Again (sigh)
Terrorist acts are not a response. Terrorists acts are a symptom of hating people for who they are. And just because a terrorist murderer uses grievance politics as an excuse for his murderous acts doesn't mean you should take his word for it. Do some people really consider it a great leap for a murderer to lie? The piece of shit could have thought to himself, "Hey great! They're saying I did it because of a video. I can roll with that! Allah Akbar!"
Of course, they are not people that were just lying around one day and watched the video and said, "Wholly shit, I hate westerners and want to kill them". Of course they want to kill us and probably thought of attacking the embassy before. The point was the video was a catalyst for these events. Uprisings all over the middle east sparking that usual hatred for Americans and these dudes just went with it. Probably didn't even watch the video. And to me the video was the stupidest thing in this whole mess but the Republicans made it a focal point of their attacks against Obama and Susan Rice. Like Hillary said, who gives a fuck why they did it... let's just capture them. And now we capture him and it's crickets from Repubs. This should be the happiest week of their lives, I mean we have seen them post those 4 pictures demanding justice for the past 2 years. You would think they'd be happier.