Well he admitted guilt when he confirmed it was his voice on the recording. And the NBA has their own rules that they agreed to and he chose to bow out instead of face his peers. Not sure how this is similar to getting a POW being held by the Taliban.
Your talking about after, I am talking about before. He was hung and considered guilty before he even knew that taped was release. The process is the same no matter the case. Innocent until proven guilty right?
I am agreeing with your quote
It's very sad. The guy has not even been proven guilty of anything. The way they talk about him and this trade is sick. Just absolutely demented individuals.
by why do you pick and choose when that process is acceptable? just like with Sterling, lots of signs pointing to this guy being exactly what he is being accused of, you condemned Sterling but want to pull the innocent until proven guilty card here?
Which is worse, Sterling not wanting his paid gf to not be around black people or this "war hero" going AWOL, his fellow soldiers losing their lives attempting to rescue him while he was joining up with the Taliban?