Thoughts of the day.
I was wondering how some of you feel about yourselves as gamblers. I think I'm going to write a book about gambling someday. Not the stats and systems and that kind of stuff, but the human side -- the personal experience of the gambler.
I don't like the idea of gambling being a 'problem' or a 'disease.' OK, when you're losing money consistently, then it's definitely a problem. If you see you can't win at it consistently, then give it up, don't ruin your life trying to be what you're not.
And I have little sympathy for these guys who gamble away the mortgage or junior's college funds. When it reaches that point, it's definitely a disease, and you need help. Avoid denial at all costs.
When it comes to guys who enjoy the sports and gamble for the fun of the action and hoping to pick up a few dollars on the side, well, I feel absolutely fine about that. Gambling in itself is a sport. In some places, England and Australia for example, you just go place your bets and no one things anything of it. In America there's a certain morality associated with gambling, and I don't buy it.
I like to think of gambling as a profitable hobby and vocation. For some, it's an honorable profession. Years ago I was giving a weekend workshop in Miami on elevated lifestyles, and one guy stood up to ask a question. I asked him what he did for a living, and he replied that he was a professional gambler.
Suddenly the room was energized with attention and respect. Everyone was immediately interested in him. Over the weekend, he was one of the more popular people in the workshop, and people kept moving to talk with him during breaks. It was right before the Super Bowl, so we asked him who to take in the Super Bowl, and he said, 'Take the under.' This wasn't very interesting to some people, some thought he was saying to take the underdog, but I placed a nice wager on the under. Turned out to be one of the most boring, and low-scoring, Super Bowls I've ever seen.
So, an honorable profession.
Hell, with the fun of being so absorbed in the games, gambling can be enjoyable just to break even. To gamble and not lose is a wonderful thing. To gamble and make money is bliss.
I certainly would never advise or encourage anyone to gamble. We all know that most people lose in the long run. But since we're actually here doing it, then lets do what we're doing with respect and honor. And lets bring home some money to the lady of the house now and then
Anyway, avoid losing money. If it happens too often, or if we can't properly budget and lose inappropriate sums, then drop it before it ruins your life.
If we can enjoy it and make money on the side, then it's one of the most enjoyable hobbies there is. I enjoy sharing it, and all our thoughts on this or any other subject, with you guys on this site.
Take care for now.