Here's what we got/lookin at so far: Under Cubbies/Braves (mine), Under Detroit/TX, O's, Zona, KC and the Sunshine Band, Yanksters, Under ChiSox/Sea (mine but only in contemplation mode, waiting for Sunny to wake from Zanny slumber to weigh in), Oakland. Uncle Sam called, still got two to go, Uncle Microsoft one of them, hmmm, but let me ask you folks something. Say, ya decide ya don't want to drive that car you've owned for the past 10-15 years, time to let it/him/her go. What the hell, ya pour concrete down the gas fill and render the old babe/man/bitch/monster/love, etc useless. Do ya think ya should have to pay the state car tax on said rendered infertile vehicle anymore??? Concrete a well and see what the Feds have to say about it. BossMan, ya know what I need right about now.