Cool as ice: the Russian PM and presidential candidate gets off a bob after riding as a second pilot during a visit to the sports centre in Paramonovo, outside Moscow
Pooting goes rock climbing and doesn't fall on his head. Submerges in a tube underwater and doesn't lose his air supply and drown. Flies a plane and doesn't crash.
I mean, how much more proof do we need that there's no God?
Pooting goes rock climbing and doesn't fall on his head. Submerges in a tube underwater and doesn't lose his air supply and drown. Flies a plane and doesn't crash.
I mean, how much more proof do we need that there's no God?
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]On Wednesday, Britain scrambled jets off its southwestern coast after Russian bombers entered its airspace — an incursion that has become increasingly common.[/FONT] [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"I'm worried about Putin," British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon told the Times and Daily Telegraph newspapers, saying there was "a very real and present danger" Russia would adopt the same tactics it used to unsettle eastern Ukraine and Crimea in other parts of the continent.[/FONT] [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"NATO has to be ready for any kind of aggression from Russia whatever form it takes," Fallon added. "NATO is getting ready."[/FONT] [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]On Thursday, NBC News reported on how American "tankbuster" aircraft have been sent back to Germany after a two-year absence.[/FONT] [FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]