Penn st got what was coming -school a disgrace


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
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Jan 19, 2005

Newsweek Was About to Publish My Epic Investigation of the ‘Penn State Scandal’ and Then Fear Killed It

by John Ziegler | 10:50 am, April 4th, 2018

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Of all the many problems in the modern news media, the one which, in my experience, is the most dangerous is that a story’s viability is now FAR more connected to its popularity than its truthfulness. Obviously false stories which appeal to an already established audience (like just about anything you might hear about “Deep State” conspiracies in the pro-Trump media) are easily able to get told, without rebuke, on major outlets, while unpopular truths about even significant stories can easily be completely shunned as if they don’t even exist.
I just had an extraordinary and soul-crushing experience which dramatically proves this sad phenomenon.
Most people who are aware of me know that for most of this decade I have independently investigated, at enormous personal cost, the so-called “Penn State Scandal.” That’s the story in which 100 percent of the media establishment is totally certain that legendary football coach Joe Paterno and Penn State administrators helped cover up the horrible child sex crimes by former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
I now literally know more about what really did and did not happen in this case than anyone on the planet, including Sandusky himself. While I have no affiliation with Penn State, and don’t even really like anyone who is directly involved in the saga, I have come to the very firm conclusion, against my own self-interest, that virtually everything the media told us about this case is mostly, if not totally, wrong (and that the real story is WAY more fascinating).
As shocking as that assessment is to people who only know the narrative in which the media became instantly and completely invested when the story first broke in late 2011, the most astonishing element is that it is not even remotely a close call and, if I was ever given the proper platform, in a rational world I now have more than enough evidence to prove it. To be clear, as an ardent anti-conspiracy person, I am NOT alleging any significant conspiracy, but rather that a perfect storm of bizarre circumstances created a domino effect in which all the major players became, mostly unwittingly, invested in a false narrative.
Knowing that the media completely blew it on one of the biggest stories of the decade and not being able to effectively even get that side of the story out to a wide audience (despite two major appearances on the Today Show with Matt Lauer) has been a source of extreme frustration for me. Instead, I have been regularly scorned and mocked by “virtue signaling” media members who know almost nothing of the facts the case. All of this has done significant damage to my life in nearly every way.
Then, last year, it appeared that my version of events may have finally gotten a huge break when Bob Roe became the top editor at Newsweek magazine. Bob had a relationship with a reporter, Ralph Cipriano, with whom I had been working on the Penn State case. Roe also had worked many years ago on the infamous “McMartin Pre-School Sex Abuse” story, which turned out to be a fraud. Consequently, he inherently understood how the media could get a story like this wrong in the middle of a moral panic.
Last fall, Bob commissioned Ralph, who had been leaked just about all of the documents from the $118 million Penn State/Sandusky settlements and the “Freeh Report” investigation, to do a cover story on what might have really happened. Ralph, knowing I had information no one else has, formally agreed to bring me on as his co-writer, and I flew across the country to Philadelphia to examine the extraordinary treasure trove of material.
Both of us writing a huge 15-20,000 word story on an extremely complex subject created numerous delays, which made me tremendously nervous because I knew that if something happened to Roe (Newsweek had already been experiencing great turmoil internally), what was likely our one shot at this would be lost forever. By late January, after I took a step back from the process so that it could at least finally get done, we at last had a concrete plan to publish what would be a massive bombshell investigation with tons of new evidence in mid-February.
But then, just as I feared, Bob Roe got fired on Feb. 5 for having instigated an examination of Newsweek’s parent company. Certain that our investigation was now dead and with nowhere else to go with a story of this one’s unique characteristics (including the extreme unpopularity of its implications within the news media and the public), Ralph and I were crestfallen.
However, much to our surprise, those who took over for Roe were still very interested in running our story. Despite being extremely skeptical that in the end they would lose their nerve without Roe being in charge, we went forward, effectively once again rewriting much of the massive story for a new editor who was scrutinizing every sentence.
This Friday, HBO will debut a movie called Paterno starring Al Pacino, which, by all accounts, is going to further promote a narrative that I know to be a fairytale. This meant that everyone at Newsweek knew what our news hook was and what the date of publication had to be. We were set for an online release of probably April 2, with the magazine coming out this Thursday.
Things were progressing fairly well, with the new editor on the story, Ross Schneiderman, even expressing remorse separately to both Ralph and me that he had been one of those writers who had jumped on the false narrative back when the story first broke. He also was clearly excited about the voluminous new evidence that we were going to release. But then, about a week before our March 30 deadline, red flags started to emerge.
Most concerning, we were suddenly told that, despite being one of the longest stories in the history of the magazine, we had lost the cover to Vladimir Putin. This telegraphed to me that someone important was afraid of the story, but after I spoke on March 26 with the person in charge of actually printing and distributing the magazine, and he was making arrangements for our story, I thought that we were still in pretty good shape.
But then came the final vetting by Newsweek’s lawyer.
Normally such a legal review, especially on a story which has already been so meticulously vetted and edited by multiple people, is merely a formality. In this case, where our language was purposely as benign and lacking in accusation as we could have possibly imagined, that should have clearly been the case.
However, the lawyer put my co-writer through an inquisition the likes of which he had never seen, this despite Cipriano having done controversial Newsweek cover stories before. It all seemed intended not just to make sure that Newsweek couldn’t get legitimately sued, or to snip a sentence which might somehow be questionable, but instead to create fear about the entire story, and even about me and Ralph ourselves.
After three days of this, it was clear, especially with Bob Roe no longer around, that we were doomed. I urged Ralph to pull the story so that Newsweek couldn’t suddenly claim after five months that there was something wrong with it journalistically. Ralph declined to do that and, sure enough, the next morning, one day before our deadline for publication, the entire story was killed. Any suggestion now that the piece did not meet Newsweek’s editorial standards is directly contradicted by five months of email evidence, including about how I could purchase extra copies of our edition of the magazine, right up until just before our final deadline.”
In most situations, Newsweek would have had at least some concern about news of this leaking and some other major outlet picking up our material. But because of the unique circumstances of the “Penn State Scandal” they know that they would only get praise for having made this decision and, should they choose to trash me personally, such a narrative will be fully embraced by the rest of the members of the Mainstream Media Club.
Of course, none of that means that what Newsweek did was actually right, or that any of this remotely promotes the truth. But I have long ago learned that in life, and especially in the news media, what is right and was is true is not nearly as important as aggressively avoiding all risk, or doing something you know will be seen as unpopular.
If you are interested in more of what really happened here, I did an extensive podcast on it.
A spokesperson for Newsweek Media Group gave Mediaite the following statement:
Newsweek ultimately decided not to run the story because the reporting did not meet Newsweek’s editorial standards.
John Ziegler hosts a weekly podcast focusing on news media issuesand is documentary filmmaker. You can follow him on Twitter at @ZigManFreud or email him at
This is an opinion piece. The views expressed in this article are those of just the author.


Jan 19, 2005

EXCLUSIVE: The Bombshell Newsweek Cover Story, Blowing Up the HBO "Paterno" Movie, That Was Spiked At The Last Moment

Here are just some of the new pieces of evidence which are in this version:

  • A new email showing that Joe Paterno’s widow, Sue Paterno, is now, against previous family policy, on record directly contradicting critical parts of the testimony of the only direct witness in the entire case, former Penn State assistant Mike McQueary, who allegedly saw Sandusky abusing a boy in a Penn State shower. Sue who was there that day, has emailed a person directly involved in the case that the ENTIRE fateful "meeting" between Mike and Joe only lasted "three minutes."

  • The real story of the “boy in the shower,” whom the prosecution cynically pretended never existed because his words and actions blow apart McQueary’s credibility.
  • Strong evidence that the entire timeline provided by McQueary and the prosecution, radically altered once because they got it very wrong, is likely still drastically off, thus dramatically changing the entire narrative of what really happened.
  • Documents indicating that Louis Freeh’s own team did not believe that the highly influential conclusions of the “Freeh Report” were supported by legitimate evidence. As seen here, even one of his own employees wrote "NO EVIDENCE AT ALL!" over the very first paragraph of the Freeh Group's internal work product about the supposed "Penn State Football Culture" causing the "cover up."

  • A new email demonstrating that the reporter who broke the story, Sara Ganim, who eventually won a Pulitzer Prize, was receiving, largely inaccurate, leaks from the attorney general’s office in order to directly impact the investigation.
  • Leaked settlement documents, which for the first time reveal which Sandusky accusers Penn State paid and how much, proving at least two of the key accusers at Sandusky’s trial told dramatically different stories for millions of dollars than they did under oath at trial.
  • The identities of the accusers from the 1970s, who reportedly claimed they informed Joe Paterno of their abuse, reveal their stories are not to be remotely believed and were not given real credibility even by Penn State officials willing to believe almost anything.
  • A new, secret, and extraordinary interview with, Ira Lubert (which can be heard at around the 43-minute mark of this podcast), the Penn State trustee in charge of the settlements which raises legitimate questions as to whether even he thinks that anyone in this mess is actually guilty and makes it clear even he thinks at least some of the accusers he paid are lying.
  • Interviews with numerous people very close to key accusers which create extreme doubt about the already suspect stories for which they were paid many millions of dollars.
  • The existence of five key accusers from the tiny town of Lock Haven, who accounted for $35 million in settlements, even though only one of them was a trial accuser.
  • The existence of a three-year “sting” operation, complete with extensive documentation, on the key lawyer and therapist in the case, resulting in a purposely fake accuser, with a laughably absurd story, being totally embraced during over 100 meetings, all paid for by Penn State.
  • Never-seen medical records showing that it likely would have been impossible for Sandusky to commit the acts which were claimed against him during the critical time period, as well as inconceivable that not even one of the thirty-six victims whom Penn State paid to have not mentioned a “distinguishing characteristic” of his genitalia.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Of course the old lady is suppressing memories. In her mind all is sainthood

Joe new

Jan 19, 2005
How could all these people lie?

The story of the fake accuser

The vetting process at Penn State had so few safeguards that in 2014, XXXXX, a 31-year-old former Second Miler who was loyal to Sandusky and didn’t believe any of the alleged victims were telling the truth, purposely made up a ridiculous story--he’d allegedly been raped by Sandusky behind Joe Paterno’s house--and decided to see how far he could get with it.
Here’s what happened next: XXXXX was taken in as a client by Andrew Shubin, the leading plaintiff’s lawyer in the Penn State sex abuse scandal who represented nine other alleged victims. Shubin radically altered XXXXX's original story to make it more compatible with a possible Penn State settlement. Then, Shubin referred XXXXXX to a therapist who sent him to a psychotherapist, who certified XXXXXX as having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Finally, after more than three years of legal counsel and about 100 paid therapy sessions, XXXXX, in preparation of telling his story to Newsweek, tried to bring his "sting" to a close. At their final meeting, Shubin informed XXXX that he couldn’t pursue his claim because it was past the statute of limitations, which the state legislature repeatedly decided not to change. So the lawyer put XXXXX in touch, in writing, with the state attorney general’s office, where XXXXX could file a possible criminal complaint against Sandusky. Which, if successful, might have cleared the way for XXXXX to get paid in a civil claim. XXXXX was indeed contacted by a member of the Attorney General's office wanting to hear his story.
But rather than go any further with the charade, XXXXX decided to out himself in Newsweek. He never intended to get paid, he said, he just wanted to prove a point. As XXXXX put it, “Hopefully, people will start to realize that this whole case stinks.”

Jan 19, 2005
In July 19, 2011, Jason Simcisko, another member of The Second Mile, told police that nothing inappropriate happened when he showered with Sandusky. The police asked if Sandusky had perhaps lifted him up to the showerhead to wash his hair. According to a police report, Simcisko replied, “There might have been something like that. I don’t exactly remember, but it sounds familiar.”
A year later, by the time Sandusky was on trial, Simcisko’s memory had dramatically improved. On the witness stand as “Victim No. 3,” Simcisko recalled that Sandusky had touched his penis numerous times. When asked to explain the change in his story, Simcisko testified, “Everything that’s coming out now is because I thought about it more. I tried to block this out of my brain for years.”
Simcisko’s story of abuse radically transformed as his lawyers pressed a civil claim against Penn State. In a statement that might surprise prosecutors, Simcisko’s civil lawyers wrote, “very little of the sexual abuse suffered by Mr. Simcisko was elicited during Sandusky’s criminal trial.” His civil lawyers alleged that Simcisko had been abused more than 100 times, beginning in 1998, when he was 12, and continuing until 2003, included oral and anal sex. If his civil claim is true, he clearly committed perjury during the criminal trial.
Penn State didn’t bother with any depositions or psychiatrist exams to test the truthfulness of these allegations. Instead, after his claim was reviewed by law firm and a consulting forensic psychiatrist, Penn State paid Simcisko, 24, of State College, PA., in 2013 a confidential settlement of $7.25 million.
After he got paid, Simcisko posted a picture on Facebook of himself in a Penn State jersey smiling and tailgating with Jay Paterno, the coach’s son, at a Penn State football game where Simcisko bragged about seats on the 50 yard line.

Jan 19, 2005
Maybe this one was real

While at least four of Sandusky’s accusers relied on recovered memories of abuse at his trial, three other accusers told stories of abuse that dramatically escalated over time. One such witness was Sabastian Paden, another Second Mile alum. Paden was interviewed by state police after his mother saw news on TV about Sandusky’s arrest, and watched Attorney General Kelly ask more victims of abuse to come forward. Paden’s mother called her son’s high school, and requested that someone report her son as a victim on an abuse hotline. An employee at the school obliged, but when the cops showed up at Paden’s home, he denied he had been abused.
Less than a week later, however, Paden testified before the grand jury as “Victim No. 9,” and claimed he had been locked in Sandusky’s basement and kept there for years on weekends as a virtual sex slave, while Sandusky brought him meals, and forced him to have oral and anal sex.
When Sandusky went on trial seven months later, Paden told the prosecutors he had spent nearly every weekend at the Sandusky home from 2005 to 2007—between 100 and 150 visits—and that Sandusky kissed him every time, and usually forced him to perform oral and anal sex.
When defense lawyers questioned Paden, his story continued to grow. Paden claimed the abuse went on virtually every weekend until 2009, an extra two years, and that he was basically starved while he was being held prisoner in the basement by the Sanduskys. [It was the same time period when Fisher claimed to be spending nearly every weekend with the Sanduskys, yet they didn’t even know each other.]

During the period of his abuse, he testified, he had crossed the Sandusky threshold about 150 times, seemingly powerless to stay away. Although we know that Second Mile kids often came around to play games in the basement, they were all conveniently absent on the many days of Paden’s abuse, leaving the rapist free to work his mischief unobserved.

Paden claimed that while he was locked in the that basement
(even though the lock was on the inside), his screams for help went unheard by Sandusky’s wife, Dottie, because the basement was “soundproof.” Paden also claimed he suffered rectal bleeding from Sandusky’s attacks, although he conceded that his mother never found any bloody underwear in the laundry.
There are no medical records to back Paden’s claims of injuries.
During a 2014 visit to the Sandusky home, former Today show host Matt Lauer expressed skepticism on camera about how any screams from the basement, which wasn’t soundproof, could not have been heard by Sandusky’s wife. “This is a very small house,” Lauer told viewers as he interviewed Dottie Sandusky in her living room. “We’re sitting 12 feet from the door to that basement,” Lauer said, before he asked again why she didn’t hear Paden scream.
“Because he didn’t scream,” Dottie Sandusky replied.

When Paden’s lawyers filed a civil claim for damages, their client’s story grew to implicate Paterno, Sandusky’s former boss. His lawyers claimed Paterno had invited Paden and Sandusky to have lunch with him at Beaver Stadium, and then tour the stadium. “Each time Sandusky and [Paden] encountered Paterno, Paterno greeted Sandusky, endorsing Sandusky’s favored status with Penn State,” the lawsuit said. Sandusky denied this ever happened; Paterno was dead by then, and couldn’t defend himself, but family members stated that no such event appeared on any of Paterno’s calendars

after he filed his claim, Paden posted on Facebook, “Shit I’m balling like a mother fuck hell yea $.

” Like the rest of the claimants, Paden, 24, of McClure, PA, wasn’t subjected to a deposition with a lawyer or a psychiatrist’s examination; instead, his records were reviewed and approved by a consulting forensic psychiatrist and a law firm hired by Penn State. Paden’s claim, which implicated Paterno, and also included a discovery motion seeking background materials gathered for the Freeh Report, resulted in 2015 in the highest payout of all the alleged Penn State victims, $
20 million.

Nope , wasnt him.. He was a lying piece of crap


Jan 19, 2005
Well at least we know Glenn Neff , that poor boy from Lock Haven , got kissed by Jerry.....and abused fer sure

The poor bastard only walked away with 7 Million, not enough I say!!!

Oh wait, hes a lying piece of white trash too . Son of bitch actually tried to bribe one of his friends to say Jerry kissed him , and if he would say that.....He would buy him a brand new truck

Damn, I really thought we had a live one there . Nope, another one that lied for money Huh

Ill keep looking ....

Jan 19, 2005
Ok Ok, . I have to admit I was wrong. Jerry was a Ped, and the one victim I am sure about is Matt Sandusky, his adopted son. I mean he went on Oprah he wrote a book . This is a direct quote from poor Matt

[FONT=museo_sans]Matthew Sandusky: "There Is No Reason for Me to Lie"[/FONT]

Read more:

Yet, this does seem a little strange

Before he flipped, Matt Sandusky had previously told the police and the grand jury that his adopted father had never abused him. He even went to court to fight his ex-wife, so that his children could continue to visit the Sandusky home after Jerry Sandusky was arrested for sex abuse. On the opening day of Sandusky’s trial, Matt sat next to Dottie Sandusky and heard Brett Swisher-Houtz’s tales of abuse. That night, according to author Pendergrast, Matt, who was staying with the Sanduskys, told one of his adopted siblings, “This is ridiculous. Anybody can make accusations without evidence and get paid. I could, you could, anyone could . . . But I actually have morals.”

Three days later, Matt, who became attorney Andrew Shubin’s client, flipped, telling police he’d been abused by Sandusky’s inappropriate touching. If true, he had committed perjury before the grand jury.

[Meanwhile, all five of his adopted siblings continued to support their foster father; with each stating they did not believe Matt had ever been abused. Matt’s former teen lover, who had tried to commit suicide with him, wrote a long email saying that Matt had never mentioned any abuse to her, and she didn’t believe he’d been abused. She described Jerry Sandusky, whom she lived with as a teeanger, as having a “childlike mind and soul,” adding that “our culture and society don’t understand that kind of ‘innocence’ and playfulness today.”]

Matt told the police that he was working with a therapist and that “memories of his abuse are just now coming back (<)<​:money8:

Nah, fuck it, more white trash lying POS scum

still searching though [FONT=museo_sans]

Jan 19, 2005
Boy do I feel foolish . Now even though all those other boys I discussed above are not exactly telling the truth, I know realize what a fool I have been defending Joe, and Jerry S . I must be a pedophile lover , and may just admit myself to therapy. My sudden change of heart is because after watching the HBO "documentary" Paterno, I learned the story of the poor , sweet, innocent boy depicted in the film, Aaron Fisher , and his loving, caring, mother, Dawn. The scenes describing little Aaron being picked on ( I guess in today's politically correct world its called being bullied , the bed wetting, the mental trauma that young boy faced, practically brought me to tears . Of course we all are well aware that there is no case against Jerry if there is no Aaron, since he was the only accuser for two years . The 7.5 million Aaron got certainly justified, I mean whats 7.5 million these days

Yes, of course its odd that originally Aaron said nothing at all sexual happened , and that 12 people very , very close to Aaron , gave interviews on tape saying they were sure AF was a liar . It did bother me little that it seems no one in his town of over 9k people seems to believe him. Maybe there is one, but no one has come forward to even acknowledge any part of AF's story . Yes, its strange that it took 3 years of therapy for AF to "remember" that although the first story of Jerry just cracking his back with his clothes on, turned into this 15 year old wrestler, being "hypnotized" ( we all know Jerrys intense training as a licensed hypnotist, oh wait, anyway) and coming back for more, more meaning oral sex over 100 times ! Huh .

Im sure Dawns next door neighbor was just misquoting her when she quoted Daniels as saying. And, “When this all settles out, she’ll have a nice big house in the country with a fence and the dogs can roam free.”
she even testified that Daniels was enthusiastic about the prospect of suing Sandusky, because it would be “her ticket out of the neighborhood.” .......


APRIL FOOLS ( IN JUNE ) Aaron is a white trash piece of garbage , a known liar, and all around trouble maker ( listen to his friends speak about him), and Dawn is a crack whore white trash party girl, who would lie through her teeth for cash


Aaron fisher not a homosexual
Jerry not a homosexual

No porn found in this case, other then the prosecutors computer

Shocking not one of the 'victims' ever asked Jerry to be tested for STDs?

Odd that none of the victims had any interest, at all, to show up at any of Jerry's appeals to plead that Judge not let Jerry get off

I guess They were all to busy car shopping

And just to make sure no one is left out, here is a nice new Audi from the Facebook page of "Victim 5," whose full name is in the public record:

ere are two fancy sports cars from the Facebook page of "Victim 10," whose full name is in the public record (who only came forward after the Paterno firing, and who Jerry and his wife Dottie insist they don't even know)

He is hardly the only accuser with a sports car fetish. In fact, the one silver ling of this entire fiasco may be that the sports car business in the State College area has to have been booming over the last couple of years.

Here is one which is currently the star of the Facebook cover photo of "Victim 7" (whose full name is in the public record):
knew before my trip that Aaron’s mother Dawn had purchased a Porsche. This seemed to be a VERY odd choice of automobile for a mother of someone who supposedly (as would have to be the case if Aaron is telling the truth about Sandusky) fed their teenage son for three years to a horrible predator while they partied hard and somehow were so clueless that they couldn’t figure out what was going on. But I also learned that her third car, which she apparently never uses, is a Mercedes (I am also hearing so-far proven rumors of a recently purchased fourth car, a Camaro). Here are photos of those two cars:


It is remarkable the number of sports/luxury cars have been purchased in this case with Penn State money. Aaron himself has bought several top-tier vehicles, including this souped-up Mustang which he recently took the stripes off of, presumably to not be recognized.

Jan 19, 2005
The whole trial was a joke

Of course , . Virtually anyone paying attention knew about these accusations in November 2011

Penn State lawyer, prosecutor accused of ethical lapses in Sandusky investigation Disciplinary hearing opens for PSU's ex-top lawyer during Sandusky investigation

Prosecutor who pursued Penn State officials faces questions over his tactics

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