Get a dealer to show you their cards and see what happens. You might get away with doing one but if you're on tape cheating all night you will get arrested. The casino will figure you were working together.
Why would the casino allow a Chinese speaking deal without the pit boss understanding what was said?
I get that they let the big player do a lot more, it's risk vs. reward. I still hold the casino responsible to complying with his requests.
Ultimately, they are responsible for what should and should not happen at the tables.
Sure the casino should of noticed sooner but when they noticed Ivey was cheating the whole time and would not be playing at all without the faulty decks of cards when do you stop it and why would you pay him
Ivey definitely entered and set the game up in bad faith
Card counting is fine by me but when they stop you from playing or cut you to min bet you get paid cause you didn't mess with the integrity of the game
I'm not familiar with Baccarat so I can't say for sure if he was cheating, but if what Ivey was doing was equivalent to working with the dealer to see under cards in blackjack, that's cheating.
I'm not familiar with Baccarat so I can't say for sure if he was cheating, but if what Ivey was doing was equivalent to working with the dealer to see under cards in blackjack, that's cheating.
Get a dealer to show you their cards and see what happens. You might get away with doing one but if you're on tape cheating all night you will get arrested. The casino will figure you were working together.