For the record.
Most of the bashing was coming from one person using ghosts. Here are three of his usernames:
I banned a 4th (PDMason) and am also banning IPs to try and keep him from coming back but sometimes these professional bashers can be tricky with IPs so it takes letting them post a little to catch them.
Piranha, naturally no one is forcing you to post here but by leaving this site because of one basher you are punishing 100 or so guys that appreciate your contributions.
I hate to see a single basher with his own agenda win out because he is tricky enough to create several user names and use them to manipulate the forum by complaining as soon as cappers like yourself lose a game under multiple names.
I have deleted over 100 posts today in your threads in an effort to keep them clean but sometime it takes time for me to first of all find them and then do the work with the forum software to delete them.
Anyway, thank you for all of your contributions to The and best of luck for the rest of the football season.
Anyone who sees a basher that is out of line is welcome to email me directly at Just tell me where the offending post is by thread title, offending posters name and the offending post # (the post# is in the upper right hand corner of all post boxes) and I will take care of the problem immediately after I read the email. You can also use the triangular Report a Post Icon in the lower left hand corner of all post boxes to report bashers.
BOL. to all, wil...:toast: