Paris under attack! At least 20 dead! Damn bloodthirsty Buddhists strike again!


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Poland's future minister for European affairs said his government will not accept EU-mandate quotas for refugees following the terrorist attacks in France.
Konrad Szymanski, who will take the office on Monday as part of the country's new conservative government, said his cabinet didn't agree with their predecessors' commitment to take a share in the refugee burden.
Now, "in the face of the tragic acts in Paris, we do not see the political possibilities to implement" the plan, he told the right-leaning news portal
Poland joins a quartet of EU members that have defied Brussels' plan to redistribute the inflow of asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa among members of the union. Security concerns are high among the reasons touted by Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which don't want to accept predominantly Muslim refugees on their soil.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Is it any wonder ISIS picked France to attack.

Attack the weak and feeble minded who’s priorities are laughable.

The United Nations will still hold its global warming summit in Paris this month despite deadly terror attacks that rocked the French capital Friday night. France’s foreign minister says the summit is “essential” to fighting global warming.

Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, warned that “climate change is a threat to peace” and a greater threat than terrorism.

“Terrorism is significant, but naked hunger is as significant as terrorism,” Fabius said in a speech last month. “And the relationship between terrorist activities and naked hunger are obvious. If you look at the vectors of recruitment into terrorist cells, most of the most vulnerable are hunger-prone areas.”

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have also claimed on numerous occasions there is “no greater threat” than global warming facing Americans or the world. “I am convinced that no challenge poses a greater threat to our future and future generations than a changing climate.”

What a bunch of buffoons. Let me know the next time Global Warming opens fire on French citizens.

"gay marriage"
"climate change"
"social justice"
"victim society"
"gun control"
"political correctness"
"amnesty and open borders"

The West is totally prepared to deal with ruthless Islamists...totally!

Aug 6, 2006
I hope you're aware the Muslim population in the US is on track to exceed the Jewish population. That should make you feel warm and fuzzy all over.

Ask CW. I know a bunch of stuff :)

Come on Joe, don't take my spot. I'm the original Forumville anti-Terror warrior. ;-)

OK, back to serious... I consider everything I type. We are headed for rough times over the next generation. We will eventually destroy Islamic extremism. We will not wipe out Islam in the process.

Aug 6, 2006
You'll never really read a story like this. And yes I'm being idealistic. I'll bet there are people who have already come to the US with bad intentions that never acted on them. Because once they got here and settled in they changed. Or met a Christian girl and fell in love. Or fell into a hobby or career that took them away from radicalism. We will win. It will take a long time. But good and light always triumphs in the end over evil and darkness. This backwards ass 7th century BS will never take over. And the world is awake to the threat.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ask CW. I know a bunch of stuff :)

Come on Joe, don't take my spot. I'm the original Forumville anti-Terror warrior. ;-)

OK, back to serious... I consider everything I type. We are headed for rough times over the next generation. We will eventually destroy Islamic extremism. We will not wipe out Islam in the process.

"Islamic extremism"

What the hell is that???

You mean like "German extremism" and "Japanese extremism"??? Or "communist extremism"??? face)(*^%

Here's a proposal before we send a single soldier into battle:

Constitutional amendment which states Islam is NOT a religion!

Do that and everything else falls into place.

As long as people still cling to political correctness, we're not 'winning' shit, Scott. Sorry... we're not.

Aug 6, 2006
"Islamic extremism"

What the hell is that???

You mean like "German extremism" and "Japanese extremism"??? Or "communist extremism"??? face)(*^%

Here's a proposal before we send a single soldier into battle:

Constitutional amendment which states Islam is NOT a religion!

Do that and everything else falls into place.

As long as people still cling to political correctness, we're not 'winning' shit, Scott. Sorry... we're not.

Joe I know words mean a lot to you. But that isn't going to happen. When it's over in another 40 years there will still be Muslims. But eventually, and yes I know it's happening way too slowly, everyone will turn against violent jihadis. It's not a way of life, it's as Trump would say, pathological. A constitutional amendment? You're fantasizing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

If there are a billion Muslims running around on the planet, and only 15% of them are "extreme"...that's still a serious problem.

I say we wipe out 100% of them, just to be sure.

Wait, on second thought...there was a really sweet (and insanely hot...I'm talking hotter than model hot) Afghani girl with whom I attended MBA school. She can stay. The rest have to go.

Aug 6, 2006

If there are a billion Muslims running around on the planet, and only 15% of them are "extreme"...that's still a serious problem.

I say we wipe out 100% of them, just to be sure.

Wait, on second thought...there was a really sweet (and insanely hot...I'm talking hotter than model hot) Afghani girl with whom I attended MBA school. She can stay. The rest have to go.

Duece I would say 1-2% violent extremists and another 3-5% internet warriors. Probably another 5-10% a few links down the chain. I just don't think the majority of these people if they had a choice would want to live under brutal rule. Think of all the uprisings against dictators in the ME over the past few decades. But even if I'm all wrong we can't wipe them out anyway. And while the world is finally growing intolerant to mass murder attacks in the name of allah the world will never stand for a mass slaughter or genocide....... Where is Milosovich anyway?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Joe I know words mean a lot to you. But that isn't going to happen. When it's over in another 40 years there will still be Muslims. But eventually, and yes I know it's happening way too slowly, everyone will turn against violent jihadis. It's not a way of life, it's as Trump would say, pathological. A constitutional amendment? You're fantasizing.

The fact you think this will take 40 years is a clear indication people don't get it - yet. How many more innocent lives before people decide they've had enough? How many 9/11s, Londons and Paris attacks? 2-3-4-5-6...????? Anyone????

Yeah, constitutional amendment....because I want at least 70-80% of the country behind a clearly defined legal mission - what a concept! As opposed to, ya know, the "Obamacare" way, the "stimulus" way, the "executive amnesty" way, the "bailouts for banks" way....

Aug 6, 2006
The fact you think this will take 40 years is a clear indication people don't get it - yet. How many more innocent lives before people decide they've had enough? How many 9/11s, Londons and Paris attacks? 2-3-4-5-6...????? Anyone????

Yeah, constitutional amendment....because I want at least 70-80% of the country behind a clearly defined legal mission - what a concept! As opposed to, ya know, the "Obamacare" way, the "stimulus" way, the "executive amnesty" way, the "bailouts for banks" way....

You guys talk about liberals posting things as they wish they were and not as they are.... Joe you're not gonna get that amendment. No president or congress is going to relabel Islam into a political hate or murder movement. And it would be symbolic anyway.

You want to stop mass murders and make the world safer. So let's be realistic. My opinion hasn't changed. You keep hunting down the leaders and killing them. In all large cities across the globe you have trained forces to react instantly to attacks. They can come here to get that training, or train in Israel like the LAPD does. So that's priority #1, preventing these attacks by 6-8 terrorists or at least limiting the body count.

When a terror group holds large swaths of land all free nations participate in their decapitation. We must convince other governments that eliminating violent jihad is paramount to the security of the world. And that they have no choice but to join in the fight. We go in with overwhelming force.

At some point there will be an uprising from within the societies themselves when people grow tired of being beheaded and buttfucked by terrorists. People can't be bullshitted forever by Arab leaders and terrorists who tell them our way of life is not better than theirs. They won't be backward forever. They see how well we have it here.

So I said 40 years. It's like television in the 60s. First you have 3 snowy channels. Then you get rabbit ears in the late 60s and now you have 3 clear channels and 3 UHF channels. Then in the 70s you get a rooftop antenna and you're watching the Yankees in Philly! Then comes cable in the late 70s, 13 channels including ESPN and HBO. Now it's 2015 and what can't we watch? ...... Yep, about 40 more years of this shit I think. I'll be dead.....Dagone :)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The amendment would be anything but symbolic. It would make mosques fair game for the government as they would no longer be protected under the First Amendment.

You always bitch about cancerous propaganda cells like CAIR. Those militant Islamic mouthpieces would flee the US before the ink was dry.

Like I said, when the West is ready to get serious it will be over relatively quickly.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Don't allow Muslim no go areas in Cities.
Don't allow Islamic law to be practised in your country.
Don't allow female genital mutilation in your country.
Don't allow the preaching of hate in Mosques in your country.
Don't allow Islaminisation of school curriculum.
Don't turn a blind eye to honor killings and domestic violence in your country.
Don't allow corruption of electoral system in areas of large Muslim communities.
Don't allow political correctness to control how social services and police react to situations in Muslim communities, the law of the country must be upheld in preference to fear of racial sensitivities.
Don't be afraid of celebrating your countries traditional anniversaries for fear of upsetting Muslims.
Don't be afraid to use racial profiling in security checks.
Don't allow your country's traditional way of life and traditions and heritage to be destroyed by Muslims.
Don't be intimidated by the Muslim head scarves and burka.

Don't allow programmes that preferentially fast track Muslims into certain jobs for example in the media, just for the sake of forcing a quota of Muslims into certain posts, so it appears to be politically correct, end positive discrimination in favour of Muslims.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Paris attacks make it harder for Justin Trudeau to be liberal: Walkom

Politically, Justin Trudeau will be under pressure to back off from plans to end Canada’s combat role in Iraq and Syria, loosen anti-terror laws and bring in 25,000 refugees immediately.

Friday night's terror attacks in Paris have made Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's promises to scale back anti-terror laws and welcome thousands of Syrian refugees by Jan. 1 much more difficult politically, Thomas Walkom writes.

By: Thomas Walkom National Affairs, Published on Sat Nov 14 2015
The attack on Paris has changed much for Justin Trudeau.

Friday’s terror outrages against the French capital don’t have to derail the new prime minister’s ambitious plans to scale back anti-terror laws, welcome thousands of Syrian refugees and extricate Canadian fighter planes from the war against Islamic State (ISIS) militants.

But they make all of this politically more difficult.

On Thursday, as he prepared to head off to the G20 summit in Turkey, an upbeat Trudeau talked of showcasing his optimistic style of governance.

“I’ll be talking about the fact that in order to create more global growth, particularly in support of the middle class around the globe, we have to be investing in our countries’ future,” the prime minister told reporters.

At a time when Syrian refugees are flooding into Europe, Trudeau said, Canada could demonstrate to the world that welcoming such newcomers is not a problem but an “opportunity to create growth for the economy.”

That was Thursday.

By Friday night, following news that terrorist attacks in Paris had killed more than 100, the prime minister was more subdued.

Asked whether the attacks would cause his government to reconsider its approach toward anti-terror laws or the air war against ISIS, Trudeau said only that until more is known it would be “too soon to jump to any conclusions.”

That is a logical position to take. Whether it is politically viable is another question.

Politically, those behind the well-co-ordinated attacks have made it near impossible for the West not to respond.

As with the 9/11 attacks against New York, the importance of the Paris massacres lies not in the number killed. Terrorists in Africa and the Middle East routinely kill more innocents.

Rather it is in the propaganda value of the target chosen.

For like New York, Paris is an iconic city, a symbol of western civilization. To strike at Paris is to strike at a place beloved.

In 2001, the U.S. response to 9/11 was to declare a war on terror. Then U.S. president George W. Bush didn’t have any choice politically. Americans wanted blood.

That desire, however, led the U.S. and many of its allies into 14 years of unending war — in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Iraq again.

Like Bush, French President François Hollande has declared war. He, too, has no choice politically. His voters want revenge.

Where this demand for vengeance will lead is uncertain. Hollande blames ISIS, which has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

France is already taking part in the U.S.-led bombing mission against ISIS. Indeed that, according to a communiqué attributed to the Islamic State, is one of the reasons why Paris was targeted.

But Hollande is signalling that his country will up the ante anyway.

If France does expand its part in the war against ISIS, will Trudeau be able — politically — to reduce Canada’s combat role at the same time?

Or will he feel compelled to send in more “advisers” on the ground?

If, as reported by a French newspaper, one of the slain Paris terrorists carried a Syrian passport, will Trudeau be able — politically — to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by Jan. 1?

Immigration Minister John McCallum had suggested that in order to meet this ambitious deadline, some of these refugees might be vetted for security purposes only after they reached Canada. Is that still politically doable?

On Friday night, the prime minister repeated his promise to strike a balance between protecting Canadians from harm and safeguarding civil liberties.

During the election campaign, the Liberals said that balance could be reached only if Canada’s current anti-terror laws were loosened.

Is that where the Trudeau government still stands? Will it take a reasoned approach towards fighting terror? Or will it let itself be spooked?

There are many in the security establishment who would use Paris as a rationale to both expand the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and tighten anti-terror laws here at home.

Ironically, that’s what the terrorists want as well. They want to draw western “crusaders” further into the Middle Eastern quagmire. They want western governments to demonize Muslims.

France’s Hollande seems ready to oblige. Will Trudeau follow suit?


Oct 30, 2006

This week Polish patriots marched against the Muslim invasion of Europe, in what was the biggest demonstration in the history of Poland.
There was not a single report in the mainstream European media.


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