They just gonna say, its usual procedure in the department and they didnt realize anything was wrong.
If you look at their demeanor, it didnt seem the cops thought anything was out of the ordinary
They just thought the prick was doing his usual shit - they had no idea that the guy was near death - personally would like to see the mayor and police chief tossed - how the fuck are they not all over a guy with 18 complaints - if I'm the mayor - if I can't fire him he comes to my office once a week - I make sure he knows im going to anal rape him, his wife and his daughters if he pulls any shit - but there is no oversight in this city and the police chief and mayors are heroes to the suckers that live in Minneapolis
Amy Klobuchar, the Liberal Media darling, and someone those on the left look up to.... failed to prosecute or charge the cop under her watch when she had the chance and evidence he was a bad cop.... YET somehow this is Trumps fault.
EDIT: The media and the DNC know this... so they are NOT going to choose her for the VP spot as Bidens running mate. Cop she failed to prosecute ended her political career of moving up
FWIW, I spoke with a friend in Minny who's close to the Minneapolis PD. Here's what he knew about ex officer Derek Chauvin
So my friend told me that Chauvin was a dick of an officer other officers hated him. He was the kind of officer who would throw you under the bus in a split second. She said he makes Alonzo from training day look like a saint. As far as the other 3 officers she knew that they were afraid of him the one officer was a rookie the other two very early in their careers. It’s probably no excuse but unfortunately that’s the how things go in Departments across the country if you squeal on superiors there are consequences.
FWIW, I spoke with a friend in Minny who's close to the Minneapolis PD. Here's what he knew about ex officer Derek Chauvin
So my friend told me that Chauvin was a dick of an officer other officers hated him. He was the kind of officer who would throw you under the bus in a split second. She said he makes Alonzo from training day look like a saint. As far as the other 3 officers she knew that they were afraid of him the one officer was a rookie the other two very early in their careers. It’s probably no excuse but unfortunately that’s the how things go in Departments across the country if you squeal on superiors there are consequences.
It is more than reasonable to state that the position of United States Senator > VPOTUS so I'm thinking Sen Klobuchar is sittng pretty come 2021
FWIW, I spoke with a friend in Minny who's close to the Minneapolis PD. Here's what he knew about ex officer Derek Chauvin
So my friend told me that Chauvin was a dick of an officer other officers hated him. He was the kind of officer who would throw you under the bus in a split second. She said he makes Alonzo from training day look like a saint. As far as the other 3 officers she knew that they were afraid of him the one officer was a rookie the other two very early in their careers. It’s probably no excuse but unfortunately that’s the how things go in Departments across the country if you squeal on superiors there are consequences.
are we gonna fall out of our chairs????FWIW, I spoke with a friend in Minny who's close to the Minneapolis PD. Here's what he knew about ex officer Derek Chauvin
So my friend told me that Chauvin was a dick of an officer other officers hated him. He was the kind of officer who would throw you under the bus in a split second. She said he makes Alonzo from training day look like a saint. As far as the other 3 officers she knew that they were afraid of him the one officer was a rookie the other two very early in their careers. It’s probably no excuse but unfortunately that’s the how things go in Departments across the country if you squeal on superiors there are consequences.
that's a hellva gunThis came back with not quilty
Mind you the people in the car were unarmed
And a cop jumped on the top of hood and completely emptied his clip on them
A Cleveland police officer who stood on the hood of a car and fired his gun 49 times through the windshield at two unarmed passengers was on Saturday found not guilty on two counts of voluntary manslaughter.
In court in the morning, Cuyahoga County judge John P O’Donnell said prosecutors failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that bullets fired by Brelo were the cause of death of Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell, or that Brelo had no fear for his own life during the volley of gunfire that ended a high-speed car chase on 29 November 2012.
The dumbest people in the world sit on juries - anyone with any intelligence never shows up for the selection in the first place - now you've got some smooth talking attorney convince these idiots that just watched a video with their own eyes that they saw something different
The 3 being charged with aiding and abetting - who knows? the one cop never even touched the guy - he just kept the crowd at bay