I'm curious: does the fact that the guy who emptied his gun into an unharmed kid didn't know anything about a robbery change anybody's opinion who was running off at the mouth about that robbery? I'm guessing it doesn't...
You just don't get it. What our opinions are is not even relevent. You are trying to be a judge and jury just like Obama. You are even trying to prejudge posters who have not said what you want them to say. It will all come out in the end. You are the one running off at the mouth and putting words into other people's mouths. You are fishing for opinions, stupid and political all the way. My only problem with the whole thing is Obama's comments which were un-Presidential but typically political as always. He has to interject himself into lesser incidents and blow them up to be much bigger than they are i.e. the Harvard prof and Trayvon.
Chew on this. The cop did not know about the robbery but the kid did. Don't you think that affected the way he dealt with the cop from the outset. If you will flip that coin over you will see their is a tails side too. Liberals think in terms of black and white (literally in this case). There is more gray in cases like this and prejudging comes from those who have closed minds and are looking at it from a political point of view. This incident has nothing to do with politics but liberals have to Alinsky up any time they have a chance.