Looking at this for the first time.
Clip Joint only a #6 seed, and Alan Palmer only a #5
I think both of them should be #1 for sure.
There can only be 4 #1's. . .
All Stiffs can not be #1's we don't have enough stiffs. Did JFS not stiff you/us for $500 also? Or did you get paid without me knowing about it?
No I did not get paid.
You are correct, you cant put all the stiffs at 1, but those 2 are in a special catagory.
Stiffjoint stiffed a sportsbooks for 6 figures, thats a crime that could put you in the slammer for years.
AP not only stole from you, but drained out several peoples retirement accounts.
Yes JFS robbed me of $500, but even I cant put him in the same class as CJ and AP, although I do feel that #5 seed is a tad low for him.
Tom Brady has trounced and has moved on.
We will start the tourney in a few days. I am trying to find a way to get whoever wants it a bracket to fill out.
Maybe Wil you can help me
Can I get a bracket and what is the entrance fee and where do I send it?
Maybe I'm being square but I feel like I can pick nearly every winner.