I know of 2, luckily not personally. The guy on here who advocates for rounding up people and putting them in Concentration camps, and our current POTUS, who kept Mein Kampf on his nightable, and read it nightly. http://www.businessinsider.com/dona...-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8
Reading someone else's speeches doesn't mean you are a Nazi and it wasn't Mein Kampf anyway. I have read and listened to some of Obama's speeches and I am as far away from a Socialist as can be.
I don't care to know details but it seems reasonable to conclude that the claims of at least five women were sufficiently vetted to warrant $13million.....A settled number that likely could have been double that if they held their ground longer
The sick, racist cop and wannabe Concentration Camp Commandant talking about O'Reilly, the mindless sheep and stormtroopers like himself, and intellectual dishonestyointer:. You can't make this shit up.
He was tough to listen to. He comes off like an idiot. Glad he is gone.
well said CHOP!This is one of those things that neither the lovers or the haters have enough info to even have an opinion.
Very possible he's a sleazy sexual harasser that needed to get run.
Also very possible that these women found an easy way to collect a big pay check and all of this is all made up or blown way out of proportion.
Anyone who has a strong opinion about any of this who is not in the very deep inside , the opinion is baseless.
No matter what side you are on neither side has enough info to discredit the other side