Faux outrage my ass.
Americans were pissed off because Obama refused to wear his flag pin.
Big difference.
She will never run for office again. She would be trounced. Regardless of political views most realize this.
Does every American Jew but Israel's interest before America's interest?
Please explain how not wearing a pin makes an anti-war statement.
How bout Obama explains it to you...some of you weren't paying attention during the campaign I guess.
Obama Dropped Flag Pin in War Statement
Obama Stops Wearing Flag Pin, Says He'll Show Patriotism Through Ideas
Oct. 4, 2007
Every American gentile should. It says in the Bible those who bless Isreal will be blessed and those who curse Israel has been cursed. Is it any coincedence that Katrina happen same time Condi Rice and Areil Sharon were bulldozing houses in Gaza?
Every American gentile should. It says in the Bible those who bless Isreal will be blessed and those who curse Israel has been cursed. Is it any coincedence that Katrina happen same time Condi Rice and Areil Sharon were bulldozing houses in Gaza?