Politics spam thread


New member
Sep 9, 2005
JinnRikki said:
Thanks for the interpretation(this is what I get for not living on this forum). No one wants anyone drowned out. I merely submitted that we are not all able to attend to this forum 24-7 and as your post illustrates we need to be on constant guard of misinterpretation of our own words let alone those that hold the torch for us in public office. My job that I work at is not on this fucking forum thank you, yours was.
I had taken a pass on this debate pretty much this time and true to my word had not voted. But since my own words can be manipulated by anyone, it seems, I will vote.
Also since this is a political forum and this dust up is in the main political a quid pro quo is in order. I say if Doc is banned his own personal harpy TheRightSide be band as well as he serves no useful purpose other than to harass Mercer.
If Doc is banned and I see one post by TheRightSide in here I'm gone as well.
And BTW some did quite well on my NFL picks last year though I am loath to bring it up.

Well here's your post jackass don't let the door hit ya on the way out.:103631605 :103631605

New member
Sep 9, 2005
I can only speak for myself, Doc is trying to get the US troops home safe and sound before they become tomorrow's casualties. The right resents this and their complicitness makes them feel guilty - or should. Doc's spamming and homophobic myopia pales in comparison with the overall greater goal of trying to save lives of men and women that should be looked out for by the President of the US. Obviously, Bush does not care about his word or he wouldn't be nation-building in a place where it will never come to a successful fruition. That is, unless you count our President and Vice-President and their pals getting rich on the body count of heroic soldiers and civilians that actually mean well.

In that vein, this little political forum is not very important in light of the greater good of standing for what is right and trying to stop perfidious behaviour in our own backyard.

You wonder why I call you out. The right doesn't fucking care this just shows the blind hate that you have for "righties". So it's ok to insult people that are gay with the thinking that people might start to believe the he spews. I knew you were a MORON now you are showing the whole forum. Hey ASSHOLE I have friends and family over in that shithole and my NEPHEW will be there in September. And yes he is my fucking blood before you say that's not the same. Well it's the fucking same to me. You are a fucking joke you act all high and mighty yet you are pond scum.


Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
:puppy: :puppy:
Lawrence said:
but I bet even W.understands Skybook's bonus rules

Typical Cheap Shot... but I Doubt it since he can hardly read.. maybe he could have Condi read it for him like he has all his advisers do anyway...

Rx .Junior
Feb 24, 2005
Dont be mad Lawrence.. Thats the difference between liberals & conservatives... U see i can admit when i make a mistake.. unlike you republican pukes who cant admit that you elected and voted FOR THE WRONG GUY!!! ID be EMBARRASED HAVING THAT GROUP OF IDIOTS as the POSTERBOYS FOR MY PARTY...haha Hows Good Ol Jeb down there anyways? I miss Peace & Prosperity - Bring Back Clinton!!

Dont Blame me... I voted for Kerry!!

Has anyone here ever listened to David Cross?

New member
Sep 9, 2005
eek. said:
It was termites that brought down the WTC, everyone knows that.

You motherfucken prick. Don't you make a joke of that. You fucking clueless wonder. WTF is wrong with you. You always rip on my country from over the pond. You are nothing but a hater. You are a godless heathen. I pity you. You are hopeless what are you going to say when the muslims start trying to take over your country. I hope you got some people over there with a set of balls. If they are all like you than you guys have no chance. You are a sick prick. Don't ever make light of what happened on 9/11 you fucking jerkoff.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Not everyday a homeless man will find something nit ben real money and think it's important enough to keep. Go fuck yourself you fucking loser.
I posted a good story and you try to turn it into something negative. Don't you have a chemical test to do on a piece of cement from the WTC or something.

Notice I ripped the the guy that only gave him $100. You are a fucking jerkoff.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Hey Crybaby Cussy, you spelled "weasel" wrong. If you're going to wage a personal witch hunt (something you lefties always do once the cupboard of carnards becomes empty) at least learn to fucking spell so you don't end up looking like a total far left lunkhead.

Oh, and Mommy says not to forget your 9:00pm curfew, ya big wussy.


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Joe Contrarian said:
Hey Crybaby Cussy, you spelled "weasel" wrong. If you're going to wage a personal witch hunt (something you lefties always do once the cupboard of carnards becomes empty) at least learn to fucking spell so you don't end up looking like a total far left lunkhead.

Oh, and Mommy says not to forget your 9:00pm curfew, ya big wussy.


That's "CANARD." :lolBIG:

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Joe Contrarian said:
That's "CANARD." :lolBIG:

:lolBIG:, sore Joesey? Coming from a low-life welching coward (lowest of the low, on a gambling site to boot), I'll have to laugh at your obvious sour grapes dribble (much as I do with your c/p and plagerized posts from your Queen whore idol).

Happy trails campaigning for legalized welching, polemic fool. :toast:

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
cussin'it said:
:lolBIG:, sore Joesey? Coming from a low-life welching coward (lowest of the low, on a gambling site to boot), I'll have to laugh at your obvious sour grapes dribble (much as I do with your c/p and plagerized posts from your Queen whore idol).

Happy trails campaigning for legalized welching, polemic fool. :toast:

Sour grapes? No sour grapes. Only the fact you can't settle your personal differences like a man. You have to get Mommy to fight your battles for you, Crybaby Cussy. What's a matter, Crybaby? Is the truth so unsettling you and your patsy junkie, Deadweight had to launch an unprovoked witch hunt?

No matter. Your party is going down in flames.


I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Joe Contrarian said:
Sour grapes? No sour grapes. Only the fact you can't settle your personal differences like a man. You have to get Mommy to fight your battles for you, Crybaby Cussy. What's a matter, Crybaby? Is the truth so unsettling you and your patsy junkie, Deadweight had to launch an unprovoked witch hunt?

No matter. Your party is going down in flames.


:lolBIG:, witch hunt? More like pond scum cleaning. Tartar removal. Or the birdshit scraped off the windshield.
Tell ya what welcher. Bring your non-US citizen scumbag welch/liar ass to the bash next year. :howdy:
Spew out that word you callously use all over the forum here, the "T" word, in person. Bring your little pink boxing gloves too.
Low-life welcher (on a gambling site too,,, the fucking nerve). No dignity, no honor. Just polemic spew and Neocon asslickin'. And a fucking foreigner to boot. :missingte


I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Redneckman said:
Where was your rage at Doc Mercer for welching bets all over the place. fu**ing left wing kook fringe hypocrite.

Manlicker, I was the one who demmanded he pay up or be suspended. I stood right up and expressed the outrage and called him out. I chose his humiliating avatar he owed to Pat and you I believe. What the fuck is wrong with your memory, dickhead? Ask base, Pat, X, and the rest. I was the one who tried to get him to abide and made numerous comments about his failure to honor a bet and have some integrity. Do we need to go back and show the posts?

How about next time you post, you know what the fuck you are talking about, (may require you pull your head outta JoeC's ass)


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
cussin'it said:
:lolBIG:, witch hunt? More like pond scum cleaning. Tartar removal. Or the birdshit scraped off the windshield.
Tell ya what welcher. Bring your non-US citizen scumbag welch/liar ass to the bash next year. :howdy:
Spew out that word you callously use all over the forum here, the "T" word, in person. Bring your little pink boxing gloves too.
Low-life welcher (on a gambling site too,,, the fucking nerve). No dignity, no honor. Just polemic spew and Neocon asslickin'. And a fucking foreigner to boot. :missingte


Who says I'm a non-US citizen? I've never made any statements regarding my nationality.

The "T" word? Oh, you mean TREASON? Yes, yes, I know, I know, the truth hurts. I'm surprised you haven't arm-twisted the left wing mods into censoring it, crybaby cussy. :puppy: :cryingcry

Hey, spending one week on the sidelines for the pleasure of royally pissing you off was worth it. I'd do it again. C'mon Crybaby, you didn't really believe you could get rid of me for a month, did ya? It's what you get for launching a personal unprovoked witch hunt. Unfortunately, it's all downhill for your sorry misinformed unpatriotic ass from this moment foward, as I'll be back before you can say the word 'TRAITOR.'

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Anytime, anywhere, I'll meet you halfway so you can say it to my face. Pissed off? LOL I'm laughing my ass off at you're lowlife welching ass. Can't even honor a bet on a gambling website. Any reason you are on this site that's remotely related to gambling? Certainly dishonoring bets could be one of em....

Think we've all discerned by now you ain't a US citizen. You're a crackpot wannabe, telling us how to run our show. Go campaign for the local Toronto dog mutilator. Or come on down here, St Louis maybe and you and I will put the gloves on.

Chickenshit welcher.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
cussin'it said:
Anytime, anywhere, I'll meet you halfway so you can say it to my face. Pissed off? LOL I'm laughing my ass off at you're lowlife welching ass. Can't even honor a bet on a gambling website. Any reason you are on this site that's remotely related to gambling? Certainly dishonoring bets could be one of em....

Think we've all discerned by now you ain't a US citizen. You're a crackpot wannabe, telling us how to run our show. Go campaign for the local Toronto dog mutilator. Or come on down here, St Louis maybe and you and I will put the gloves on.

Chickenshit welcher.

Honor a bet? What bet? I never agreed to any terms, Crybaby. That's the problem, Wussy. We could have worked something out -- avatar rights, donation to our fav charity, what-have-you -- but like most liberals, you decided to play dirty. And like most liberals, when someone played dirty right back, you squealed like the low-life treasonist pig you are. :finger:

You have no honor or sense of decency, Crybaby -- others have said the same. I called you on your cowardly childish game, and instead of apologizing and working something out man to man, you went squealing to Mommy. Crybaby Cussy. :cryingcry

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Joe Contrarian said:
Honor a bet? What bet? I never agreed to any terms, Crybaby. That's the problem, Wussy. We could have worked something out -- avatar rights, donation to our fav charity, what-have-you -- but like most liberals, you decided to play dirty. And like most liberals, when someone played dirty right back, you squealed like the low-life treasonist pig you are. :finger:

You have no honor or sense of decency, Crybaby -- others have said the same. I called you on your cowardly childish game, and instead of apologizing and working something out man to man, you went squealing to Mommy. Crybaby Cussy. :cryingcry

Sorry to say the terms were up front. You had the opportunity to either accept and post picks (which you did) or deny. You even said you continued to post picks ("to piss me and the other guy off").
That tells me you know damn good and well you fully intended to welch on the bet. Makes you a dirty weasel. Fyi, I never emailed the mods about your lowlife bullshit welching either.

Anytime anyplace. You are the one lacking integrity. Calling people traitors of a country which you have not a goddamn say in. Get your fucking visa and drag your ass down here and we'll settle it the Southern Way. Bring you're little red boxing gloves, coward.


Jan 15, 2005
Joe, there aint nothin worse on a gambling forum than a welcher.

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Darwinian said:
jinndikki's best bets are solid gold fades

Yeah and so are mine. What's your point goat molester? At least some of us give it a shot, and aren't afraid to participate. Then there's you, some kinda Sybil wannabe who only trolls to criticize, and can't even admit to being a phony bastard.

I asked nicely that folks who weren't participants to kindly stay out of the thread, yet you feel compelled to stalk and insult a guy who's trying, yet you have not one fucking ounce of sac yourself, in fact, you proudly display a cowardice worthy of nothing but rebuke.

Stay out of this contest thread, coward.

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