I went 0-11 yesterday. Really it was 0-12 because I forgot to post Tennessee. Didn't forget to bet them though.
I don't know whether to either challenge you guys to even attempt to go 0-11, which you can't because it's mathematically impossible.... or to rescind the no bashing rule in this thread. Because really, for someone for calls himself a handicapper I either suck or have completely lost my edge, probably both. I am running like Wall Street. It's no longer turn on CNBC to see if it's down, it's how much has it dropped today? How I am still alive financially I do no know. Actually I do know. I'm opposite most bettors. My amounts drop when I'm losing. My nickels in July are dollar bets now. At least I did one thing right! But a few more weeks like this and they're gonna carry me out of here, so until they do, can't blame you - Fade Away.
Everybody that gambles consistently has gone on really bad runs. It will turn around. New day today
May the horrific, game changing interference calls be in your favor today. GL