But but but, Guesstard says y'all are racists and islamaphobes for talking about Muslims like this.
- Breaking! They’re heeeeeere! First load of 10,000 Syrian refugees has arrived in New Orleans, being resettled into 180 unsuspecting US communities
Photo, above: Muslim refugees arriving in New Orleans. See any women and children in this group?
- by Thomas Madison
- November 13, 2015
By Thomas Madison
President Barack Hussein promised that he would be sending thousands of Syrian refugees to the US. Well, he is keeping that promise!
The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities. See the list below to find a town close to you.
So, it costs $16,000 a copy to resettle these Islamists into the United States. What the hell, we can afford it, right? NOT! We are rapidly approaching $20 trillion in federal debt. Stop the bleeding!
After the Hayride broke the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are already coming into the New Orleans area.
Catholic Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee families already and are expecting many more.
There are approximately 180 cities in the country that are eligible to accept the 10,000 Syrian refugees. Here is the full list of those cities, which includes Baton Rouge, Matairie and Lafayette:
US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge
Read more at http://powderedwigsociety.com/first-syrian-refugees-arrive-in-new-orleans/
For this reason alone, every libtaaaaaard out there should be voting Republican, and someone who's going to lock down the borders.
I think there are plenty of other threads for personal battles between posters. I disagree with posters using a tragedy like this one to start another battle with a poster they are already in a pissing match with in multiple other topics. If you're trying to elicit a response you already know what you're going to get.
Obamas bright idea to help fill the gasoline tanker driver shortage...
- Breaking! They’re heeeeeere! First load of 10,000 Syrian refugees has arrived in New Orleans, being resettled into 180 unsuspecting US communities
Photo, above: Muslim refugees arriving in New Orleans. See any women and children in this group?
- by Thomas Madison
- November 13, 2015
By Thomas Madison
President Barack Hussein promised that he would be sending thousands of Syrian refugees to the US. Well, he is keeping that promise!
The first transport of refugees arrived in New Orleans recently and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities. See the list below to find a town close to you.
So, it costs $16,000 a copy to resettle these Islamists into the United States. What the hell, we can afford it, right? NOT! We are rapidly approaching $20 trillion in federal debt. Stop the bleeding!
After the Hayride broke the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are already coming into the New Orleans area.
Catholic Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee families already and are expecting many more.
There are approximately 180 cities in the country that are eligible to accept the 10,000 Syrian refugees. Here is the full list of those cities, which includes Baton Rouge, Matairie and Lafayette:
US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge
Read more at http://powderedwigsociety.com/first-syrian-refugees-arrive-in-new-orleans/
The New York TimesVerified account @nytimes 39m39 minutes ago
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks, referring to them as “miracles” http://nyti.ms/1NwjP7M
Color me shocked.
Just to be fair to Obama for a second. If you are a follower of Middle East events and I will not elaborate right now but ISIS has taken some major hits lately. The Peshmerga are kicking their ass, God bless 'em!
And to clean up another claim here - No I am not thrilled to see thousands of Syrians coming here but we don't know yet the ethnic or religious makeup of these people. I have lifelong friends that are Syrian Christians. Catholic Charities and the Archdiocese of New Orleans as well as the Jewish Federation of Greater NO have both stepped up to assist these people. I doubt they are here to kill us. Now Dearborn Michigan is another story.....