New Season, so a new thread for the Fraud/Tout Matt Zylbert

Oct 12, 2013
I got 9-19 from your profile at VI. I differ from you in handicapping in that I am a numbers guy, feel means nothing. What gets me wins on sides gets me wins on totals. I will post my sides but not my totals. I can win 50+ units on sides and 3x that on totals. Have a good season and may your hard work pay off.
Apr 6, 2012
I got 9-19 from your profile at VI. I differ from you in handicapping in that I am a numbers guy, feel means nothing. What gets me wins on sides gets me wins on totals. I will post my sides but not my totals. I can win 50+ units on sides and 3x that on totals. Have a good season and may your hard work pay off.

Yeah, that's because that's the timeframe you selected to include last year's October along with this year lol just change the starting date to March 22, since that was my first game of the year (The Kershaw vs Miley under in Australia) up to today's date.

You have a good season as well. I'll still post in the baseball forum once in awhile and I guess throughout the RX, so hopefully we can compare and contrast a few games or so throughout the season, as you also seem like a knowledgeable guy with much experience. Looking forward to it and good luck.

P.S. 0-0-1 tonight to bring the season record to an odd 2-1-2... of course, I could argue all day that a 4-3 score in my Anderson vs Eovaldi under should have unquestionably won. After all, WHY is Anderson vs Eovaldi the same over/under 7 as last night's De La Rosa vs Fernandez? Sometimes, Vegas really pisses me off. If De La Rosa vs Fernandez, a matchup of two notably better pitchers (Including arguably the best pitcher in the game in Jose Fernandez), is going to be 7 (AND it went over in that game!), then that means Anderson vs Eovaldi should be 7.5, which would have given me a win instead of a push. Basically, those Vegas morons are saying that Brett Anderson and Nathan Eovaldi are exactly as good as Jorge De La Rosa and Jose Fernandez, which is just absolutely absurd (For the record, I love both Anderson and Eovaldi and called their emergence years ago). But what can ya do?

New member
Nov 29, 2005
Honestly, (as a member not a mod) I wouldnt say Cat is a scammer. think that should be reserved for true scammers. Cats definitely can be naive at times, and he does bring a lot of this on himself, but a scammer it too far.

So someone that bets -200 favorites, loses and then loses money overall but puts in his title 60%!!! That isn't a scammer.

This guy is one of the biggest frauds in the history of the forum.

Feb 10, 2009
So someone that bets -200 favorites, loses and then loses money overall but puts in his title 60%!!! That isn't a scammer.

This guy is one of the biggest frauds in the history of the forum.

lol, yes, I would have a major problem with someone who touted 60% at -200

clearly I dont keep with with this saga enough.

Cats, why don't you get tracked elsewhere? That way theres no question
Oct 12, 2013
He is 8-7 so far in Baseball. Zylbert I am just trying to figure out how you make your pics.
Apr 6, 2012
So someone that bets -200 favorites, loses and then loses money overall but puts in his title 60%!!! That isn't a scammer.

This guy is one of the biggest frauds in the history of the forum.

Huh? When do I ever bet "favorites"? Over/Unders ONLY, as you very well know. Pllleeeeeaaaseeee look through my entire baseball game log, whether it be 2012, 2013, or 2014 (Since all of those years were publically documented) and find just ONE bet where I took a "-200 favorite." Every baseball bet, whether it be during my time here or on Vegas Insider, has been an over/under (Where you're not allowed to buy runs, by the way, so everything averages out to -110)

So what were you saying about my 169-99-16, 63.1% run from the second half of last season again? You know, now that you realize that it was strictly -110 over/under work.

By the way, this thread has nothing to do with football betting because I'm not a paid handicapper for my football work. Football has nothing to do with this thread anyway. Geaux Saints (If you WANT to talk football, I like what the Saints have done thus far this offseason, except the loss of my favorite player Lance Moore ugh that devastated me)

lol, yes, I would have a major problem with someone who touted 60% at -200

clearly I dont keep with with this saga enough.

Cats, why don't you get tracked elsewhere? That way theres no question

Lol again... huh? When have I ever taken a -200 baseball bet? When have I ever NOT taken a baseball over/under?? For the 1058274726th time, that's ALL I do, meaning EVERYTHING averages out to -110. Look through the entire game log of everything I've posted through my time here or on V.I. That has never been in question or in dispute.

... And there's no question about anything lol nor was there ever. Vegas Insider is the most well-known company in the industry. Don't you think if there was anything crooked going on with record-keeping, one of the clients that I, or the other top handicappers have, would say something? Wouldn't that become a huge news story that would ruin a nationally-renown company?

Defying, don't confuse me for one of the "professional handicappers" on COVERS because on there, YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE THEIR RECORDS. THAT SITE, AND THEIR HANDICAPPERS, ARE A JOKE (Notice how they only "highlight" their "past ten" bets hahah that site is a disgrace). They don't even have any game log for their handicappers so they're easily able to make it up as they go along. On V.I., the automated tracking is as extensive and deep as possible, meaning you can search and produce any timeframe possible from any season. It's awesome and I love it because everyone who does this professionally should always be put under the microscope every day, to ensure that everything they do is legitimate, and that every reader always has the option of evaluating their work from ANY time period.

Sites like Covers, though? Obviously, they're not legitimate and, most likely, fudge their records, since you can't even see their game log! Not sure why feelings towards scumbag, deceitful sites like those get geared towards me, when you should be directing all of that emotion towards Covers themselves, especially since I HATE sites like that as much as anyone. Obviously, those are the scammers.
Apr 6, 2012
He is 8-7 so far in Baseball. Zylbert I am just trying to figure out how you make your pics.

Hard work every night, my friend. That's what I emphasize more than anything. Every single night, usually after the last game is completed (Around 130 AM EST), I begin my ritual-like technique of going through each pitching matchup one at a time, and then through the list back up again, a process that takes about two or so hours (On average, with the usual daily 15-game schedule). I look at the lines AFTER, because, in my opinion, you should never let the line itself dictate your opinion on a pitching matchup BEFORE you develop a specific feel or vibe for the aforementioned pitching matchup. Your feel for a game is usually what makes you successful - NOT the ficticious number attached to it. Remember, this is all mental to me, and I've noticed that when you look at a line before you develop an organic feeling or thought process for any specific game, it kind of distorts your view and really, more times than not, will minimize your original first impression on the actual game. And to me, first impression is everything if you really have some sort of organic instant feel for a matchup. THEN you want to look at the line and compare and contrast to it.

When a game sticks out, I evaluate it more when I arrive to it again, and then usually I'll do my article on it that night or the next morning (Although sometimes I'll wait deeper into the next day if I'm waiting for a line movement. Ex. If I really like an under, but it's 6.5, I'll usually wait to see if it goes to 7, unless it's a game I'm certain that will probably stick at 6.5, such as my Andrew Cashner vs Jose Fernandez under from the other night. Obviously, that one had no chance going to 7 from 6.5). Of course, everyone has their own technique, but this routine is something I live and die by. Would never approach gambling consistently without this method, but again, that's just me, and I've been doing this so often now over the past several years that I've become such a creature of habit. Like I said, I live and die by this method and would never attempt anything else.

New member
Nov 29, 2005
I don't follow Cats baseball nor do I care to..

However on his bogus football bets (documented on here), buying points, props that no one could bet at outrageous juice, etc.

Then in the title of his posts he put things like 59% when he was down money. So Cats you can run a scam on bets because you don't charge for those and think people will say ok let's pay for your baseball picks becuase you say those are legit?

Come on a scammer always a scammer. Anyone with an average IQ knows what Cats was doing. Trying to show how great he was in football (failed) so that people would line up to buy his baseball picks (fail). So when that didn't work, he changed from how much money he was up to pointing out he was hitting in the 60% range and thought people would gloss over his money and that he was down.

If it looks and smells and tastes like a's a tout
Apr 6, 2012
I don't follow Cats baseball nor do I care to..

However on his bogus football bets (documented on here), buying points, props that no one could bet at outrageous juice, etc.

Then in the title of his posts he put things like 59% when he was down money. So Cats you can run a scam on bets because you don't charge for those and think people will say ok let's pay for your baseball picks becuase you say those are legit?

Come on a scammer always a scammer. Anyone with an average IQ knows what Cats was doing. Trying to show how great he was in football (failed) so that people would line up to buy his baseball picks (fail). So when that didn't work, he changed from how much money he was up to pointing out he was hitting in the 60% range and thought people would gloss over his money and that he was down.

If it looks and smells and tastes like a's a tout

WTF are you talking about? This is so annoying because it's ridiculous how I get lumped in with the actual scumbags that are touts (And by now, as even Defying points out, I'm one of the few good and honest ones, as you should be able to tell from my demeanor and baseball results), which I AGREE is most of them. So to you, everyone is the same? Every single person in the world, whether it be one skin color, one religion, one occupation, etc. fits the same stereotype? And it doesn't matter to you, apparently, that in my first season being a professional, I led ALL of Vegas Insider during the regular season? So even if the professional handicapper WINS for his clients, they're still fucked up to you, right? Why? Is it jealousy? It doesn't matter their clients are making money in the end? Interesting logic.

It's one thing if the professional handicapper is losing. If they're always down, like Brandon Lang (And probably most who do this), then that's a problem and should be investigated. However, if they're WINNING and made their customers money with a company-leading first season, then what's the problem? Please elaborate. Because as I've said, if there comes a point in time where I'm losing in baseball, then I quit. I'd be done because I wouldn't be able to live with myself with that on my conscience. How many "touts" go by that philosophy? Probably none, because most don't give a shit. CLEARLY, I obviously do because I'm just a normal guy with ethics and morals, who you think, for whatever reason, is "just like everyone else" in the business. It's annoying because we've talked about this months ago, and most can tell from my time here that I'm NOT like those others. Why are you so paranoid about this and lump everyone into the same category?

Football work has nothing to do with baseball work (And you conveniently leave out the fact that I was up nicely during my 2012 football campaign, and the fact that I was up THIS SEASON from the two important bets that people care about - over/unders and spreads. Remember, I was down overall because of -130 teasers and props and my record associated with those two specific bets. And I was up all season overall - the first 14ish weeks, that is - before a disappointing ending to my season). What exactly was misleading? My record was always kept. The money was always kept. Everyone knows I bought points for many over/unders in football because that was my preferred strategy for that specific sport (And, as I even told people, if you wanted to tail me, most likely you didn't have to buy the point or points for that particular game). What's the issue? And what does that have to do with baseball? You can't even buy runs in baseball (Or at least with the book I use). What does one have to do with the other? I'm just like every other single person on here that posted their football work - just did it for fun and nothing else. Isn't that why we all do this?

It's amazing how some people are obsessed with this issue and comically overthink everything... Why did I post my football? Oh, hmm, because like everyone else, I have fun with it? Is there a problem with that? I wasn't trying to use that for baseball, since the two have NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. When do I ever "tout" or "advertise" myself on here? I don't see any posts from me in the Site & Promotions forum. I don't see any posts from me going into other people's threads and advertising myself. I don't recall talking about baseball in my football threads. Hell, I didn't even start this thread. But for some reason, people like to talk about something that's not there. It's just so annoying. The fact that I debunk every theory related to this concerning myself still doesn't matter. Oh well, that's the Internet, I guess.
Oct 12, 2013
Well Zylbert people are just calling into question your record keeping. You said you were up all season... that is until the end, well the end is part of the season. In the football section your thread says 54.8% but there is no mention of money which was a (-) for the season. People have a problem with that. It may not be important to you but is is to them. I do not know about anyone being obsessed with you. They just expressed their thoughts on your thread. I read your thread because it mentioned totals. Not much is written on totals. Even though I make 100+ units on totals in baseball I know there is still something to learn.
Oct 12, 2013
As to your method of picking your totals. I know you study, everyone does. I was just trying to see what you look for, my knowledge of totals is vast. Most people do the same thing which is why they don't win much. Anyway keep up the hard work.
Oct 12, 2013
Through 4/11 he is 15-11-3, + 2.27 ?????? but he is cherry picking the best lines. The game is 10 he posts over 9 1/2, I seen a line a 8 (-120-130) and he posts 8 (-111). If he has clients there is no way they are getting numbers that he is posting. I wonder if they complain about that?
Oct 12, 2013
Update 4/12 Pitt/Milw line opened 8 went to 8 1/2 at some places and Zylbert is claiming under 9??? I wonder how much his hot streak was helped by adding 1/2 pts on totals.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Update 4/12 Pitt/Milw line opened 8 went to 8 1/2 at some places and Zylbert is claiming under 9??? I wonder how much his hot streak was helped by adding 1/2 pts on totals.

Here is the email I received from VI this morning when I asked them about why so many lines... they themselves says ITS NOT for advertising and its in FAVOR of the scamdicappers:

Dear Xxxxxx

Our system assigns the best line available at the time they post their pick and have no control of the line source. We show a diverse amount of sports books to give our handicappers the ability to get the best line available.

Good Luck,
Marketing Coordinator


From: Xxxxxx Xxxxx []
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 8:28 AM
Subject: Question about line the handicappers use

Why do the handicappers use lines from all over the place? One handicapper I was looking at for the MLB season picked lines from every sportsbook imaginable from all over the world. Some online and some in vegas, even the Atlantis casino which is in the Caribbean.
Why so many different books? Several of these different bets were placed on the same day at 5 different books.
Is it because your handicappers are forced to use certain books cause you have to advertise them? Or do they choose them at their own free will?
Im confused, and I only use 2 books myself. Just trying to see what the logic is.

There is your answer... like it or not.
Oct 12, 2013
If he actually bets the games that is okay but to post the best number around the world and claim you are the best is indeed shady. I am just doing a little point-counter point.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
If he actually bets the games that is okay but to post the best number around the world and claim you are the best is indeed shady. I am just doing a little point-counter point.

Yeah it is shady. Cause these are probably how he looks at the lines when he is looking at the games at VI.

Red Sox vs Yankees:
Over 7.5 -110
Under 8.5 -110

Cause they are using the best lines they can find anywhere from around the universe to bet a particular side of a game. Which isn't fair and quite comical
Oct 12, 2013
Yes it is comical. He says he makes money for his clients but I doubt his clients can get these lines. He adds a nickle or a dime or a half run to most of his games. A bad way to make yourself look good. Today he shaved 10 cents off of a line.

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