Nut job kills 20 in Maine.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Seriously? LoL people have been “hearing voices” long before this my guy. That’s your “proof”. You see what I mean worthless vague non sense that proves exactly nothing.
No, they haven't.

It doesn't happen in other countries, only in America. Not in Switzerland with lots of guns.

When Obama and Kerry were trying to backdoor gun confiscation (yes, I'm calling it that) through a UN arms treaty in an attempt to usurp the Second Amendment, mass-shootings skyrocketed.

You need to do your homework on this topic and bring more to this conversation than the tomfoolery of Fake News.
Jul 27, 2023
No, they haven't.

It doesn't happen in other countries, only in America. Not in Switzerland with lots of guns.

When Obama and Kerry were trying to backdoor gun confiscation (yes, I'm calling it that) through a UN arms treaty in an attempt to usurp the Second Amendment, mass-shootings skyrocketed.

You need to do your homework on this topic and bring more to this conversation than the tomfoolery of Fake News.
You are trying to tell us no one in recorded history who committed heinous murders never heard voices until just recently?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You are trying to tell us no one in recorded history who committed heinous murders never heard voices until just recently?
I'm not "trying" anything except exposing your ignorance.

First, you need to research CIA mind control programs like MK Ultra so you learn how these govt programs work and the technologies behind them, courtesy your tax dollars. It's not science fiction.

Second, you need to look at the history of these mass-shootings, not only the patterns ("hearing voices") but more impotantly, the critical political events surrounding them. I mentioned the Obama UN gun-grab. Well, it's a fact - mass-shootings skyrocketed during that period as they were staging false-flag shooting after false-flag shooting to get those magic number of votes in the Senate. Ultimately, they failed, but the point stands. If you want to know why they activated this latest Maine shooter, ask me and I'll be happy to show you what they don't want YOU to see - receipts. Always look at these events from a 40,000 foot view, not the narrow minded garbage narratives on TV. I don't believe in coincidences and laugh off ignorant "shit happens" comments like yours, especially when the pattern repeats itself over and over...

Finally, look at the credibility of the FBI right now. You believe anything they tell you? They stage false flags all the time. Jan 6th was one, even though it was made to look like "MAGA" on TV (one of many reasons I turned off that brainwashing poison years ago).

Right now the FBI is sitting on the Jeffrey Epstein client list. That's right, you're not allowed to see it. Until that happens...until millions of classified documents are released to the public, you're not dealing with all the facts. To wit, formulating opinions without all the facts is stupid.

I'll let you in on a little secret - if you knew all the facts, you along with most people would be in a mental institution. It's that bad.

You need better sources and you need better critical thinking skills.
Jul 27, 2023
I'm not "trying" anything except exposing your ignorance.

First, you need to research CIA mind control programs like MK Ultra so you learn how these govt programs work and the technologies behind them, courtesy your tax dollars. It's not science fiction.

Second, you need to look at the history of these mass-shootings, not only the patterns ("hearing voices") but more impotantly, the critical political events surrounding them. I mentioned the Obama UN gun-grab. Well, it's a fact - mass-shootings skyrocketed during that period as they were staging false-flag shooting after false-flag shooting to get those magic number of votes in the Senate. Ultimately, they failed, but the point stands. If you want to know why they activated this latest Maine shooter, ask me and I'll be happy to show you what they don't want YOU to see - receipts. Always look at these events from a 40,000 foot view, not the narrow minded garbage narratives on TV. I don't believe in coincidences and laugh off ignorant "shit happens" comments like yours, especially when the pattern repeats itself over and over...

Finally, look at the credibility of the FBI right now. You believe anything they tell you? They stage false flags all the time. Jan 6th was one, even though it was made to look like "MAGA" on TV (one of many reasons I turned off that brainwashing poison years ago).

Right now the FBI is sitting on the Jeffrey Epstein client list. That's right, you're not allowed to see it. Until that happens...until millions of classified documents are released to the public, you're not dealing with all the facts. To wit, formulating opinions without all the facts is stupid.

I'll let you in on a little secret - if you knew all the facts, you along with most people would be in a mental institution. It's that bad.

You need better sources and you need better critical thinking skills.
Why are you not in a mental institution you know the truth?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Why are you not in a mental institution you know the truth?
I'm one of many people who have been weaponized against the Deep State cabal, not unlike the way the Maine shooter was weaponized to kill innocent life.

He did it with bullets, I do it with information and education 👉The Great Awakening.

Question: If the FBI is spying on and blackmailing "Biden", who is actually calling the shots at the FBI? How deep does the infiltration go?

Watch 👇 👇 👇

Jul 27, 2023
I'm one of many people who have been weaponized against the Deep State cabal, not unlike the way the Maine shooter was weaponized to kill innocent life.

He did it with bullets, I do it with information and education 👉The Great Awakening.

Question: If the FBI is spying on and blackmailing "Biden", who is actually calling the shots at the FBI? How deep does the infiltration go?

Watch 👇 👇 👇

And you choose to fight your fight at a sports betting website? I mean to each his own but wouldn’t this “fight” be better suited for real life and not a fake Internet forum world?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lmao. Joe has completely lost it.
Millions and millions of views on social media says otherwise.

SBD's thread in the RR (before the powers-that-be axed it) had over 2 million views alone...highest ever in Rx history! Buried in the basement.

People always flock to truthtellers.

Once I realized that the Fake News-viewing public is retarded, I stopped caring how crazy I look to them.

PS - That Damar Hamlin sure is having a hell of a season! "Comeback Player of the Year" LMFAO

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Millions and millions of views on social media says otherwise.

SBD's thread in the RR (before the powers-that-be axed it) had over 2 million views alone...highest ever in Rx history! Buried in the basement.

People always flock to truthtellers.

Once I realized that the Fake News-viewing public is retarded, I stopped caring how crazy I look to them.

PS - That Damar Hamlin sure is having a hell of a season! "Comeback Player of the Year" LMFAO
Truth is truth...who cares where it is spread

For a "Sports Betting" forum there sure are quite a few posts and views in the POLY section, so those dismissive posts about wasting time here are standard and ignorant.

I can see so many of the former fox news only crowd become much more aware in the last couple years....they wont like to admit how much your posts and SBD and others AT LEAST got them thinking about a topic and eventually researching enough to CONVINCE THEMSELVES of those truths......doesnt matter who gets credit though, so long as the truth is being spread.
Mar 23, 2022
Millions and millions of views on social media says otherwise.

SBD's thread in the RR (before the powers-that-be axed it) had over 2 million views alone...highest ever in Rx history! Buried in the basement.

People always flock to truthtellers.

Once I realized that the Fake News-viewing public is retarded, I stopped caring how crazy I look to them.

PS - That Damar Hamlin sure is having a hell of a season! "Comeback Player of the Year" LMFAO
Lol, views on social media and in a thread? Are you really that fucking stupid? Calling you crazy at this point is being mild. Views lol.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lol, views on social media and in a thread? Are you really that fucking stupid? Calling you crazy at this point is being mild. Views lol.
And then there's people like you Wabash... Still a work in progress LOL

Remember when Dave used to relentlessly mock you as the ultimate fence sitter? Good times, good times..

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Remember when Dave used to relentlessly mock you as the ultimate fence sitter?

Pretty much sums him up

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Now there are reports that the mass murderer was a conspiracy theorist. Somewhat hits home for this supposedly gambling forum, where everything is a conspiracy including bad beats.

There have been far too many mass murders in this country, and I've heard many reasons for them. Like racism, revenge, anger, religion or just fucking crazy... butt I never heard conspiracy theorist before. I'm thinking that's someone who's just mad at the world, and can't believe nobody is listening

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
On a sidebar, and talking about mental illness, remember when "science" told us the cure for mental illness was electric shock therapy?

Just saying

"Science" evolves people, constantly in the state of flux
Mar 23, 2022
And then there's people like you Wabash... Still a work in progress LOL

Remember when Dave used to relentlessly mock you as the ultimate fence sitter? Good times, good times..
Views. Lmao. What’s really hilarious about you Joe is you think you know everything about everyone when in reality you know absolutely nothing. Keep it up Joe, the entertainment you provide on here is priceless. Views. Lol
Mar 23, 2022
And then there's people like you Wabash... Still a work in progress LOL

Remember when Dave used to relentlessly mock you as the ultimate fence sitter? Good times, good times..
And from what I understand Dave is fucking dead. 6 feet under. So who’s laughing at who now? Lol
Jul 27, 2023
Millions and millions of views on social media says otherwise.

SBD's thread in the RR (before the powers-that-be axed it) had over 2 million views alone...highest ever in Rx history! Buried in the basement.

People always flock to truthtellers.

Once I realized that the Fake News-viewing public is retarded, I stopped caring how crazy I look to them.

PS - That Damar Hamlin sure is having a hell of a season! "Comeback Player of the Year" LMFAO
Do you own any firearms?
Jul 27, 2023
Now there are reports that the mass murderer was a conspiracy theorist. Somewhat hits home for this supposedly gambling forum, where everything is a conspiracy including bad beats.

There have been far too many mass murders in this country, and I've heard many reasons for them. Like racism, revenge, anger, religion or just fucking crazy... butt I never heard conspiracy theorist before. I'm thinking that's someone who's just mad at the world, and can't believe nobody is listening
Someone should seriously check into sherriffjoe and a few other posters here. They seem the exact type that would do something like this.

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