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New member
Jul 20, 2002

I dont recall calling him any names Wil.

what do you call:

"I want to bet serious money dope".
"Ill bet you any amount idiot".

If you want to be taken seriously stop argueing with everyone who doesn't have the same point of veiw as you. You feel one way about some books while others feel another. You seem to think you should be immune from other posters thinking differently than yourself.

Statements like:

If you dont like my pos:finger23: ts then stop reading them genious!!

Why can't posters express how they feel in your threads? This is a discussion forum.


Jul 1, 2005
Please stop editing and deleting my posts Wil. Only half of my posts make it. That is very suspicious. They shouldnt click on my thread and then tell me to stop posting. Dont read them if you dont like them.

Fuck you and idiot and dope are in a different leaugue no Wil?

Im only sharing my experience I had with Nine and people are questioning who knows what. They can say what they want but dont act like they dont initiate the attacks. Im not gonna just sit here nad not respond to Frogs aggresiveness. Stop deleting half of my posts please Wil.

Jul 1, 2005
Wil, you are a mod right? Stop being so bias and I wont think youre paying paeple to post. I have a right to share my experiences and warn posters about Royal and Betus. I dont come here for ffriends. Peopls like Frog obviously dont have firends or they wouldnt be here. Im only here to keep my promise to Royal and Betus. Along the way I shared my Nine experience. Its 100% accurate and will bet anyone anything. Be fair Wil. Its time to take me off of review. Im only posting. Not killing anyone. Cmon rx!! Isnt it a little silly and hypocritical to put posters on review because we say things you dont agree with Wil? Sorry about Nine but its the truth. Why would I bother?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Please stop editing and deleting my posts Wil. Only half of my posts make it.

That is incorrect - I count 18 posts by you so far and none of them have edits. What posts have been deleted?

If you dislike the forum so much why do you even bother visiting here?


Jul 1, 2005
I visit here because I know people will read my warnings about Royal and Betus. Thats the only reason Im here. Yesterday I posted about Nines 3 point two team teaser. It never made it and you know you delete many of my threads. I cant be sure its you or another mod. Why am I on review if you werent choosing which posts to pass through? Isnt that why you delay them? Busted. Wil, you cant eexpect me to not respond to Frogs and the ass kissers attacks. I would NEVER attack unless provoked. I am here for one reason and only post on other things because people keep exaggerating saying I never post about anything except Royal. This is a lie. Something thats rampant around here.:103631605 Im apositive guy but have to defend myself against the poisonous ones(FROG). Whens the next bash? Ive got to meet Frog. Wheres that post Wil?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Thats the only reason Im here. Yesterday I posted about Nines 3 point two team teaser.

No idea what you are talking about, sounds like more book bashing by you though.

It never made it and you know you delete many of my threads. I cant be sure its you or another mod. Why am I on review if you werent choosing which posts to pass through? Isnt that why you delay them? Busted. Wil

Your on post review because of your caustic posting nature. If I do delete a post it is because you are attacking another poster or a moderator here at the Rx. The delay is natrual for post review. Do you think all I have to do all day is baby sit you?

I am here for one reason and only post on other things because people keep exaggerating saying I never post about anything except Royal.

Right now you have added to your hit list. You constantly point the finger at books or other people when the truth is you were warned was not the type of book for you. Did you heed that warning, of course not. So now we have to hear about your terrible experience at Nine. did they steal your money - no - did they slow pay you - no. You simply don't like the way they do business. I have news for you it is their book and they can run as they see fit. The fact that is recreational aand focused on small players is common knowledge. How about maybe I should have listened to begin with and I wouldn't have these problems or was the bonus to much for you to pass up.

I have talked to Royal about some of the sick shit you have pulled with them. Things like calling and impersanating someone else while trying to make deposits to tie up CSD clerks. You really need to get a life.

This is a lie. Something thats rampant around here.:103631605

Another baseless acussation. Coming from you that is rich. You start posting unconfirmed and totally baseless internet rumors and we are lieling. Get serious.

Im apositive guy but have to defend myself against the poisonous ones(FROG). Whens the next bash? Ive got to meet Frog. Wheres that post Wil?<!-- / message -->

I'm sure a lot of people would like to meet Frog including myself. I doubt the same can be said for you.

Have a great weekend, I am thru with this juvinile crap.


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