Have only 4 wagers on this whole tournament, all 4 are tourney-long matchups. I like where I'm sitting.
Yes vey nice. Normally I'd fear the Matsuyama one even with him
up by 3 or 4 whatever he is at this point...you know...."slightly" fear it cuz as matty I believe it was pointed out he's young...the pressure of a Major... but, like Lightning
Striking the same place twice for unlikelyness you have an amazing thing in your favor there and that is that some unknown other Japanese Guy (
or "OAG" Other Asian Guy...to simplify).....I don't know what happened but this OAG carded a 9 under which has him -4 just like Matsu.
Hideki is not gonna stand for this. Hideki is
Top Asian. Hideki, when interviewed after Round 2 said: "
Whelle this othel Asia guy come flom? I no know this guy!!! I nevell see him befoll in my RIFE!!! He just wandell onto coulse? Dis guy is arrowed to pray?"
This OAG "Hiroshi Iwata", he may have just wandered onto the course.
Maybe someone ordered Asian Food and he brought his clubs then snuck onto the course Like Rosie Lopez or whatever her name was did at the Boston Marathon.
If so and the PGA don't detect it and this OAG is able to continue.....Hideki is gonna play Lights OUT cuz no WAY Hideki will stand for anOAG to outdo Him In a Major...before the eyes of The World and especially Japan.
Hideki is really really pissed off.
I don't know that I've ever seen an Asian Guy as mad up as Hideki is right now.
He's on the phone right now. Yelling in Japanese.
...I guess its Japanese. I don't know but it sounds Japanese.
His face is all red and there is spittle flying out his mouth.
Earlier in The Golf Course Cafeteria he hurled a HUGE Bowl filled with Noodles, Water Chestnuts and Bright Red clumps of something that looked like lumps of boiled bread across The Cafeteria.
I feel like you're safe on that one. Plus....Sergio fades. Its just what he does.
You watch. Hideki is gonna bring it.