Nets suspend Kyrie Irving at least five games without pay.


Jan 5, 2008
Guy post a picture of documentary and the Jew Crew come out in pitch forks. Posted a picture of a movie that’s it lol. People just look everywhere to find someone or something to hate on and cancel these days.

Meanwhile, woke Lebum James during the BLM pandemic sits around in his Islam beard with a Louis Farrakhan book and is asked how he likes it so far. Farrakhan, notorious for speaking on campus of usually HBCU and outspoken Over Jewish practices of history and noted for anti Semitic rants. Should Lebum be canceled? Was Lebum promoting something with that book? Speaking of, where is Lebum tweets on this matter? He usually leads a charge bringing his expertise on social stuff especially Racist stuff.

Good for kyrie! Between him and Kanye the media should be running headlines Black basketball player and black rapper bring new rise in racist black supremacy over attack in promoting anti Semitic propaganda.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Guy post a picture of documentary and the Jew Crew come out in pitch forks. Posted a picture of a movie that’s it lol. People just look everywhere to find someone or something to hate on and cancel these days.

Meanwhile, woke Lebum James during the BLM pandemic sits around in his Islam beard with a Louis Farrakhan book and is asked how he likes it so far. Farrakhan, notorious for speaking on campus of usually HBCU and outspoken Over Jewish practices of history and noted for anti Semitic rants. Should Lebum be canceled? Was Lebum promoting something with that book? Speaking of, where is Lebum tweets on this matter? He usually leads a charge bringing his expertise on social stuff especially Racist stuff.

Good for kyrie! Between him and Kanye the media should be running headlines Black basketball player and black rapper bring new rise in racist black supremacy over attack in promoting anti Semitic propaganda.
Good post, You have a much better way with words than I do.......Bunch of Kyrie haters taking the side of Bullshit....for the records I am not fan of Kyrie, he is childish at times, I am very neutral about him overall but in this case he is being made an example of for not bowing to the masters.

The fact that he thinks the earth is flat has NOTHING to do with this. Its just a silly arguement made by intellectually dishonest people to bolster their justification of nonsense.

New member
Oct 20, 2022
Good post, You have a much better way with words than I do.......Bunch of Kyrie haters taking the side of Bullshit....for the records I am not fan of Kyrie, he is childish at times, I am very neutral about him overall but in this case he is being made an example of for not bowing to the masters.

The fact that he thinks the earth is flat has NOTHING to do with this. Its just a silly arguement made by intellectually dishonest people to bolster their justification of nonsense.
I mean he just should have come out and said I’m not anti semitic I’m pro black and spoken about the erasure of blacks from history as his talking point but he didn’t clarify and then finally apologized halfass wise, and that just looks all the way worse…. imo he’s not anti semitic I think he just really trying to bring awareness to his perception of historical mistreatment of blacks, I also do think he is a genius but I mean with a basketball, guy might be the best pure ball handler of all time. He is poetry in motion and maybe ppl should take that into account and realize he thinks hes smarter than he is bc he’s been told how great he is and catered to and yes manner to death his entire life.

with that said like most narcissistic attention seeking jackasses who can’t stop sticking their foot in their mouths he has an incredible lack of self awareness

Dec 15, 2017
I mean he just should have come out and said I’m not anti semitic I’m pro black and spoken about the erasure of blacks from history as his talking point but he didn’t clarify and then finally apologized halfass wise, and that just looks all the way worse…. imo he’s not anti semitic I think he just really trying to bring awareness to his perception of historical mistreatment of blacks, I also do think he is a genius but I mean with a basketball, guy might be the best pure ball handler of all time. He is poetry in motion and maybe ppl should take that into account and realize he thinks hes smarter than he is bc he’s been told how great he is and catered to and yes manner to death his entire life.

with that said like most narcissistic attention seeking jackasses who can’t stop sticking their foot in their mouths he has an incredible lack of self awareness
Very well said

Jan 5, 2008
Good post, You have a much better way with words than I do.......Bunch of Kyrie haters taking the side of Bullshit....for the records I am not fan of Kyrie, he is childish at times, I am very neutral about him overall but in this case he is being made an example of for not bowing to the masters.

The fact that he thinks the earth is flat has NOTHING to do with this. Its just a silly arguement made by intellectually dishonest people to bolster their justification of nonsense.
I think the nba is trash. Kyrie is a goof. And this microscopic social media post is stupid as shit. But kyrie is a intellectual dude. You watch him speak and he isn’t dumb. One of those smart guys who says weird or dumb shit to back himself into the corner. Plays both sides in clever ways. And gets people to fall for the bait. Bit of a clever troll, shit starter but he isn’t dumb. Far from it.

He is an easier target due to his outspoken and off the norm path. For them to jump on him so quickly over this just means he has some truth hiding behind it. Last thing people of power want is Free independent thinkers voicing truth or reason especially if they have a platform.

Rich old white men are the corner stone of America’s problems per “what we are told to believe!” And this is the white supremacy leading the way. But somehow being rich old white and Jewish you get the free pass and well basically not white. The nba and nfl have lots and lots of Jewish ownership. Not finding much in nhl or mlb. But nfl and nba are for more outspoken pressing race and politics into sports. I just find it odd all these Old White Rich Jewish owners sure as hell fit the description of the so called problems but never get drug into the problem.

Google Facebook Hollywood Hedge Funds Banking Big Pharm Media Outlets Sports teams. People say it’s Jewish ownership and control of these high and powerful platforms. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t.

Jews do love to stir the pot though. Then go run back and hide in the corner watching shit unfolding. Always a victim somehow but never a contributor to the problems. Black peoples can talk racism in America and oppression and be held with rounds of applause. But the minute anything Jewish gets involved it’s STFU and back to the bus boy!!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I think the nba is trash. Kyrie is a goof. And this microscopic social media post is stupid as shit. But kyrie is a intellectual dude. You watch him speak and he isn’t dumb. One of those smart guys who says weird or dumb shit to back himself into the corner. Plays both sides in clever ways. And gets people to fall for the bait. Bit of a clever troll, shit starter but he isn’t dumb. Far from it.

He is an easier target due to his outspoken and off the norm path. For them to jump on him so quickly over this just means he has some truth hiding behind it. Last thing people of power want is Free independent thinkers voicing truth or reason especially if they have a platform.

Rich old white men are the corner stone of America’s problems per “what we are told to believe!” And this is the white supremacy leading the way. But somehow being rich old white and Jewish you get the free pass and well basically not white. The nba and nfl have lots and lots of Jewish ownership. Not finding much in nhl or mlb. But nfl and nba are for more outspoken pressing race and politics into sports. I just find it odd all these Old White Rich Jewish owners sure as hell fit the description of the so called problems but never get drug into the problem.

Google Facebook Hollywood Hedge Funds Banking Big Pharm Media Outlets Sports teams. People say it’s Jewish ownership and control of these high and powerful platforms. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t.

Jews do love to stir the pot though. Then go run back and hide in the corner watching shit unfolding. Always a victim somehow but never a contributor to the problems. Black peoples can talk racism in America and oppression and be held with rounds of applause. But the minute anything Jewish gets involved it’s STFU and back to the bus boy!!!
If you want to know who is in charge just observe who you are NOT allowed to talk about.

Jul 14, 2007
Mommy mommy I don’t like this documentary that the #1 retailer in America sells, suspend Kyrie Irving for linking it please

bunch of pussies, I guess it is pretty funny to see these clowns get bent over though. They were so empowered when they shutdown the league after Blake

Bezos would put his dick on your forehead and laugh if you tried to cancel him for this though, why they don’t come for him

Same people praising this suspension will complain about cancel culture when it cancels a right-leaning figure in 6 months

Jul 14, 2007
Kyrie should just go back to the safe zone what is acceptable to say and he’ll be fine.

You know, blaming white men for everything

These fools thought they were #1 on the intersectionality totem pole and finding out the hard way that it’s a #2 at best

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Categorically incorrect

More like people who think what Alex Jones was saying about Newtown victims not dying and calling the grieving parents actors is free speech would defend Cryrie's behavior

And people defending CK's behavior would too

Especially since Flat Earth is an antivaxxer

People who dislike all three actions are being remarkably consistent, and it has nothing at all to do with cancel culture



Jul 14, 2007
Lol @ lumping newtown conspiracy with linking a doc that the #1 retailer in America sells

also lol at pretending anyone is “defending his behavior”, more like think it’s hilarious he gets jammed up for linking a doc but everyone else in the league is allowed to call cops racist all day amongst others things. Like I said, if he kept his energy for basic white people, he would be fine.

No one is “defending his behavior”, we’re laughing at those triggered by it. He linked a documentary, who cares. If the doc is that vile and heinous then sounds like there is a bigger fish to fry there.

Sep 20, 2017
It is free speech, Will.
Kyries didn't say anything at his job like Colin
I 100% support Colins ability to say dumb shit on Twitter, social media and whatever
Does a business have a right to fire some of these guys? Sure I suppose
But I would say you have to be absolutely egregious imo to warrant that otherwise you really are not allowed to express yourself
If you think that none of these elite scumbags do not have similar supposed negative opinions about things you better think again
If you can be fired for opinions that are not outright hateful and calling for violence you don't have the right to free speech I don't give fuck what anyone says
Corporations have just as much if not more power and influence than the government
The ADL is far more racist and tribal and negative with their censorship than any individual opinion

Sep 20, 2017
If you can't afford to make a living because you say "the unthinkable" that is taking free speech away just as much as it is if the government does it by force

Jul 14, 2007
Ehhh, you make 35m a year and play for the Brooklyn nets. You do have to be careful about what you promote and anything seem as anti Jew is gonna be a no go. So I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a free speech issue.

Where most of us disagree and laugh is the clear double standard. LeBron can dox cops online, Kyrie can say America is racist and boost for a career criminal resisting arrest (all of them did) but the minute you link a doc that says out of the mainstream opinions that is sold by Amazon and that’s the bridge too far? Lol

Sep 20, 2017
Ehhh, you make 35m a year and play for the Brooklyn nets. You do have to be careful about what you promote and anything seem as anti Jew is gonna be a no go. So I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a free speech issue.

Where most of us disagree and laugh is the clear double standard. LeBron can dox cops online, Kyrie can say America is racist and boost for a career criminal resisting arrest (all of them did) but the minute you link a doc that says out of the mainstream opinions that is sold by Amazon and that’s the bridge too far? Lol
He isn't the only one it happens to
Certain opinion are un forgivable
Good luck even getting regular jobs at least if you are in the forefront of saying these things
Imagine a white business owner telling their worker they don't like them supporting BLM and firing them
No fucking way

Dec 15, 2017
It is free speech, Will.
Kyries didn't say anything at his job like Colin
I 100% support Colins ability to say dumb shit on Twitter, social media and whatever
Does a business have a right to fire some of these guys? Sure I suppose
But I would say you have to be absolutely egregious imo to warrant that otherwise you really are not allowed to express yourself
If you think that none of these elite scumbags do not have similar supposed negative opinions about things you better think again
If you can be fired for opinions that are not outright hateful and calling for violence you don't have the right to free speech I don't give fuck what anyone says
Corporations have just as much if not more power and influence than the government
The ADL is far more racist and tribal and negative with their censorship than any individual opinion
How is this a free speech issue? You’re kinda always on the job in a sense — public figures like Kyrie always gotta watch what they say and his employer has a right to take action if he’s crossing a line In their eyes

Jul 14, 2007
He isn't the only one it happens to
Certain opinion are un forgivable
Good luck even getting regular jobs at least if you are in the forefront of saying these things
Imagine a white business owner telling their worker they don't like them supporting BLM and firing them
No fucking way

yeah exactly, that’s my point

who is deciding what is and isn’t allowed to be said as far as public figures go?

it is largely the left and their coalitions

Kaep was a unique case because teams basically deemed him toxic to business

Does anyone really think Kyrie linking a doc is toxic to business? Lol no, it barely registered, he just pissed off the wrong people.

It is also spineless for those people to pick on him but not a major corporation but that’s more his problem and I don’t really care. No one gonna be calling for Amazon to suspend commerce for 5 days, lol. Bitches get bullied, just like when he tries to play defense.

Sep 20, 2017
How is this a free speech issue? You’re kinda always on the job in a sense — public figures like Kyrie always gotta watch what they say and his employer has a right to take action if he’s crossing a line In their eyes
Because those in power are always in control then
Did he say gas the Jews?
Call for violence
If you can't have an opinion out the supposed norm without fear for your life in some form then you have your tongue cut out
Many so called truths have been showed to be lies
For some reason Jewish history is that of saints
Jewish people or individuals have never or could
never do anyhting negative
Isn't it social justice to examine possinle negatives of a group or law?
Sure is when it is whitey'
And I think everyone agrees white people have done some negative things
I have no problem talking about it
There will be context , but no problem

Dec 13, 2007
Because those in power are always in control then
Did he say gas the Jews?
Call for violence
If you can't have an opinion out the supposed norm without fear for your life in some form then you have your tongue cut out
Many so called truths have been showed to be lies
For some reason Jewish history is that of saints
Jewish people or individuals have never or could
never do anyhting negative
Isn't it social justice to examine possinle negatives of a group or law?
Sure is when it is whitey'
And I think everyone agrees white people have done some negative things
I have no problem talking about it
There will be context , but no problem

lol.....I'd suggest you check in with the White nationalist party...

Sep 20, 2017
Because those in power are always in control then
Did he say gas the Jews?
Call for violence
If you can't have an opinion out the supposed norm without fear for your life in some form then you have your tongue cut out
Many so called truths have been showed to be lies
For some reason Jewish history is that of saints
Jewish people or individuals have never or could
never do anyhting negative
Isn't it social justice to examine possinle negatives of a group or law?
Sure is when it is whitey'
And I think everyone agrees white people have done some negative things
I have no problem talking about it
There will be context , but no problem

lol.....I'd suggest you check in with the White nationalist party...
Nothing more white nationalist than defending free speech of a pro-black lol
keep trying. One day you will find your way

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Guy post a picture of documentary and the Jew Crew come out in pitch forks. Posted a picture of a movie that’s it lol. People just look everywhere to find someone or something to hate on and cancel these days.

Meanwhile, woke Lebum James during the BLM pandemic sits around in his Islam beard with a Louis Farrakhan book and is asked how he likes it so far. Farrakhan, notorious for speaking on campus of usually HBCU and outspoken Over Jewish practices of history and noted for anti Semitic rants. Should Lebum be canceled? Was Lebum promoting something with that book? Speaking of, where is Lebum tweets on this matter? He usually leads a charge bringing his expertise on social stuff especially Racist stuff.

Good for kyrie! Between him and Kanye the media should be running headlines Black basketball player and black rapper bring new rise in racist black supremacy over attack in promoting anti Semitic propaganda.
Total bullshit. Nike dropped him but use china slaves to make their shoes. Fuck em

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