One Year Anniversary of the Official Bored at Work Thread


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I've actually never done so at work before...but it's funny you mention it, cuz yesterday I actually went home for lunch(live 5 minutes away)...ended up jerking off while I was there. Nice little session after a solid was a miracle I didn't pass out right there, somehow made it back to work for a couple hours.


Rx Realist
Dec 21, 2003
SkinsRaj28 said:
Always thought about starting a sports blog...but it'd just be a lot of opinion mixed with absolutely retarded shit. Example: "Ohhhhhhh, Ryan Zimmerman just hit a walk-off HR to win it for the Nats! I immediately went to my room and masturbated furiously."

That sort of material is typically reserved for my away messages...but we'll see.

It's actually funny...literally five minutes after I made that post above in response to RobFunk's question, I got a call from the big newspaper in Richmond offering me a part-time job working the copy desk in the sports department. Not in Richmond till mid-to-late August, so I'm not sure if it'll still be available, plus I'm taking a shitload of classes in the Fall, so it's not a go as of right now, but I just thought it was ironic.

You work at a record label? How'd you score that job? Always hear kids my age trying to get into that type of shit, but it never pans out. Hook me up a free Clay Aiken CD. LOLOLOL

Actually I like Tesco's idea about the sportsblog. Just know that if you do that the journalism thing may be out (especially at the wack azz Times-Disgrace). Richmond is a whollllleee different world than the DC metro area.

I can see it now, Skinsraj's blog sponsored by Pinnacle Sportsbook, Jergens lotion and Kleenex.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
SkinsRaj28 said:
I've actually never done so at work before...but it's funny you mention it, cuz yesterday I actually went home for lunch(live 5 minutes away)...ended up jerking off while I was there. Nice little session after a solid was a miracle I didn't pass out right there, somehow made it back to work for a couple hours.


make sure you blow at least one load
at work at the project managers office space or on her desk, before you leave that shithole. you should also show her this thread on why you love to work there


New member
Jun 21, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
You work at a record label? How'd you score that job? Always hear kids my age trying to get into that type of shit, but it never pans out. Hook me up a free Clay Aiken CD. LOLOLOL

i blew Simon Cowell. twice. so what.
but its all who you know.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
kidslick<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_3002342", true); </SCRIPT>
SkinsRaj28 = attention whore


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Ironman_8 said:
Actually I like Tesco's idea about the sportsblog. Just know that if you do that the journalism thing may be out (especially at the wack azz Times-Disgrace). Richmond is a whollllleee different world than the DC metro area.

I can see it now, Skinsraj's blog sponsored by Pinnacle Sportsbook, Jergens lotion and Kleenex.

Funny, right after I made that post, the RTD calls me up and offers me a part-time position at the copy desk of the sports department. Those retards turn me down for an internship but then deem me fit for a job? WTF?

hahaha those would definitely be my sponsers if I had a blog. And yeah, Richmond and DC is like night and day.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
kidslick said:
make sure you blow at least one load
at work at the project managers office space or on her desk, before you leave that shithole. you should also show her this thread on why you love to work there


hahaha I really should just send her a link to this thread at the end of the summer. I actually encouraged her to get wasted my first week there when we all were at some happy hour, then encouraged a co-worker to get with her horny, seemingly-desperate ass. I make good first impressions.

And what you gotta do, right? Didn't know you sweated British cock though...

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Tokens is also Oldirtyku's last day here. Motherfucker is abandoned Juice and I for more $. Place is gonna be even more boring than it has been so far...not good.

In honor of this occasion, we will be getting fucking obliterated at happy hour. And again next week when Juice gets back from vacation.

Sad day...these other interns are gay, and Juice is too busy to fuck around during the day. I'm gonna have to start taking three hour lunches instead of two now.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Get hammered we did...

Pretty much drank nonstop from 3:30-12:30. Making an ass of yourself in front of one of your bosses and some co-workers is always a good idea.

After happy hour we went to the Clarendon Grill, and a Journey cover band was playing...needless to say, my retardedness quadrupled immediately. Fuck.

Anyways, so not only does it suck that Ku ain't at the office anymore strictly because of lack of entertainment reasons...but now because he left, I'm getting assigned some of his old work. Twice as bad. You motherfucking bastard.

It's gonna take about two days for them to realize I have no idea what I'm doing and have accomplished nothing. I blame this entirely on Ku. First he gets me put on post-review, and now this. WTF.

New member
Jun 21, 2004
didnt know you were a Journey fan , Tubby.

I had "Open Arms" played at my wedding last month just because. Then again I also used 'Eye of the Tiger" for the music that i got introduced to. Im still a hulkamaniac

you are probably too young to remember the Journey video game so here ya go.

check out the promo clip.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Man I love Journey...I actually despise the people in and around my age-group that now claim to be fans of them and all that other 80s stuff simply because it's apparently "fashionable." Maybe that's more a product of living in a prep-dominated area, but either way it's aggravating as fuck. People listening to music to be cool? Fuck that...listen to Journey because they fuckin rock, not because the cool kids are doing it. Fags. Remind me of bandwagon Skins fans. I'm not a fan of people in general.

That is some badass shit about your wedding. That reminds me, I was pissed off on Friday...this Journey cover band was so good, but for some reason they didn't play "Don't Stop Believing." The entire time I just assumed that they were waiting to play it at the very end...but then they didn't. I went from siked, happy drunk to bitter, depressed drunk real quick(quick note: at some point during the band's performance, whenever people would walk past me I'd ask them if they liked Journey; if they said yes, I'd be like "goddamned right you do," but if they said no, I'd start yelling at them, being like, "what the fuck is wrong with you?!? I cannot reiterate how retarded I am. Awesome.)

But yeah, how can you NOT play that song? Christ I was so bitter. Anyways, back to your wedding's actually funny you bring that up. Juice and I were talking the other day about his upcoming wedding. He's definitely walking out to the theme song from Rocky(Eye of the Tiger is also a quality choice). Personally, if/when I get married, I'm going with the song that plays during the announcement of the Chicago Bulls' starting lineup. That shit is so badass. That, or "Final Countdown," by Europe.

In the spirit of Hulkamania, you should've had "I am a Real American" played at your wedding.

Don't remember the Journey video game, probably too young. I'll check that promo clip out when I get home(no realplayer on the company laptop).

Edit: post review. Money. That shit is annoying as hell.

New member
Jun 21, 2004
Final Countdown would be nice. feel free to use some of my other ideas that werent approved by the lady
Paper Sign with our names on it that we run through like a JV team or
silent auction for my old video games.

here is my gift table. as you can see my friends are all retards too.
thats a Bill Walton action figure in the blue box on the right too. The wife is pretty happy with owning half of the Lester puppet.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004

Bill Walton action figure...that's a keeper.

I like the idea of the paper signs, definitely did that in high school. Gotta relive the glory days. I'll also get a good PA announcer to call the intros. "AND NOW, THE STARTING LINEUP..."


Couple this with my morbid obeseness, extreme hairiness, and abnormally small future wife is gonna be one lucky lady.

I'd seriously end a relationship if a woman didn't appreciate the starting lineups or didn't get siked listening to Eye of the Tiger, Final Countdown, Bulls on Parade, or some other money song. Oh, Children of the Sandstorm, that shit is ridiculous as well.

New member
Jun 21, 2004
funny i found this....
even Journey is kind of a cover band now. third lead singer


* * *

Jeff Scott Soto to assume JOURNEY lead singer duties starting on July 7th in Bristow, VA due to Steve Augeri throat infection

July 6, 2006 -- Due to a chronic throat infection, Journey’s lead singer, Steve Augeri, has been forced to leave the band’s current nationwide tour with Def Leppard. Jeff Scott Soto, who has previously performed with Journey guitarist Neal Schon, will assume the band’s lead singer duties starting with the July 7th show in Bristow, VA. Steve Augeri’s condition will be closely monitored by his physician to determine when he may be able to rejoin the tour.

According to Journey, “Steve’s been suffering with an acute throat condition since before we kicked off the tour with Def Leppard. We were hoping he’d be in well condition to handle the rigors of the road but unfortunately it appears to be a chronic condition requiring total voice rest. We all wish Steve a speedy recovery.”

For the latest tour dates, please visit

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
ha that's sad. Journey still rocks the fuckin house.

So now that Ku is gone, the bosses gave me one part of his work(handling this task schedule shit). The guy who has to explain everything to me, my new boss pretty much, is a cool guy, actually shared an office with Ku(best office on the floor, nice and spacious, corner office). Anyway, so yesterday after I ask him how life is without Ku in the office, he says it sucks and for me to move in there so some other fool doesn't. I'm like shit, I'll move in there for sure(dude's apparently a big Skins fan, always a good thing).

So today I'm sitting in the office with him, he's busy like shit all day, and I can't start working till he explains shit with me(which he was supposed to do for the past two days, just been too busy). But yeah, so I'm fucking around all day while he's literally a few feet away from me, kinda worrying that maybe I'm supposed to be doing finally this afternoon I'm like, "So...I'm supposed to be waiting for you to get time to walk through this with me, right? I'm not supposed to be doing anything right now?" And he says yeah, he's just been busy. I'm like, "OK, that's what I thought...I just wanted to make sure that I'm not sitting here doing jack shit when I'm supposed to be doing something." Then he busts out this response:

"Only thing you're supposed to be doing right now is checking regularly and letting me know if there are any injuries or breaking news I need to know about."

All I gotta say is snap. Oh, and I had the most tremendous orgasm of my life right then and there. It was pretty cool.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Tesco Vee, did you join TheRX before Sep 2004? If so, when? Thanks.

New member
Jun 21, 2004
RobFunk said:
Tesco Vee, did you join TheRX before Sep 2004? If so, when? Thanks.

prob about june 2004 i guess but my stupidity is just coming out now.

hope im in trouble.

Good job Skins. glad your boss realized where you are needed the most and best suited. now that you have his approval, you can dick off even more. you need to start a posting name for him and post his thoughts for him. you can be the proxy.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
That's a good idea, Tesco...unfortunately, this is turning out to be the worst day of my internship. Got to work this morning and checked my email, to find that the big boss and emailed the two other interns on the team and myself...we have create a powerpoint presentation and actually present it on "Trends in Software Development" on August 4th or earlier(I'm supposed to be out of town that day). He wants us to not only consider the technologies, but also tools, processes, and people as well. I am FUCKED. I know nothing about this industry or software in general. My presentation would go something like this:

1) I use Microsoft Windows. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
2) I use Windows to explore the internet for pornography, gambling, and emailing. All three are easy to access and navigate via Windows.
3) High-speed internet has made all three even easier and more convenient to access.

The end.

This internship went from good to bad real quick. I think I'm going to go to lunch now and never come back. Good stuff.

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