I didn't make any bets, so I can come back any time I want. Might just do that. You make a good point.
We knew you were lying when you said you were going to leave. It's what you do.
Of course no libtard in here is going to call you on it. Especially not Guesser, he's too busy making up lies and drama about Dave.
Bunch of fucking losers.
Made up ZERO about Dave. His own posts did him in. But you already know that, you Lying FuckFace. You just continue to defend the terrorist loving pedo. It's what you are and what you do. Aki said he would leave, just like Willie over a year ago said he would leave. No promises, no bets. Can leave if he wants to, stay if he wants to.
You support a guy who called a woman sending Ricin to Obama and Bloomberg a Patriot, and wished he could contribute to her defense fund. - FACT. You Support a Terrorist Supporter- FACT. And, you're a filthy, gutless liar- FACT.
You continue to lie and misrepresent the situation, why? because you are a filthy vile lying sack of shit. Fact.
We knew you were lying when you said you were going to leave. It's what you do.
Of course no libtard in here is going to call you on it. Especially not Guesser, he's too busy making up lies and drama about Dave.
Bunch of fucking losers.
It is an actual story, I know that kills you.
How'd you like the narrative that this was all about some video on youtube, that Obama and his minions tried to push for weeks? When they knew all along it was a lie.
Why can't you libtards just admit that it was a total clusterfuck, and a coverup of the clusterfuck, with lies riddled all throughout?
caught blatantly , undeniably, admittedly lying twice in the last month as his house of cards begins to crumble. There will be many more lies exposed as time does it's thing
we were right about both lies, libtards still swallow whole without reflex
it's who they are
[FLASHBACK] On CNN Susan Rice blames the internet video for Benghazi