Pedro is a ...


Pedro is a ...

  • A pussy that abuses geriatrics

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A playoff choke artist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A glorified bean picker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A frustrate loser on the most pathetic franchise in history

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Sep 21, 2004
Sorry Sr Muny, but OJ has suffered enough?

What about Nicole or Ron? Or their families?

Whatever we may think of Pedro for smacking an angry old man (
Don what the hell were you thinking???), he ain't no killer no how.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
I didn't say Pedro was a killer, just a criminal. The point was *quite obviously* that he's a POS regardless of his awesome talents.

Again, whom exactly am I racist towards?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Sr Muny
posted October 11, 2003 08:14 PM

OJ was found NOT GUILTY then. He has suffered enuff already time to move on. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sr Muny, That makes you a *dead cinch* for the Rx Posters Hall of Shame

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
pedro hit a guy. that inflamed zimmer so much he charged all the way across the field soon after and Pedro simply got out of his way.

lander, that was one very dumb reactionary post. just because zimmer is old, does not make him 1000% wrong.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
What time is it in your native Kazakhstan? 3PM?

New member
Sep 21, 2004

"A glorifed bean picker"

try repeating that remark in Juarez, Texas, or East LA or Chamblee, Georgia and maybe you'll get enlightened real quick.

Pedro definitely messed up, even a Red Sox fan as myself can admit that, but print that on a T-shirt and walk into dodger stadium and I'll respect you a whole lot more.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>lander, that was one very dumb reactionary post. just because zimmer is old, does not make him 1000% wrong.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Smith, yes or ****ing no.

Could a perenial all-star athlete / future HOFer avoid a 72 year old fat man? Yes or No?

Yeah, Zim shouldn't have chased him BUT he was also in a coma for 2 weeks after getting plunked in the head in 53' He sees Pedro's shit as risking a players health - this GOES well beyond a game when Pedro (with the best control I have EVER seen) delibrately hits a guy in the head & then says he's going to do it again.

That said - what Roger did to Piazza was fuking disgusting BUT I'm talking about tonight NOT 2 years back against a different team/player.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mudbone:

"A glorifed bean picker"

try repeating that remark in Juarez, Texas, or East LA or Chamblee, Georgia and maybe you'll get enlightened real quick.

Pedro definitely messed up, even a Red Sox fan as myself can admit that, but print that on a T-shirt and walk into dodger stadium and I'll respect you a whole lot more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, I'm the asshole, not the senior beater. Fuking idiot.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
how should pedro have handled then it lander?! if you were getting rushed by a 72 yr. old guy with a raised fist while you were just strolling on to the field would you shove the guy down safely or would you grab his fist while he's punching you and knee him in the nuts. i dont get what you think is wrong. you just seem to dislike boston and want to stir up non sense for nothing.

really, how should he have handled it? . . a shove to avoid a fist fighting conflict and you want to call the best pitcher in the game a criminal?!?!

i dont know why people get so hateful towards the sox. the yankee fans seem so intimidated by us. i guess its becuase we're more of an americas team than the yanks are in a position to ever be and not really viewed as an evil empire as the yanks are. the yanks could have 50 championships and still be viewed as that evil team that everyone wants to see lose its just the way it is. nothing the yanks do will garner respect with the majority of baseball fans and yankee fans just have to deal with that. its the way it is. get over it.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

"deliberately hits the guy in the head"

Did you see all the replays? Balll may have glanced off the back of his shoulder, then hit the back. That's why batter didn't start for first - he practically had to be told to take the base.

"...Senior beater. Fukin' Idiot"

Man, that was clever. Pedro pushed the guy to the ground after he was swung at. If you're calling me the idiot, I can live with that - been called a lot worse, but like I said Pedro messed up - he melted down. To say he beats on seniors is a stretch.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
even willie randolph on ESPN the other day along with other yanks. he just casually talks about how much people want to see them lose. the sox despite not winning a title in almost 100 years just dont get booed against like that. . . .I guess pride is the issue. no matter how much yanks win, the fans will never be as proud as us. you yanks fans cant stand the fact were in the ALCS 'tinkering with your history'. becuase 5 years later no one will care about the WS. just the little things that could have gone our way in the ALCS. and well, if they dont go our way in this series?! no one will give a hoot about what didnt go the yanks way. why?! beucase theyre hated and the majority want to see them lose.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
you need to chill. Pedro pluncked one guy IN THE BACK. was it on purpose? It would seem so. I believe it was on purpose,that being said, I think putting another guy on base there was stupid.

The "slide" into second by Garcia was way, way, worse than pluncking a guy in the back as Pedro did. Walker could have been seriously injured. Did you see that replay? That was busch league.

If Zimmer were 30 and built, his actions would be an outrage. As it is, Pedro simply avoided the guy. Villifying Pedro is silly. If you calm down, you could see that. Its easy to take pot shots at him cause Zimmer is old, but Pedro did not do anything other than avoid him. Everyone who is reading this saw that and knows its 100% true, like pedro or not.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
1st base was open with a lefty at the plate. Plunking Garcia loaded the bases which puts the double play in tact with a slumping right at the plate. Boom - Soriano hits into a DP.

It was not stupid to load the bags, nor was it an accident.

The slide - yeah, that was Cobbish. Not necessarily illegal, but it's clearly not the way the game is played now days. I'd have no problem if Garcia took out Walker dirty and Pedro drilled him in the ribs next time up.
You HAVE to protect your team.

BUT that's NOT what happened - Pedro threw at his head - Garcia curled and ducks that's why it hit his back.

If Zim was 30? He's not. This is not philosophy. Pedro, an all star pro athlete, tossed a 72 year man - end of story.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
one of the more fuking stupid posts I've ever encountered, but I'll play

how should pedro have handled then it lander?! if you were getting rushed by a 72 yr.
All star pro-athlete Pedro should have side stepped the 72 year old fat guy. Not too difficult for a man with Pedro's athletism.

old guy with a raised fist while you were just strolling on to the field would you shove the guy down safely or would you grab his fist while he's punching you and knee him in the nuts.
Shove safely? A TWO handed toss on a 72 year old man that cut Zim's face?
Hit his nuts? Are you fuking stupid? All he had to do was side step out of the way. Even Big Lou could avoid Zim.

i dont get what you think is wrong. you just seem to dislike boston and want to stir up non sense for nothing.
I was actually pulling for you guys until Manny showed his true colors. And now this? Get ****ing real.

I dislike scum - if that means Boston, then so be it. Did you see the OSU kid jam his fingers into the Badger's kid's throat? I liked OSU until that play. Now, I hate those classless punks.

I like honest clean players. Heck, my team is the Bills. You don't see me defending our best player OJ. I think the murderer should pay.

really, how should he have handled it? . . a shove to avoid a fist fighting conflict and you want to call the best pitcher in the game a criminal?!?!
Assualting an old man is criminal. Yes - Pedro is the best pitch - BUT that doesn't change the fact that he's a classless POS.

i dont know why people get so hateful towards the sox. the yankee fans seem so intimidated by us.
26-0 and you say intimidated? riiiiiight.
Maybe people are sick of the a-holes that roll through your lineup - Manny, Carl, Pedro, etc ..

If you had 9 Nomar's I'd wish your time all the rings he could wear - but I don't pull for garbage.

bunch and typical Bosox venting bs ...
not worth my effort ..

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I'm sure others can see your upset and not making good sense, but please explain how a pitch can be at a players head and when he curls and ducks, the ball hits him in the back.

clearly, if a ball is thrown at the head and the player ducks, the ball will sail to the backstop over the players head.

the ball was not thrown at the head. its very rare for a ball to connect with the head. it takes a major accident or a well placed beanball. pedro's pitch was well below the head. Garcia's subsequent madenss was an overeaction, like when Manny overeacted to a Clemens pitch that was high, but not inside.

and Garcia did not duck anyway. he just twisted.

the replays are very clear on what happened in this game. you cannot justify your position with facts.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
" if a ball is thrown at the head and the player ducks, the ball will sail to the backstop over the players head."

Is you back below your head

I'm pretty sure it is for the rest of the human race, including Karim "fan attacker" Garcia.

your post makes no sense Smith.

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
I don't know what kind of acid your currently on, but yes, the back is GENERALLY recognized as being BELOW the head.

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