New to Tracking Plays... Time to Document my Plays


New member
Aug 29, 2011
wsup lock u thinkin about charging for your picks now or something?

Oct 25, 2007
Why you leaving? Because Vark keep telling you that your plays are too late? lmao! varkey annoys everyone dont take it personal

I said it 1 fuckin time.....and then i apologized. So what's your point?? DUMBASS.
If you really think i'm the reason why he's just might be the stupidest person in the world.
You can see this guy turning TOUT from the get go........if you like him so much, go ahead and purchase his plays once he goes tout. And then we'll see who's the smart one.

New member
Aug 29, 2011
I said it 1 fuckin time.....and then i apologized. So what's your point?? DUMBASS.
If you really think i'm the reason why he's just might be the stupidest person in the world.
You can see this guy turning TOUT from the get go........if you like him so much, go ahead and purchase his plays once he goes tout. And then we'll see who's the smart one.

LMAO sure thing forum moderator

"Sit on mah lap!"
Jun 19, 2006
I said it 1 fuckin time.....and then i apologized. So what's your point?? DUMBASS.
If you really think i'm the reason why he's just might be the stupidest person in the world.
You can see this guy turning TOUT from the get go........if you like him so much, go ahead and purchase his plays once he goes tout. And then we'll see who's the smart one.

Wow.. this is interesting.. varkeyboy and I don't necessarily see things eye-to-eye but for once, I gotta say he has a point. Never have I seen such a dramatic overreaction to light-hearted forum comments that would cause someone to quit posting altogether. Folks, the internet is not for people who's skins are as thick wet toiletpaper.

And the reason why lock city's posts were late to go up initially? ADMINISTRATIVE POST REVIEW.. meaning he probably must've violated a forum policy to be on there in the first place (IE: posting certain links, touting, what have you). I've read through this entire thread and really can't find any justification for why you're so upset over the whole thing other than when T-Cane called you out for plagarism.

"Sit on mah lap!"
Jun 19, 2006
P.S. I like seeing the information/write-ups in here but to act as though you came up with the analysis on your own is a bit misleading.

Oct 25, 2007
Wow.. this is interesting.. varkeyboy and I don't necessarily see things eye-to-eye but for once, I gotta say he has a point. Never have I seen such a dramatic overreaction to light-hearted forum comments that would cause someone to quit posting altogether. Folks, the internet is not for people who's skins are as thick wet toiletpaper.

And the reason why lock city's posts were late to go up initially? ADMINISTRATIVE POST REVIEW.. meaning he probably must've violated a forum policy to be on there in the first place (IE: posting certain links, touting, what have you). I've read through this entire thread and really can't find any justification for why you're so upset over the whole thing other than when T-Cane called you out for plagarism.

Thank u!!!

BigTom....let us know how the purchased plays go. Your dumbass will be his only client. Read between the lines before u start talking garbage out of your no knowledge mind.

New member
Aug 29, 2011
What are you talkin about Varkey.. Im not buying his shit nor do i actually think hes leaving because you said he posted late.. I, too, do not see a reason that would actually tick it him off to leave which is why I asked if he is gonna start charging.

Oct 25, 2007
What are you talkin about Varkey.. Im not buying his shit nor do i actually think hes leaving because you said he posted late.. I, too, do not see a reason that would actually tick it him off to leave which is why I asked if he is gonna start charging.

Ya, very nice comeback after trying to call me out. Now u dont think hes leaving "cuz of me." But u just called me out hours ago. I cant talk to dumb ppl. I hope u buy his plays...just let us know how he is doing. If u couldnt see this coming.....then im not sure what to tell u. On thay note, best of luck to you.

New member
Aug 29, 2011
why u keep calling me dumbass and dumb? you dont know me ? You can have the last word. Im not trying to argue with you.

Oct 25, 2007
why u keep calling me dumbass and dumb? you dont know me ? You can have the last word. Im not trying to argue with you.

Sorry to hurt your feeling u non-educated child. I dont care about having the "last word." Im not a little baby or a child like u where i have to have the last word. U talk with no intelligence, therefore i feel the need to put you in your place. Goodnight KID.

New member
Aug 29, 2011
Sorry to hurt your feeling u non-educated child. I dont care about having the "last word." Im not a little baby or a child like u where i have to have the last word. U talk with no intelligence, therefore i feel the need to put you in your place. Goodnight KID.
LMAO you are acting the little kid hahaha, when someone argues with you, the first thing u do is jump out and call them a name hahah.

with that said thanks for putting me in my place Sir! I appreciate it. I have to go to bed now its past my bedtime.

Oct 25, 2007
LMAO you are acting the little kid hahaha, when someone argues with you, the first thing u do is jump out and call them a name hahah.

with that said thanks for putting me in my place Sir! I appreciate it. I have to go to bed now its past my bedtime.

Whether i called u a name is beyond the point here. Its called back up what u were trying to say previously. Oh whoops....u cant....cuz u thought u can easily call me out and get away with it. Life doesnt work like that buddy.

New member
Mar 18, 2012
Week total*
6* 1-0 up 6 units
5* 1-0 up 5 units
4* 2-0 up 8 units
3* 3-3 down .9 units
2* 4-1 up 5.8 units
1* 1-0 up 1.55 units
9-4 69% up 17.35 units

6* 2-0 100% up 12 units
5* 2-0 100% up 10 units
4* 5-1 83.3% up 15.6 units
3* 8-6 57.1% up 4.2 units
2* 9-7-1 52.9% up 2.8 units
1* 2-1 66.67% up 1.45 units

2 Week update (YTD) 28-15-1 63.63% up 46.05 units (not including plays not posted from 4/30 and 5/1 which of course i cashed)

9-1 90% on top plays 4*-6*
i think thats pretty good

New member
Mar 18, 2012
first of all, i find it funny how these forums work... i am not thin skinned or sensitive in any way... although i take handicapping very seriously. I put a lot of research in my picks using various sources including, i repeat INCLUDING other peoples write ups which in no way i am trying in any way to claim as my own... i only post a play if i like it and my mistake was posting the write up on this post... sorry if i mislead anyone in believing it was my own. nevertheless it was only 2 times, once posted in its entirety and once i posted a part i really liked, only because i felt it was important information and i had no time to provide a write up on my own...

reading all your post did make me realize something though... i am providing you guys winning plays which i spend my own money for research and my own time over anything. i don't deserve to be bad mouthed by anyone. RESPECT. varkeyboy your a prime example. your immature and that exactly a BOY.

Do you understand that i have provided MANY winners at no charge to you or anyone.... why must i listen to any complaints at all... when or IF i ever start posting back to back losing days or even a losing week then talk all the shit you want... but believe that is very rare....

i have been in the business for a very long time. with that i have made MANY MANY mistakes that i regret that has cost me a lot of money. but that is why i am who i am today. no one is perfect. and i am in no way saying i am better then any capper here. but i know a lot for what i have been through and have learned from my mistakes. and that is why i have an edge over anyone you wanna compare me to...

that is all i have to say... i may post again but i don't see why i have anything to prove to anyone.... and thanks for the idea, i may one day charge for my picks, because if your good at something why not... thanks and have a good life

Sep 19, 2005

Thanks again for posting. Hope to see you around here again. Many of us appreciate your input.

Good luck.

New member
Dec 21, 2006
Once upon a time ...

first of all, i find it funny how these forums work... i am not thin skinned or sensitive in any way... although i take handicapping very seriously. I put a lot of research in my picks using various sources including, i repeat INCLUDING other peoples write ups which in no way i am trying in any way to claim as my own... i only post a play if i like it and my mistake was posting the write up on this post... sorry if i mislead anyone in believing it was my own. nevertheless it was only 2 times, once posted in its entirety and once i posted a part i really liked, only because i felt it was important information and i had no time to provide a write up on my own...

reading all your post did make me realize something though... i am providing you guys winning plays which i spend my own money for research and my own time over anything. i don't deserve to be bad mouthed by anyone. RESPECT. varkeyboy your a prime example. your immature and that exactly a BOY.

Do you understand that i have provided MANY winners at no charge to you or anyone.... why must i listen to any complaints at all... when or IF i ever start posting back to back losing days or even a losing week then talk all the shit you want... but believe that is very rare....

i have been in the business for a very long time. with that i have made MANY MANY mistakes that i regret that has cost me a lot of money. but that is why i am who i am today. no one is perfect. and i am in no way saying i am better then any capper here. but i know a lot for what i have been through and have learned from my mistakes. and that is why i have an edge over anyone you wanna compare me to...

that is all i have to say... i may post again but i don't see why i have anything to prove to anyone.... and thanks for the idea, i may one day charge for my picks, because if your good at something why not... thanks and have a good life

Once upon a time there was a man who said his only purpose was to help others by sharing his assets with those less fortunate. So he decided to feed 100 hungry children each day. After a few days, five of the children began to complain, "What, no dessert with our meals?"

This so angered the benefactor that he said, "To hell with this; they can all go hungry for all I care. They're just a bunch of ungrateful bastards."

Niney-five grateful children were once again going hungry. And all because the "good guy" had his pride and ego hurt which takes us back to his original intent to help others.


If you really want to help others, go into the Tracking thread and post your plays under "Mr. Anonymous."
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