This is one of those things that neither the lovers or the haters have enough info to even have an opinion.
Very possible he's a sleazy sexual harasser that needed to get run.
Also very possible that these women found an easy way to collect a big pay check and all of this is all made up or blown way out of proportion.
Anyone who has a strong opinion about any of this who is not in the very deep inside , the opinion is baseless.
No matter what side you are on neither side has enough info to discredit the other side
I can't disagree with this statement, but I'm from the school that actually believes people are innocent until proven guilty
And as your statement clearly acknowledges, we don't know and yet O'Reilly has been run out of town by news organizations and people and protesters all doing the only thing they're seemingly capable of doing
I know about the accusations of the victims being cited this week, and I'm totally mocking that bullshit
If and when substantive evidence is released, my opinion may change. To date, the only thing they've proved to me is that they're on a witch-hunt, and they've used this very same shtick before, most recently on our president
Forgive me if I question their motives and their sources, but I question their motives and their sources because they haven't earned my respect and I believe they're people of low character (I'm talking about the NYT and their media partners here)