My apoloigies for the length of this post. I know I’m risking getting dumped on for this, but my genuine hope is that it is helpful:
Just a guess, but I think PW prefers not to get involved in the bickering that sometimes occurs in his threads, rather he prefers his threads to remain positive.
For those who don’t know, PW is a proven incredible pro capper, and a great guy. He is not your typical amateur pick poster.If I were to purchase a pick from another pro capper, I don’t see myself ever contacting the capper to ask questions, or give reasons why I may have a differing opinion.If I didn’t have confidence in the pick, I would either make a lower bet, or lay off of it.
PW generously shares his picks for free – he wants us all to beat the book, and to have a good time doing so! In addition, he provides reasons for his picks, which is another thing he is generous about.PW bets his own picks ($1k or more), and I think he commits to his bet by about the time he posts it
In an ideal world, everyone would either 1.Accept PW’s pickor 2. Disagree with the pick, and thus decide not to tail him, and go do their own thing/stay out of his thread. However, it’s inevitable that there will be those with good intentions who can’t completely decide between 1. And 2. above who will ask PW a question to address their doubt and/or post reasons and data they think goes against the pick.For these, it’s probably best to not respond.If PW feels like responding, and has time to, he will.
It’s also inevitable that there will be some who disagree with PW and/or are jerks who feel the need to bump and jab with annoying posts.These people will surely always get backlash for their posts.And they should be reported to the mods.(The mods are very good and very helpful).
Sometimes it’s unclear if a poster’s intentions are positive or negative. In an ideal world, these people would be considered innocent until it’s clear they are being a-holes.
Btw, I think at least everyone agrees that some questions/opinions about other games are ok and can add to the quality of the thread. I personally try to ask PW questions sparingly, because if everyone were to ask PW a question every thread, it of course would just be ridiculous.
Lastly, I realize after this post, this hypocritical of me, but I sure appreciate PW posting his picks early. If his threads regularly turn into what this one has so far, I’d guess he’d wait to start his pick threads.
BOL to All!!