


New member
Aug 5, 2007
Raiders, how does one stiff books 50k? I assume this is credit? Don't they cut you off at say 20k? Are there no repercussions?

Boy, I love hearing how all these posters stiff everyone - unfuckingbelievable - I'm pretty certain I'm in the very small minority here that does not owe anyone anything and never has.

do what???? there are offshores that give credit???

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
I listed McIrish as a top poster. You can also say that Fish is a good POSTER.

BTW- I had nothing at all to do with APEX. I didn't even play at the book. Robbie stiffed the players.

McIrish- On these forums you admitted that your nephew stiffed books for $50k. You said that your nephew used your computer and password to make the bets.

You still are one of the top posters and know your gambling and are funny but did you or your nephew pay the $50k?

Dec 14, 2004
what books?

If you don't know there is a reason for it. You can't just e-mail a book going hey can I have some credit. You'll need to know a 3rd party to get you in. Finding this 3rd party on a forum is also one of the worst decisions you can make.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
For starters I have no nephews, the one's I had were through marriage, I am no longer married. The kid that made those bets owned up to it and all the 7 or so agents he owed were given his name, address, phone number, his work number and so on. Everything I had! On top of that, although I was on probation at the time for a gambling charge, I got involved to the point that while I was not going to play go-between and write down each time he sent someone a $100 dollar bill, all of them could call me if he stopped paying or they had problems. I don't know how much more fair I could be, I wanted to kick his ass like never before. As we know all of them talked to the kid and his father, confirmed the story, and all got paid if that was their goal. In fact I am pretty sure he is still paying 1 or 2 of them but nobody got stiffed unless they wanted to.

I'm not going to say much about Shrink, far as I know he's kept my name out of his mouth so I am not going to allow a nobody like you to start the fireworks again. That said this had more than meets the eye, there was a lot of politics involved. It's real simple though, like everything else in the forums it was grossly overblown and had nothing to do with anyone here. The first reports were some masked men broke into Pat's house and ran up his credit accounts!! Everything was done to make it sound as bad as possible. Then it was the mysterious nephew hijacked his accounts and blew town!! Of course the truth eventually came out and it turned out to be the same as it is today --> Pat knows who did it and the guy has owned up to it. Not only that, he is going to pay back every dollar he stole. I wanted to have the kid arrested but the agents involved talked me out of that, naturally they wanted their money instead of revenge like I was seeking. In the end, all the guys called the kid and set up arrangements, a few that were local even met up with him and his dad. I have heard no complaints since then from anyone involved, only forum people like Raiders who are caught up in the whole nephew smack like to keep this going, LOL.

In the end, I admitted once at Fezziks that I would have done some things differently if I could do it again. I would never stiff a soul out of a dollar but I'm not perfect. The kid told his dad afterwards he had placed bets on my accounts more than once before this happened. This time he placed a few bets that lost, tried to push until he got even and ended up never getting even. The end total was well over 200k he owed. I have to take some blame for not protecting my stuff better. Secondly if I knew what I did now I would have just borrowed the money I didn't have in the safe and paid everyone back all at once. Even my partner told me later in his opinion I should have put my emotions aside and done that, I have to respect that. The problem was they pissed me off, I was in no mood to help anyone. I was going to do the least I could do but still give everyone a chance to get their money back. Why? I was both going through a divorce at the time (contested) and was still serving probation for running a gambling house. To see an alleged gambling debt plastered on the forums here publically which was TWO DAYS before it was even due really pissed me off. I mean to even bet here is illegal, to be on probation and have all this hit the forums really took me by suprise.

I believe Ken if he claims he didn't get paid, I have ZERO contact with that kid or his family these days, however no one is going to tell me he didn't have the chance to do so. I have been stiffed a million times, it sucks to be slowpayed but it's better than nothing. Outside of Ken (and 1 other agent that was owed a VERY small amount of money), I know the others got paid because I still do business with all of them. In the forums there are some who believe I stiffed someone, in the real world nothing has changed. I got more credit now than I have ever had, more than I could ever use. I just protect it a little better now. Truth is I don't blame posters for saying it, if it was someone else I might bust their balls too, LOL. In fact I would be skeptical if it wasn't me, a lot of these stories of gamblers having troubles are true. Bottom line the same posters who knew and respected me before this happened, still do. The one's that didn't like me before this happened, still don't. It just makes it a little easier for the Pat-haters to find ammo these days.

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
Irish- I've talked with you on the phone a couple of times. We use to have a lot of fun in the RR and you were a great poster. I was on your side and set up a live chat for you at OGD. You never showed.

Then there was a live chat at MW. Major, Shrink and DM were all there but you never showed. In fact I think I was the only one on your side during the chat.

Finally you came out and admitted that your nephew owed $50k. Now you say that DM doesn't want the money.

I don't care anymore, spin the tail however you want. You still are a great read.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Thanks Dante, very nice words indeed from someone that has almost 100% respect from the forum world. Tough trick to pull off over the internet but everyone associates Dante with integrity. In fact those that meet him in person (like I was able to do) say the same thing as well, one classy dude.

Okay, back to fooball for me, it's 11AM on NFL Sunday and I am wasting time responding to someone like Raiders. Sigh.

thank you pat.... that made my day

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Raiders, I remember something about a live chat but I was going to Foxwoods at the time. I told you that, you said you it was too late and you couldn't change it. Either way though what in the hell am I going to gain by posting in a live chat about something like this? What am I going to post to change someone's mind, and what difference does it make anyway? Like I said, the Pat-haters are still the same people they always were, and yes that includes you. I feel honored to be in that group, your name is shit and everyone knows it. Point is it should have never been brought to the forums, I gain nothing by winning over cyberspace peeps who got nothing to do with any of it, my thought was to clearing it up with the actual parties involved. If you're in the business things like this are settled all the time, shit happens, it's not the end of the world. Most agents are aware of this and don't freak out, ratting me out to the forums is not regular procedure. In fact my lawyer at the time said I'd be a complete moron to have had taken part in any of that live chat stuff. Never admit to anything on a public forum that is against the law. Thankfully I finished all terms of my probation and none of this came back to bite me but it did come into play on my divorce. I can't tell you all the grief this caused. My ex always thought I had money hidden somewhere, I didn't but all this business didn't help matters. Also on a related note, the IRS sent a team of all-stars to audit me shortly after. Pretty weird huh?

As for Dave I won't say what his motive was, I'll just speak to his actions. Once he went public with this he never made an effort to get the money. That is obvious Raiders, if you knew anything about this business you could see that. Maybe those two splitting the debt off a 50 cent sheet was worth more to them than getting paid over the next few years? I'm not going to speculate, just providing facts as to what did happen. You do know I had just quit the RX at the time, a little dirt is good in this business, maybe they never wanted to collect it? I know more than once I was told my internet credibility would be ruined, LOL, don't ask me what that is, guess it's the same thing you are going after now. What I can tell you from being in both the booking and the collection business, you do not EVER post publically about anyone's figures, even as a last resort. It's just not done. It's illegal for starters. Not to mention before the debt was ever due? Do you really think this was a good faith method to collect on the debt or there might be an ulterior motive assigned? I'm just asking rhetorically, I don't care about your opinion Raiders. You only rat people out on forums if you have extinguished all other ways to collect over time, are you trying to piss someone off and burn bridges. You don't do it as a tool to use in help to get your money, that's the last thing you would do. In fact he NEVER called me again after going to the forums. He's admitted it. Not once! Does that sound like someone that wanted their money? I owe someone 50k and they never call about it? The next time I talked to him on the phone was over a year later when the General and I called him.

To close, I don't have to spin any of this Raiders, while I know I'm not a stiff the truth is it doesn't matter. If someone in the forum thinks that than don't lend me any money, LOL. Only an idiot couldn't see what went on by now. In fact over at Peeps place I offered to put up 25k to go in front of an impartial panel and let them rule on what went on. As I said, I don't think I played it perfectly, I made errors myself, but I never left anyone holding the bag. Never would. Anyone wanted their money they would have had it. In fact my name in real life is better than it ever was. My real life partner is one of the most respected in the business, everyone who's anyone knows who he is. He was one of the first to move off-shore and was/is good friends with "the cigar" and other staples of this industry from yesteryear you wouldn't know anything about. In the end I am more than comfortable with my actions Raiders, you can bring it up as often as you like, that's what bigmouths from the internet do. Pretty funny I am discussing my credit arrangements with a guy that couldn't get comped a meal in Vegas with a DL and two credit cards, LOL.

Jan 20, 2002
Pat, I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there is still an outstanding debt and the person would like to get paid. I'm sure the matter could be worked out.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Pat, I could be wrong, but my understanding is that there is still an outstanding debt and the person would like to get paid. I'm sure the matter could be worked out.

Look who Raiders dragged in to get involved, I was wondering who would be first. Let me ask you this Judge, HOW IN THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW IF THERE WAS A DEBT FROM THIS STILL OUT THERE OR NOT!!? If there is that's the fault of the guy owed money, he's had every shot in the world to collect, even after being a rat. Let me say it one more time - I HAVE NEVER HEARD FROM THE GUY AGAIN!!! Do you understand that? Dave ran to post it here on the forums, that started all the bullshit from guys just like yourself, and I NEVER HEARD FROM THE GUY AGAIN! EVER! In fact when we bought a new house I kept the old phone number because I did not want him to eventually call and then say I ran from any of this. Do you get that Judge? Maybe I should hire a private investigator to go find him, then go track down the kid who made the bets, get them together and then BEG Dave to ask him for his money. I put all of them in contact with the guy who made the bets, he agreed to pay them all back and has done that in all cases. ALL OF THEM! Or is very close. This is the very reason they decided not to bother getting the money, so they could have scumbags like Raiders attack me in the forum over it. This was years ago and I told all of them that they would have no problems collecting, it might not be as fast as they wanted, but the kid (and his father) were going to make good. I did all that so some fuck can refuse to ask for his money and then use bottomfeeders like this to call me a stiff over it? Go FUCK YOURSELF JUDGE! You have family in Orlando, why don't you come collect the money for him if you think I owe somebody something? How's that for a solution since you are always so concerned.

Jan 20, 2002
I was offering to help you set things right. But it's okay. But to pretend something doesn't exist, don't make it so. Best of luck to you.

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
You have family in Orlando, why don't you come collect the money for him if you think I owe somebody something? How's that for a solution since you are always so concerned.

I live in Orlando, I can be their in five fucking minutes. 25k right? You're safe with me.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Raiders, you are the biggest stiff on these forums, I can't wait to talk to you face to face. Why don't you explain to everyone where you were doing your leave of absence, LOL. You and AK are the lowest slimes on the internet, you have whored yourself out for peanuts time and time again. In fact I didn't even think you were allowed to post at any legit sites, I know for a long time SBR, the RX and EOG (I believe) had you banned. You didn't only shill for books like BOS for example and led people to the slaughter, you were damned aggressive about it. When myself or anyone warned folks of their past history you wentand attacked anyone who bothered to set the record straight. Why? You were getting paid a few bucks to run a contest for them at your site, LOL. You did the same at Peeps place with BetRoyal, I mean for peanuts, less than $150 a month he shilled 24/7 for those guys. You're a little whore that has a big mouth Raiders, you think it's funny starting up something like this again that caused me a lot of personal grief. I don't care about the forums, I am talking real life misery. You'd think the people who actually claim to be owed would be the one's asking wouldn't you? Instead we get the Frog, Raiders and any other useless scumbag they can talk into dwelving into my personal life to take up the cause.

Only on the internet can Raiders look the other way as a huge company like BOS who had a history of stiffing others were giving him money. Tej from Royal and his reputation also speak for themselves. During all that Raiders (and Judge) never did a thing about it. In Raiders case he looked the other way and bilked everyone he could for a few pennies, now pretends to be outraged from a personal thing from years agao that has nothing to do with him or the forums in the first place. If you want to really go after stiffs Raiders I would suggest you have had plenty of opportunity to do so, you are doing nothing but stirring the shit. I could probably send you $25 a month and make you my new best friend but just the thought of you makes me physically sick. I can't wait to meet you and the rest of you internet tough guys who like to drag my personal life out here in the forums.

Rx. Senior
Aug 21, 2002
I never had a thing to do with Royal either and I paid BoS guys out of my pocket.

McStiff- I don't care what you do but don't say you paid off your debts. You never paid a dime.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Not sure what I have to do with Royal or BOS, Pat. Lol.

When has that ever stopped you from getting in the middle of something Judge? You are involved in that about as much as you two are in any of this I got going on. I just think it's ironic how all these self proclaimed posters who look out for "stiffs" have no problems with huge books taking millions in post up dollars. I guess I got to pay Raiders a $10 Bonus Play every month so I can one day get some peace of mind around here again huh? I hear from everyone but the guy that was actually involved, LOL.

Yeah Judge, heroic of you and Raiders to make a stand here. Look the other way and in Raiders case profit directly from huge books that have stiffed people for years, but raise holy hell with me because of a pesonal debt you know nothing about. You don't see the irony in that? No need to respond, just pointing it out for the more objective readers.

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