Nut job kills 20 in Maine.


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Jul 27, 2023
No way that was staged by anyone but the kook who pulled it off.

How could you possibly know this other than the TV said so?

And dont get it twisted, there are plenty of others like this guy who have either been part of MKUltra or other like programming...
Not saying this guy was for a fact a Manchurian Candidate but FBI COULD have stopped him just like they could have stopped other shooters if they wanted to, but they dont.
AT BEST they allowed it to happen and AT WORST he was another one of their mentally ill sleepers just waiting for the right trigger to be set off.

There is very very strong cognitve dissonance, even with people who know the Govt is FOS but the idea that they would kill or allow their own fellow human be killed to further a political agenda is still lost on many.

As for the search… he offed himself in the woods.

How convenient
A bit of a stretch.
Why can’t the guy just be some crazy dude who said screw it and let it rip? No deep reason just fed up with life. It happens, most don’t go to his extreme and just skip to themselves. A tiny few let some rage out before they go. No deep seeded intention or conspiracy just sick of living.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
A bit of a stretch.

Why can’t the guy just be some crazy dude who said screw it and let it rip? No deep reason just fed up with life. It happens, most don’t go to his extreme and just skip to themselves. A tiny few let some rage out before they go. No deep seeded intention or conspiracy just sick of living.
Always possible BUT the patterns remain the same......not to mention the timing....
How anyone can auto OMIT other possibilites, especially knowing what we know is short sighted and flat out ignorant.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

MK Ultra is NO stretch.
Sleepers are NO stretch.
Jul 27, 2023

Always possible BUT the patterns remain the same......not to mention the timing....
How anyone can auto OMIT other possibilites, especially knowing what we know is short sighted and flat out ignorant.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

MK Ultra is NO stretch.
Sleepers are NO stretch.
Jul 27, 2023
Pure coincindence im sure :rolleyes:

Yep you solved it. Man how did we miss this?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Always possible BUT the patterns remain the same......not to mention the timing....
How anyone can auto OMIT other possibilites, especially knowing what we know is short sighted and flat out ignorant.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

MK Ultra is NO stretch.
Sleepers are NO stretch.
FBI hides the Jeffrey Epstein list, Seth Rich laptop, Hunter Biden's Laptop, J6 footage, Crooked Hillary's emails....

Millions of documents hidden from the people.. including the JFK, MLK Jr and Malcolm X assassinations, 9/11, Waco, Oklahoma City...

They weaponize the justice system against their political opponents, refuse to investigate statistically-impossible election results, indeed, prosecute anyone digging for the truth...spy on and jail parents who don't want their children being exposed to sick pervs..

It never ends..

But for some bizarro reason, for some people, false flag shootings are just a bridge too far..

Heavens no, the govt would never do that!! How could you even think such a thing?!?!?!

Give me a break. :rolleyes:

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Man how did we miss this?
Easy to do when your eyes are closed.......

Some Guys could stand outside, feel your clothes getting wet, hear the rain, feel the rain

BUT wont believe its raining until they open their eyes and see it.....either that or wait till the weatherman tells them so.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

How it started:

"Hearing voices" 👉 sleeper cell activated

How it ended:

Two gunshot wounds to the head.

Wait.. What??? TWO???

It's all so familiar.

Both President Trump and new Speaker Johnson barely paid lip service to this tragedy, while the "gun control" nutters did what they always do.

They know.

They probably knew this would happen the moment Senator Grassley released the most damming and damaging information on the FBI to the public ever.

"We all want this evil to end"

Indeed, we do.

And there's only one way for it to end once and for all.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
View attachment 77120

How it started:

"Hearing voices" 👉 sleeper cell activated

How it ended:

Two gunshot wounds to the head.

Wait.. What??? TWO???

It's all so familiar.

Both President Trump and new Speaker Johnson barely paid lip service to this tragedy, while the "gun control" nutters did what they always do.

They know.

They probably knew this would happen the moment Senator Grassley released the most damming and damaging information on the FBI to the public ever.

"We all want this evil to end"

Indeed, we do.

And there's only one way for it to end once and for all.
Maybe the CIA missed the kill shot on the first?
Jul 27, 2023
All you guys that post this political conspiracy this and that. Blah blah blah, as if you know some big secret we don’t etc etc At nauseam, every single day. YET you have no real ideas or suggestions for improving the country. Just constant negativity. You liberals and conservatives are exactly the same. You scream all day(constantly post worthless memes) on a sports forum like you guys are enlightening all of us.

Your information and constant worthless memes are equal to all the thoughts and prayers that get sent out during tragedies. Worthless.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Before this illegitimate regime starts ranting about banning guns again over yet another mass shooter the Feds let “slip” through their fingers…let’s talk about a few other things first:

• Where the hell is this manifesto left behind by that leftie trans shooter?

• Why did Uvalde police refuse to intervene for over an hour? How did the shooter who was working minimum wage and living at home afford tens of thousands of dollars in gear?

• How did Paddock’s hard drive “walk off” a hot crime scene? Why did cops hide for over an hour in a stairwell allowing anyone in that room to escape? Why did hundreds of other people report seeing and hearing other gun men all over the venue and the Strip? Why were empty casings found on the opposite side of the concert from Mandalay Bay? Why did 3 helicopters turn off their transponders 10 minutes before the shooting as they hovered above the event?

• How did the fingerprints of one of the Sandy Hook teachers end up on the bullets inside one of the unused magazine? Why doesn’t the DNA match the shooter and his mother at their own crime scene? Why are people waking in a giant circle in and out of the school that day on drone footage?

• Why are the Boston Bombers still wearing their backpacks that don’t match the ones that exploded that day on video AFTER it already happened? Why were the Feds running drills for the same thing that day? Why was a warning caught on video that it was “just a drill” right before the explosion?

• How did the structurally re-enforced Building 7 fall down demolition style on 9/11 despite never being hit by a plane or debris? Why was the owner caught telling authorities to “pull it” on camera? What happened to the money the Pentagon “lost” the day before?

• Why did authorities in Maui tell people to go the wrong way, didn’t use the warning sirens they test every month, and shut off water to the hydrants people were using to stop the fire?

• Why wasn’t FBI agent Lon Horiuchi ever punished for murdering an unarmed Vicki Weaver while she held her infant baby during Ruby Ridge?

• Why did the ATF shoot at and set fire to 76 people…25 of which were children for their own “safety” and no one got in trouble?

• Why did the Ukraine state media push dozens of fake war stories to the media and why isn’t anyone being held responsible for it? Why wasn’t anyone held responsible for shooting a missile into Poland to blame Russia?

• Why wasn’t anyone at the FBI held responsible for covering up Hunter’s laptop before the election and then lying about how it was “Russian disinformation?”

• Why were only J6 election protesters hunted down and prosecuted, but not the BLM rioters who looted stores and set fires just months earlier in DC?

• Why did people see authorities pulling out unexploded ordinance after the Oklahoma bombing? Why doesn’t the official narrative match McVeigh’s movements on camera that day?

Yea, we’re gonna need some answers first.

The truth is that the 3 largest mass shootings on America soil…Wounded Knee, Waco, and Las Vegas, were all committed by our own government. That doesn’t even include all these terrorist events that the Feds who spy on everything we do just can’t magically seem to stop.

Our government will continue to groom mass shooters and orchestrate events to chisel away at our rights until we actually say and do something about it. We would be in WW3 with Russia by now if these murderous war pigs had gotten their way…DON’T let them drag us into this Israel/Palestine conflict we already know we’re funding both sides of.

The United States government has clearly been compromised by our enemies and it’s time to dismantle everything, return to transparent elections on paper, start class action suits against all these mainstream media outlets for libel and treason, and dissolve the debt slavery system of these Central Banks once and for all.

We are in a War of Information and the only thing that can save us…is the truth.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Another dead end means it never ends in the USA.

No leads. No enquiries as to how it happened. It will all be forgotten like the others.

Dead shooter, case closed.

"He was just a random nut!!"


There's a reason these mass shootings are uniquely USA, including Switzerland with lots of guns... Including countries where you see males driving around in open Jeeps firing AK-47s in the air.

Mass-shooters are like commercial airliners. When a plane goes down, a sequence of bad events need to happen. It's rare when one factor causes a jet to crash.

Similarly, these shooters need to be profiled, then groomed/programmed and finally triggered. Nobody randomly wakes up in the morning and decides to shoot up a school or bar. There's no rhyme or reason to that.

"Hearing voices"

What voices are they hearing and where are they coming from? Does law enforcement ever interview the therapists? Every shooter has one.

Of course not.

Does anyone ever bother asking these questions on CNN?

Of course not. Because Fake News is all about narrative, not reality.

Same familiar script over and over..
Jul 27, 2023
This above is what I’m saying perfect example stevieRay. Just copied and pasted statements no real proof, no receipts, just take it from us WE know blah blah zero proof. It’s how misinformation gets spread on both sides. But you know the deep state likes all this chaos etc and I’m sure it’s all planned. Do you understand what I’m trying to say StevieRay? Your post are no different than the screaming liberal suburban white lady. You’re one and the same yet think you’re so far apart. Sheep gonna sheep though.
Jul 27, 2023
View attachment 77123

Another dead end means it never ends.

No leads. No enquiries as to how it happened. It will all be forgotten like the others.

Dead shooter, case closed.

"He was just a nut!!"


There's a reason these mass shootings are uniquely USA, including Switzerland with lots of guns... Including countries where you see males driving around in open Jeeps firing AK-47s in the air.

Mass-shooters are like commercial airliners. When a plane goes down, a sequence of bad events needed to happen. It's rarely one factor that causes a jet to crash.

Similarly, these shooters need to be profiled, then groomed and then triggered. Nobody randomly wakes up in the morning and decides to shoot up a school or bar. There's no rhyme or reason to that.

"Hearing voices"

What voices are they hearing and where are they coming from? Does law enforcement ever interview the therapists? Every shooter has one.

Of course not.

Does anyone ever bother asking these questions on CNN?

Of course not. Because Fake News is all about narrative, not reality.

Same familiar script over and over..
You obviously don’t interact with human beings in the real world very regularly. People snap. It happens. No big conspiracy. No real answers. Just BAM snap life over, live changed. Tragedies happen every second in America in some form or another. Get out get some fresh air and figure out a way to HELP improve America and the problems you see with it.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You obviously don’t interact with human beings in the real world very regularly. People snap. It happens. No big conspiracy. No real answers. Just BAM snap life over, live changed. Tragedies happen every second in America in some form or another. Get out get some fresh air and figure out a way to HELP improve America and the problems you see with it.


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