So many worthy candidates to choose from. You got dave007 who is the very definition of useless. You have fest zit who preaches hate for anyone who isn't christain or heterosexual. You got russ1945 with his boring benghazi nonsense. You got Bi polar Mantis with his useless lectures on forum behavior.. You got gasman who amazes me that he can find his way home at night. But if I have to choose.
Mr worthless Acebb 10 points
Sheriif Joe/walter 6 points
Spamming superbeets 3 points
Yeah it's outta here. But foul by 50 feet. Half the threads here that provoke any discussion are started by SB.
Some of the threads are interesting even if they have no responses. If the topic of others don't interest me I don't open them. You are way offbase here. The guy is a contributor and his threads are active. Just because he now mixes it up and disagrees with you on most issues doesn't make you correct about his worth. Take SB out of the forum the place suffers. I could make a list of worthless posters here and he's not on it. But I don't need to provoke people by doing so.
I just disagree. The majority of his stuff is just spam that bashes dems and has some conservative angle. Just because they come along with pictures, big words and long paragraphs.....I don't think makes them thought provoking.
"Melting down" posting poker fraud vtard's own dumbass quotes. Priceless.
"I have a masters" ointer:
"Can we talk gun control or must we still wait on that??" ointer:
Deep thoughts I tell ya.