NFL/NCAA rigged games tracker


Sep 21, 2004
Just a simple community college class might help you in this "argument"

Over the next decade, the NFL is guaranteed $125.5 billion or almost 4 billion per team in TV money.
327 Million per team in media rights and NFL branded merchandising .
Locally teams generate $ through partnerships, ticket sales and concessions

2022 the annual average operating cost per team was around 126 million.

NFL is a green chee$e making machine for owners..Not to mention the hundreds of business connected to the NFL indirectly.
without gambling the tv contracts, et all....plummet... maybe that's a lttle more clear . partnerships, ticket sales, concessions... you think there'd be a market? lol, I think most guys would do something else
Wainwright cannot throw, bad shoulder, he was dinged all year, he wanted to pitch another game but cannot even throw a baseball 60 feet as of yesterday. I saw the video of him explaning this.

He is a high class individual.
That high class individual got shelled for an entire season to hang around for 2 wins to round his record to 200. His clout aa high class flushed to selfish hillbilly and an embarrassment to a storied franchise that hasn't ever finished in the basement. You can buy the Wainwright story. I'm not. He couldn't throw all year. Was only about sacrificing his teammates for a stupid number. Take your 198 and hit the showers you hillbilly cause you'd never have gotten 200 without the game being a put on.

Sep 17, 2010
without gambling the tv contracts, et all....plummet... maybe that's a lttle more clear . partnerships, ticket sales, concessions... you think there'd be a market? lol, I think most guys would do something else

That high class individual got shelled for an entire season to hang around for 2 wins to get round his record to 200. His clout aa high class flushed to selfish hillbilly and an embarrassment to a storied franchise that hasn't ever finished in the basement. You can buy the Wainwright story. I'm not. He couldn't throw all year. Was only about sacrificing his teammates for a stupid number. Take your 198 and hit the showers you hillbilly cause you'd never have gotten 200 without the game being a put on.
You do not know what you are talking about at all.
He was not the reason the Cardinals collapsed.
He would have been pulled from the rotation but the Cards have been out of it for months, so managment let him go for it, he had a lot of games he pitched well enough to win but got no run support. He lost velocity on his fastballl so he managed to make it move and sink, and some games it did not move and he would get hammeres, 8 runs in 1 1/3 innings, ouch.
Wainwright, his teamates, the franchise, and the fans all benefit from Waino getting to 200.
Only Bob Gibson and Jesse Haines made it to 200 in all Cardinal history.
Kershaw has 210 and has pitched about the same innings.
200 is the new 300, for various reasons there is no way anybody will hit 300 again.
Wainwright missed almost 3 yrs with Tommy John and achilles injuries, plus the usual other times on the IL.
He foolishly played in the WBC this yr, went 5 innings way to early, in spring training he would not have even pitched an inning at that time of year, and was injured, did not play for the Cards this yr for a few months, then was dinged all year.
A lot of MLB players were well below par this yr, there is a long list, see: Alcantara who's ERA is way up, and he publicly has said the WBC hurt him.
Waino has class, donates to charities and has adopted orphans, some of these guys make a donation or two but are phonies, Wainwright is not, he shows up and helps not just with his pocket book.
AGAIN: Wainwright has class, you should try it sometime.

Sep 21, 2004
You do not know what you are talking about at all.
He was not the reason the Cardinals collapsed.
He would have been pulled from the rotation but the Cards have been out of it for months, so managment let him go for it, he had a lot of games he pitched well enough to win but got no run support. He lost velocity on his fastballl so he managed to make it move and sink, and some games it did not move and he would get hammeres, 8 runs in 1 1/3 innings, ouch.
Wainwright, his teamates, the franchise, and the fans all benefit from Waino getting to 200.
Only Bob Gibson and Jesse Haines made it to 200 in all Cardinal history.
Kershaw has 210 and has pitched about the same innings.
200 is the new 300, for various reasons there is no way anybody will hit 300 again.
Wainwright missed almost 3 yrs with Tommy John and achilles injuries, plus the usual other times on the IL.
He foolishly played in the WBC this yr, went 5 innings way to early, in spring training he would not have even pitched an inning at that time of year, and was injured, did not play for the Cards this yr for a few months, then was dinged all year.
A lot of MLB players were well below par this yr, there is a long list, see: Alcantara who's ERA is way up, and he publicly has said the WBC hurt him.
Waino has class, donates to charities and has adopted orphans, some of these guys make a donation or two but are phonies, Wainwright is not, he shows up and helps not just with his pocket book.
AGAIN: Wainwright has class, you should try it sometime.
He trashed all that for 2 wins. Just like your facetious posts you try and belittle people when you obviously mistake class for something else. The season is lost so yeah trot your 11 era out there maybe you'll get lucky and your teammates can outscore your opponent for you. His charitable donations aren't overlooked but there are plenty in st louis that think Waino weekend and the sacrificing of team for individual legacy is tiresome and are ready to rid the yodeling guitar pickin hillbilly into retirement. You choose to watch with your rose colored glasses. My eyes are open and Wainwright shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Gibson or even Carpenter whom not only finished with class but dignity. .

Dec 13, 2007
without gambling the tv contracts, et all....plummet... maybe that's a lttle more clear . partnerships, ticket sales, concessions... you think there'd be a market? lol, I think most guys would do something else

That high class individual got shelled for an entire season to hang around for 2 wins to round his record to 200. His clout aa high class flushed to selfish hillbilly and an embarrassment to a storied franchise that hasn't ever finished in the basement. You can buy the Wainwright story. I'm not. He couldn't throw all year. Was only about sacrificing his teammates for a stupid number. Take your 198 and hit the showers you hillbilly cause you'd never have gotten 200 without the game being a put on.
2.3 billion a year split between the teams in 2023 from gambling.
Gambling numbers are up big since 2020. still contracts have been massive for 15 years.
The NFL now allows teams to make IP deals overseas as of last year.
Money flowing from everyplace...they say teams will appreciate between 8 and 10 billon dollars in the next decade.

Figuring out who wins in your NFL is fixed scheme is a bit of a head scratcher, again it boils down to losers rationalizing losing IMO..Although I do admire your passion on the subject in both threads.

Sep 21, 2004
Yep. They are calling it Waino Weekend. Complete with a celebration into retirement and his performance after the game in concert. Class? This clown is a fucking joke. He doesnt dare take the ball again cause he'd never have gotten to 200 without the leauge intervening, but Cards fans are on the edge of their seats as it's rumored he will bat. Lmao @Serbone get your jersey ready. Put a tent over that whole Wainwright circus.

Sep 21, 2004
2.3 billion a year split between the teams in 2023 from gambling.
Gambling numbers are up big since 2020. still contracts have been massive for 15 years.
The NFL now allows teams to make IP deals overseas as of last year.
Money flowing from everyplace...they say teams will appreciate between 8 and 10 billon dollars in the next decade.

Figuring out who wins in your NFL is fixed scheme is a bit of a head scratcher, again it boils down to losers rationalizing losing IMO..Although I do admire your passion on the subject in
Gambling existed 15 years ago. Without it there aren't pro sports.

Dec 13, 2007
Gambling existed 15 years ago. Without it there aren't pro sports.
Just a fraction compared to today.. wasn't easy making bets back In the day..making drops or picking up cash never... you had to work. Ahhh but those were the days when people loved sports and above all leagues the NFL...Now it's become fashionable being negative about sports.. cynicism rules.

Guess it just the times we live in ..every one feels cheated.

Sounds like you have this all figured both threads, ad nauseam.

Good luck this weekend.

Sep 21, 2004
Just a fraction compared to today.. wasn't easy making bets back In the day..making drops or picking up cash never... you had to work. Ahhh but those were the days when people loved sports and above all leagues the NFL...Now it's become fashionable being negative about sports.. cynicism rules.

Guess it just the times we live in ..every one feels cheated.

Sounds like you have this all figured both threads, ad nauseam.

Good luck this weekend.
Nothing has changed in regards to wagering and pro sports go hand in hand. Now, with New Jersey breaking through teams have their hands out and want their cut when they denounced it previously. All the popularity stems from the wagering on the games' outcome. Not sure why you feel it's a personal thing I've come up with. It'd have been here whether I was born or not.

Sep 21, 2004
Just a fraction compared to today.. wasn't easy making bets back In the day..making drops or picking up cash never... you had to work. Ahhh but
Didn't every high school have a bookie? They didn't even leave the bookie out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Sep 21, 2004
Guess it just the times we live in ..every one feels cheated.
Is it you that feels cheated? I accept that it's part of the game. There's still room to survive. In a game where most contribute to the house why do you put it on me to sound cheated? Not sure it'd even exist if everybody could just decide simply that maybe the 49ers are superior to the Bears. Every square that doesn't get it asks what's the most you've made on a bet? There's lots of room for survival just by playing disciplined. 52.37 percent is all it takes to watch growth. Greed is the downfall of all gamblers You wanna speculate if it's trick or treat.. i don't care. I'm not naive to think it doesn't exist. It doesn't really matter and when I've seen it before it works to my benefit. Longevity. A play is a play is a play. Even if it's clock expiring on Wainwrights 200th.

Sep 17, 2010
He trashed all that for 2 wins. Just like your facetious posts you try and belittle people when you obviously mistake class for something else. The season is lost so yeah trot your 11 era out there maybe you'll get lucky and your teammates can outscore your opponent for you. His charitable donations aren't overlooked but there are plenty in st louis that think Waino weekend and the sacrificing of team for individual legacy is tiresome and are ready to rid the yodeling guitar pickin hillbilly into retirement. You choose to watch with your rose colored glasses. My eyes are open and Wainwright shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Gibson or even Carpenter whom not only finished with class but dignity. .

You are completely wrong, the worst junk you have ever written on here, and that is saying a lot.
You are lying about things on here about a man of accomplishment and integrity.
I am not going to correct your misstated figures and other lies on this thread any more, I will not debate on the internet with a clown like you.

(the Immaculate Reception post was to ridicule the notion that teams rehearse plays and that the powers that be wait till the the last minute or last play of the game to fix the game, everybody knew it but went over your head)

Sep 21, 2004
You are completely wrong, the worst junk you have ever written on here, and that is saying a lot.
You are lying about things on here about a man of accomplishment and integrity.
I am not going to correct your misstated figures and other lies on this thread any more, I will not debate on the internet with a clown like you.

(the Immaculate Reception post was to ridicule the notion that teams rehearse plays and that the powers that be wait till the the last minute or last play of the game to fix the game, everybody knew it but went over your head)
Lol. Lies? Dude cut an album. Lmao. Guess he wasn't too worried about 2 wins and being prepared. He's already immortalized by guys like you. You wanna crown him then crown him. His colors came out. In time the good memories will be most prominent. People in st louis are making their own songs about your precious Waimo. This is a gambling forum not some idolatry hang out. You'll find guys like me that speak truth regardless of hurt feelings to loyalties.

Dec 13, 2007
Is it you that feels cheated? I accept that it's part of the game. There's still room to survive. In a game where most contribute to the house why do you put it on me to sound cheated? Not sure it'd even exist if everybody could just decide simply that maybe the 49ers are superior to the Bears. Every square that doesn't get it asks what's the most you've made on a bet? There's lots of room for survival just by playing disciplined. 52.37 percent is all it takes to watch growth. Greed is the downfall of all gamblers You wanna speculate if it's trick or treat.. i don't care. I'm not naive to think it doesn't exist. It doesn't really matter and when I've seen it before it works to my benefit. Longevity. A play is a play is a play. Even if it's clock expiring on Wainwrights 200th.
nah, never feel cheated but I'm not the one trying to convince others the game is rigged.

Knock yourself least someone is talking sports

Dec 13, 2007
Didn't every high school have a bookie? They didn't even leave the bookie out of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
mine was my grandfathers then my dads ,the guy disappear at some point ...I then switched to an off shore and had problems being paid repeatedly .
Now back to a casino and paper tickets..I love paper tickets, only draw back is the 40 min drive to bet.

Sep 21, 2004
Seems the fans booed waino right off twitter...

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