The sickos in this forum admire Putin and post Pictures of him, while wishing our POTUS could be more like him. This is the type of move the scum down here admire. Sickening.
Ukrainian woman who witnessed Nemtsov murder held in Russia
Good thing Putin is so scared.
It pisses Republicans off so much how strong Obama's foreign policy record has been. Don't fuck with the Big O! Just ask Putin and Osama what happens.
It pisses Republicans off so much how strong Obama's foreign policy record has been. Don't fuck with the Big O! Just ask Putin and Osama what happens.
I gotta admit, you comments are very funny. As for Mr. Divisive at work.
No leadership skills whatsoever, just fundraisers, golf games, vacations, and obscure causes.
He has plenty of free time with the US secure and the world under his control. Frikkin ISIS is gonna piss him off and that will be the end of them. Don't fuck with the Big O. He solves problems while protecting Americans. Can't ask for much more than that.