Correct. He is also a ca ca head! Right on!cheersgif<strike></strike>
Yer such a mean mean man
Not to go to deep, and I won't cuz i can't and theres no real point anyways cuz Gamblers are all about "evidence" and rightly so,
hellagood so cuz much of the physical is deceptive outright lie by stupid men,
actuall poo-poo heads, but when you leave that, the physical, and this I post here to clarify why I say "I Bow" to what Wapner posts about how he concerns himself with what is within his control and not stuff thats not within his control and him saying how these things tend to work themselves out...
...when you die the physical and understanding of what wapner said is crystal Clear. Immediately. I don't know why. The Physical seems to act as a cloud, a haze, a screen on a window that is caked with centuries of dirt, a closed door.
Theres ways to open it while you're here but so much so that door only gets opened for short timespeans then Reality surrounds you again.
Even if you open it for that short time you discover what I am fixin' to tell you.
Love is all that Mattered.
Understanding that envelops you when all the sudden you're free of this body and all thats left of you is The Spirit
complete understanding envelops you and not just that but is immediately all that you are left with bcuz theres "nothing" like we know here.
When The Viel gets cast aside and your perception becomes limitless you get immediately washed in Pure Love. Cuz thats all that remains.
And all that there ever was.
Words Fail. And they always will. Because to describe what I am trying to illustrate here is exactly like trying to describe The Color Lavendar to a person who has been blind for life.
Theres no basis upon which to understand it, no foundation from which to start, you might have had a glimmer of a chance if discussion of this had not been edited out of your Religious Books. By Men who wanted Power over You.
Men for whom it was very -EV for you to understand that, Wapner said....this shit works itself out anyways.
The other thing thats instantly lost when you die is
You do "live" through the experience so just stop stressing about Death now, you know when you have slept and drempt?
Well.....Dreamed? I don't know if "Drempt" is eben a fucking word but thats the closest thing to whats left, when you sleep at a time when you are Newly In Love
you fly.
and feel such Great Joy.
Have you ever done that?
Had those Amazing Dreams after just falling in Love?
Point is.....there is no fucking Time.
Wapner is accurate Yes. I had to type all this to Clarify though because Wapner's words....
...they are Dangerous in the sense that "this will work itself out" gets translated into a Permission Slip for people to do Nothing
and when that happens they suffer Tragedy here.
What Wapner is referring to is what lies beyond this Physical Life. And Yes, he is absolutely right. We get what it is that we Deserve after this, We Know Fully who we are and if we are worthy of "heaven" or hell". Thats a whole other conversation and not even marginally relevant to this which is all:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Its Vital you understand the Importance of the fact that there is No "TIME" within those Dimensions that lie past this one, this Physical Dimension.
Its Pure Love There
because of what we did here.
Because Evil was overcome
In this time and times before this.......
Good Men have always fought for this.
Its important that you continue that.
Rather than just saying "its all gonna work out"
"this stuff is beyond my control"
"this problem is too big for me to contemplate"
"I am just a Feeble Old Man"
"I am far too tired for the war"
"Its just them, those crazy fuckers. I'm some sort of
Blessed Motherfucker where I only have to care about Myself. Fuck those people. Let those Morons fight it out amongst themselves. I'm some kind of fucking Enlightened HOLYMAN on this place
who has evolved to a place where you can kick back while people suffer at the hands of Muslims and Black People who are lost to Hatred and say:
"Fuck It."
"It is what it is"
Ain't ME Gonna do a motherfucking thing about it
thats for DAMN SURE.
Because I believe in Jesus.
and Jesus didn't say it was my Job to do anything to prevent this.
"All Jesus said is I had to Kickback HERE, in my little spot, mainly give money to the church, not fuck my neighbor's wife, not steal things and not do some other shit I forget but what I remember is none of it specifically said I had to fight from keeping little SWEDISH Girls from getting raped by SubHuman barbarians or dealing with Mad Black people."
Like Wapner himself said: "Rights".
YOU do have them also.
None of all that ^^^^ was meant as an attack on Wapner.
Wapner is Past, Beyond the Simple-Minded fucks whose priority it is to find an excuse to not have to deal with Islam and Niggers and use Religion or a desire to not be Racist to cloak what is actually complete TERROR at the prospect of having to actually do anything to solve these problems.
Totally Zero of that was meant to Insult Wapner. He is actually a very evolved being. As is barman.....who fled to TGF
I guess....cause he couldn't take the Heat, The Truth that is expressed at RX.
barman made a pussy move.
The KEY thing to contemplate, if you want to arrive at Enlightenment, is the significance of the fact that TIME exists here and not beyond here.
Its impossible to explain the significance of that cuz we go totally into "Constructs", Non-Physical things so....
words fail.
If you care though, about this place and about leaving this a less war-torn hellhole than it needs to be, for your kids...
give some thought to
a.) what TIME existing HERE and not in what lies after this, what the significance of that is, what "ramifications" on what "THERE
IS" has come to be like and CHIEFLY:
b.) the possibility that "there" is like that cuz of what you did here.
Theres the RoadBlock.
Its unhurdalable, like, impossible to Hurdle.
You can figure it our though.
with just that alone.
The FUNNIEST thing is that I can give you "The Answer"
but its useless unless you figure some other stuff out for Yourself like as useless as would be me giving you an iPhone in 547 B.C.
The Change that You would like to see in this World all begins with you wanting that enough and being willing to work for that.
That Answer, if you want it.....
All there ever was was Love, thats all that remains
after all the pain is gone
The Answer
is Love