business with Fishhead in Tampa I met Patty and showed me shit he had in his car. He is a fukkin nut job.
alot of us are

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I never had a thing to do with Royal either and I paid BoS guys out of my pocket.

Now you are a liar as well. When you ran TFZ (before you stuck it up Peeps ass), Royal paid you a monthly fee to advertise for them. I know because we all were laughing our asses off at you. You were so happy about such a small amount I didn't even know what to tell you. I won't say the exact amount because I don't rememeber, but all the veterans were rolling in the aisles at how cheaply you were bought. You told me yourself about it, I suggested just giving the money to BigBoyDan who was a volunteer mod at the time. Please son, we both know it's true, I won't ever forget that. I even asked you at the time, for that dollar amount you are going to lead lambs to the slaughter? Same thing you did with several books, Player something or another, BOS and many others.

BTW I wish I was a mod again here. Raiders used to BEG for us to allow him to post, LOL. He and Kodiak couldn't get along but Raiders would literally BEG me for hours upon hours to please let him post again. And whine, man would he whine if Kodiak said something to him. He liked to dish it out but couldn't take it all that well. That was one of the fun things about working here, you met all the stooges. And yes Raiders is King #1 stooge of the net, I almost miss him kissing my ass every morning.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Patrick has always been a very good poster and actually one of the best. I do not approve his off forum shit as a gun wielding crazed nut that is not afraid to pop someone. I remember when I had a business with Fishhead in Tampa I met Patty and showed me shit he had in his car. He is a fukkin nut job.

Thanks JJ, hearing from a legend like you makes my day, LOL. I am older and more calm these days, no more of that sort of stuff. I do admit though it gets old hearing from guys like Raiders/Judge and other bottomfeeders on this topic. It was a punk move coming out here and posting on a public forum in the first place, he knew I was on felony probation, it was done to do nothing but snitch. It was not done to get his money, that was never the objective. Someone like Judge knows that as well. Absolutely no reason EVER for an agent to do that, because it's a pal though he is going to pretend he sees nothing wrong with it. It could have meant something as serious as RICO, it did cost me an arm and a leg in my divorce, and I am all but positive he is the one who dropped a dime on me to the IRS. I can't prove that, hope I never can.

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
McStiff- You asked me to be part of the board room when you became head mod. I said no, it's not my style. I can't suck up.

It's not worth my time to respond to your lies. Have a good night.

AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
never got the impression that judge was a bottom feeder...seems a lil harsh

AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
I definitely feel that. Always seems very respectful and like his sense of humor.

Maybe I can be a mediator and settle this dispute.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Thanks JJ, hearing from a legend like you makes my day, LOL. I am older and more calm these days, no more of that sort of stuff. I do admit though it gets old hearing from guys like Raiders/Judge and other bottomfeeders on this topic. It was a punk move coming out here and posting on a public forum in the first place, he knew I was on felony probation, it was done to do nothing but snitch. It was not done to get his money, that was never the objective. Someone like Judge knows that as well. Absolutely no reason EVER for an agent to do that, because it's a pal though he is going to pretend he sees nothing wrong with it. It could have meant something as serious as RICO, it did cost me an arm and a leg in my divorce, and I am all but positive he is the one who dropped a dime on me to the IRS. I can't prove that, hope I never can.
pat i have no dog in this fight but i have known said agent for 30 years he didnt drop dime on you

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I don't have a problem with Judge except when Raiders starts up with his shit again. Every time he does than Judge seems to want to get his nose stuck in this as well. I know Dave is a friend of his but this has nothing to do with him. The appropriate comment is "it has nothing to do with me, I will stay out of it". Maybe it's just the way I was raised, keep the chin down and stay out of things that don't concern me.

Reality is that was a punk move from the start that he is defending. My Pop was a book over 25 years, when he died the man that took over is someone everyone knows and either does business with or has at some point. I got an envelope for years after what was agreed upon, his insistence, that's the way he operates. My point is I know the business, I know Judge does too, don't tell me an agent coming to the RX to post about that debt was the right thing to do.

They knew of my legal problems at the time but even without that what sort of agent would post about a debt on a forum? I might knock on someone's door, but I am not going to post publically about Joe Shmoe owing me 50 dimes? Can you guys in the business really tell me with a straight face you don't think that's a punk thing to do? It created a lot of problems for me that didn't need to be started, of course I am bitter about it.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
pat i have no dog in this fight but i have known said agent for 30 years he didnt drop dime on you

I hope that's not the case, I really do. I can't tell you how bad that sucked. I mean after coming to the forums with it when he knew I was busted for operating a gambling house already and stilll on felony probation, who knows what else he would do? I guess I am still pissed about the IRS intervention and all the other crap I went through at the time. Besides the book/agent end of it, I ended up with restraining orders from the kid and his family that did all this too, I took it from all sides. Got a costly divorce and IRS audit to boot, great time for me personally. That's why these hecklers seem to think it's funny when they start on this. Anyway I am done, this is getting nowhere. Here's my email though in case someone wants to quit showboating and wants to contact me about any money I owe:

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
Judge- You keep this stuff up and I'm putting you on poster review. :nono5:

Sep 21, 2004
interesting thoughts. winning in ncaaf and the nfl. i dont have a clue who you are, and obviously you know nothing about me. fair enough.

does that mean you are losing in every other sport?

you make about 100 posts a day....that means no life, no girl/wife

and you post pics of yourself across the street and think you are some tough bad asss.


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
My comment to you Judge was uncalled for and out of line. We've been around here a long time together, reading it again I can see you were only trying to help. I apologize for what I said.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
does that mean you are losing in every other sport?

you make about 100 posts a day....that means no life, no girl/wife

and you post pics of yourself across the street and think you are some tough bad asss.


ah, how nice. i mentioned winning in the two sports that are taking place right now, and you ask about other sports. you're sharp as an egg. im not losing in any sports, kid, you?

my life is wonderful. i know who i am, you do not. it seems that you are very interested in me though, how many pics of me do you have saved?


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Guys, nothing personal (especially towards you Judge).

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Head Moderator


Yeah me too Wil, nothing personal against you either, especially the mods. You're just doing a horrible job right now.
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head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
My comment to you Judge was uncalled for and out of line.

as disconcerting as some of the things said in this thread i managed to find one positive!

guys work this shit out and move on, i would suggest a face to face or phone call at minimum. i think many say things in anger that are later regretable and not as simply undone or forgiven.

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