In December of 1995 Clinton sent US forces to stop the Serbs (Milosevic) from slaughtering Muslims in Bosnia. I don't recall much Republican outrage at the time. I wasn't on the internet back then though and was getting my military education watching Catherine Bell on JAG that year. The most upsetting thing about that war was seeing Jesse Jackson use it for political gain when 3 US soldiers were kidnapped.
Clinton however was blasted by Republicans for using "Wag the Dog" tactics after he authorized a strike against Iraq 3 years later during the impeachment proceedings. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott refused to back military action, saying "the timing and the policy are subject to question." And other Republicans including House Majority Leader Dick Armey and Bob Barr expressed similar sentiments.
People have really, REALLY short and selective memories.
During the Clinton presidency, Iraq was bombed multiple times, Saddam used chemical weapons against his own people and tens of thousands of US troops were stationed (permanently) on the Iraqi border trying to prevent Saddam's next incursion into Kuwait or Saudi Arabia. What kind of "exit strategy" from the middle east did our resident Jane Fondas have in mind?
To argue that "Dubya started a war!" is ridiculous, but par for the course from a bunch of ignorant, ideological loons who believe the government war machine is akin to trading in that old foreign clunker ("wasteful Neocon Iraq war!!") for a more useful domestic Obamacare! face)(*^%
"Responsible withdrawal" =
surrender monkeys in the eyes of your enemy.