Good Job - Matty
I agree about the golf betting but I think if we did it every week we would get burnt out on Golf and betting the majors would not be as fun - I am just sticking to that
The Key is to post the Thread early. such as this one was: Monday. "Tuesday's too late".
.....could be debated, Wednesday is way too late.
Count the RX Major Tourney Thread's Round 3 to 4 jump onto ZJ in Scotland and it's Consensus Pick To Win is 3 for 3 Last 3...possible it even got Spieth at Masters...I don't know....that was in April.
Not that this is anything earth-shattering...these were not 100/1 guys...just sayin'. Team study of Majors seems to be good.
Early thread post, whoever posts it and even if that post is just a copy 'n pasted "Ones to Watch" from wherever...just to get guy's going on it, studying whatever they do...Recent Form, History on the Course, GIR, Scrambling..Par 4's 5's.
What can't be debated is that RX Majors Thread has been a money-making endeavor and there is a solid team of Golf 'Cappers in it. :toast:
need more Majors