Predict the final outcome of Derek Chauvin


Sep 20, 2004
Chauvins story is probably going to be he knew him from working with him in the past. He knew he was dangerous from his past. He was acting erratic. He felt Floyd was a danger. He tryed to subdue him. He wasn't trying to kill him.

He is being overcharged, in a regular situation it would be pleaded to manslaughter. But because of the politics it will be a more serious offense.
Dec 3, 2017
Chauvins story is probably going to be he knew him from working with him in the past. He knew he was dangerous from his past. He was acting erratic. He felt Floyd was a danger. He tryed to subdue him. He wasn't trying to kill him.

He is being overcharged, in a regular situation it would be pleaded to manslaughter. But because of the politics it will be a more serious offense.

Did YOU see the entire film of more than 8 minutes? I don't believe politics is an issue HERE!

Sep 20, 2004
Did YOU see the entire film of more than 8 minutes? I don't believe politics is an issue HERE!

Not sure if I saw the whole video or just parts. Just saying it's hard to say he was trying to kill him in front of all those witnesses unless he was saying he was gonna kill him as he was doing it. He was obviously being excessive, but who in their right mind would try to kill him on video in front of a bunch of witnesses. Just like it's hard to say it was a "hate crime" unless he was calling him a ni**er the whole time.

I think this guy had like 18 reports of excessive force. He was also on the force for like 18 years, so one report a year. There were probably other times that didn't get reported. Maybe he did the knee to the neck this 10 other times and never had someone die on him making him think it was that dangerous to subdue him. On the racism thing, how many of those 18 other complaints were against blacks. Maybe it was half and half and he is an equal opportunity abuser. Lots of question we don't know the answers to.

I was just making a guess as the to final result and what Chauvins story was gonna be.

Sep 17, 2010
Did YOU see the entire film of more than 8 minutes? I don't believe politics is an issue HERE!

*Did YOU see the other video, when Floyd collapsed to the ground on his own when being walked to the car?
*And when he later clearly resisted arrest?
*Did you hear the 911 call, caller said there is a guy outside drunk and out of control...
Did YOU read the official certified legal autopsy, said there was NO asphyxiation nor any damage to the tissue that would cause aspyxiation (yes a TV star got paid to do a separate autopsy, I hear he did not examine the body, just video, but not sure of that..)

(*nope, MSM does not show that...but showed the knee on back of neck 1,000,000 times)
Dec 3, 2017
*Did YOU see the other video, when Floyd collapsed to the ground on his own when being walked to the car?
*And when he later clearly resisted arrest?
*Did you hear the 911 call, caller said there is a guy outside drunk and out of control...
Did YOU read the official certified legal autopsy, said there was NO asphyxiation nor any damage to the tissue that would cause aspyxiation (yes a TV star got paid to do a separate autopsy, I hear he did not examine the body, just video, but not sure of that..)

(*nope, MSM does not show that...but showed the knee on back of neck 1,000,000 times)

You just made the argument that 8 + minutes of force on his neck with another officer holding his knee is way BEYOND troubling. Politics is absurd as is your foolishness.

Sep 17, 2010
You just made the argument that 8 + minutes of force on his neck with another officer holding his knee is way BEYOND troubling. Politics is absurd as is your foolishness.

Lots of experts say a knee on the back of the neck like that does NOT asphyxiate a person, if it is the front, yes, it happens quickly. The official certified autopsy said it was NOT asphyxiation.

I bet when Dorian Johnson* said Michael Brown was shot in the back, with his hands up, you believed that, too. The lying MSM used Dorian's story for months, put him on the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen at CNN & MSNBC, what a joke.

(*convicted felon, did not show up for a second felon charge court date, had an ankle bracelet on... oh, he was at the scene with Brown, next to the officer's police car. Credible witness? These things are sometimes Democrat propaganda structured for the national audience, then the facts trickle in...)

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Sounds to me 3rd degree murder ,aka Manslaughter , is where this must fall.

If he gets less, then more riots will result !
Dec 3, 2017
Both of these guys are "scumbags". One had a badge and got away with more than numerous complaints.. The black guy was no good either, but he was "murdered"!

L5Y, USC is 4-0 vs SEC, outscoring them 167-48!!!
Sep 20, 2004
- 1. Floyd begged for his life and repeatedly said he can't breath
- 2. The follow officers suggested Floyd be turned on his side
- 3. Multiple witnesses all crying for help and to tell the officer to stop
- 4. Floyd was unconscious for minutes with no response while still strangled
- 5. Chauvin stayed in the same position with his hands in his pockets for over 5 minutes. Never really checking or talking to Floyd

I think there's enough there to prove an intent to murder

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Sure, Floyd is African, but it is not necessarily a racially motivated crime, that is the pro Democrat get the African voters riled up media narrative.

Floyd is an American, born in Texas

Citizens of the continent of Africa are not permitted to vote in U.S. elections

New member
Nov 21, 2013
*Did YOU see the other video, when Floyd collapsed to the ground on his own when being walked to the car?
*And when he later clearly resisted arrest?
*Did you hear the 911 call, caller said there is a guy outside drunk and out of control...
Did YOU read the official certified legal autopsy, said there was NO asphyxiation nor any damage to the tissue that would cause aspyxiation (yes a TV star got paid to do a separate autopsy, I hear he did not examine the body, just video, but not sure of that..)

(*nope, MSM does not show that...but showed the knee on back of neck 1,000,000 times)

Our Overlords at Soros Inc are a devious bunch

Oct 10, 2010
Not Guilty, will be elected as Sheriff for some County and awarded Officer of the Year.

New member
Aug 19, 2006
All depends on the cultuire of the times in almost two years from now before it goes to trial. Probably will be moved out of venue also. And the police unions pocketbooks are unlimited in getting the best criminal lawyers in the nation. I feel he should do some jail time but I don't see him serving a second in prison down the line.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
- 1. Floyd begged for his life and repeatedly said he can't breath
- 2. The follow officers suggested Floyd be turned on his side
- 3. Multiple witnesses all crying for help and to tell the officer to stop
- 4. Floyd was unconscious for minutes with no response while still strangled
- 5. Chauvin stayed in the same position with his hands in his pockets for over 5 minutes. Never really checking or talking to Floyd

I think there's enough there to prove an intent to murder

BREAKING: George Floyd refused commands to show his hands & tried to "grab for things" when MPD cops first approached him & then violently resisted arrest for "10 minutes" before they pinned him on ground; officers feared he was high on "PCP," new transcripts of body cams reveal

Sep 21, 2001
All depends on the cultuire of the times in almost two years from now before it goes to trial. Probably will be moved out of venue also. And the police unions pocketbooks are unlimited in getting the best criminal lawyers in the nation. I feel he should do some jail time but I don't see him serving a second in prison down the line.

I believe the trial is in the spring - his highest charge is 2nd degree murder which must be something akin to reckless murder (intent is not an element) - he will be convicted - no ifs and or buts - this guy is doing 20 years in a state pen

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