
Jun 22, 2009

Active member
Sep 26, 2005


SYR at GTWN11:30 AMSYR +1.0
O 151.0
+500 +500
TULN at MSST11:30 AMMSST -8.0
U 150.5
+500 +500
PENN at UK12:00 PMUK -13.5
U 152.5
+500 +500
UMASS at MASS12:00 PMMASS -5.5
U 150.5
+500 +500
ARPB at CONN12:00 PMARPB +36.5
O 161.5
+500 +500
CAL at BUT12:00 PMBUT -9.0
U 145.0
+500 +500
FGCU at MINN12:00 PMMINN -8.5
U 139.5
+500 +500
SCAR at ECU12:00 PMSCAR -5.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
ILL at TENN12:00 PMTENN -7.0
U 144.0
+500 +500
VALP at VT12:00 PMVALP +21.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
TROY at DAY12:30 PMTROY +13.5
O 136.5
+500 +500
TOWS at UMBC01:00 PMUMBC +7.5
O 144.0
+500 +500
YSU at WMU01:00 PMYSU -5.0
U 143.0
+500 +500
AMER at VMI01:00 PMAMER -5.0
U 144.5
+500 +500
KSU at LSU01:30 PMLSU -3.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
ALA at PUR01:30 PMPUR -6.0
U 159.5
+500 +500
FSU at USF01:30 PMFSU -7.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
PORT at UND02:00 PMUND +1.0
O 147.5
+500 +500
LAS at LAF02:00 PMLAF +4.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
GSU at MER02:00 PMGSU -1.5
U 139.0
+500 +500
COOK at SCST02:00 PMSCST -2.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
LONG at DSU02:00 PMLONG -7.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
NIU at MONM02:00 PMMONM -1.0
U 155.5
+500 +500
CMU at CREI02:00 PMCMU +31.0
O 146.5
+500 +500
M-OH at DAV02:00 PMDAV -14.5
O 141.5
+500 +500
GRC at LIB02:00 PMLIB -4.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
AUB at IND02:00 PMAUB -6.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
UNI at TOL02:00 PMTOL -3.5
U 152.0
+500 +500
LOU at DEP02:00 PMLOU +2.0
O 146.0
+500 +500
COLG at UVM02:00 PMUVM -2.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
WKU at BUFF02:00 PMWKU -7.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
GASO at UNF02:00 PMUNF -2.5
U 150.5
+500 +500
CLEVST at KENT02:00 PMKENT -12.5
U 144.5
+500 +500
CCSU at ME02:00 PMME -8.0
U 135.0
+500 +500
WOF at CCU02:00 PMCCU -1.5
U 153.5
+500 +500
SIND at INST02:00 PMINST -21.0
U 150.5
+500 +500
CHAR at DUKE02:15 PMDUKE -15.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
HCU at TEX03:00 PMHCU +33.5
O 157.0
+500 +500
HOF at SLU03:00 PMHOF -3.5
O 150.5
+500 +500
NWST at USM03:00 PMUSM -15.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
ULL at LT03:00 PMLT -7.5
U 138.5
+500 +500
WIS at ARIZ03:15 PMARIZ -10.0
U 144.5
+500 +500
UAB at ARST03:30 PMUAB -4.5
U 151.0
+500 +500
ARK at OKLA04:00 PMOKLA -4.0
U 146.0
+500 +500
DREX at WVU04:00 PMWVU -5.5
U 129.5
+500 +500
MRST at DART04:00 PMDART +1.5
O 130.5
+500 +500
SIE at SBON04:00 PMSIE +21.0
O 130.0
+500 +500
MRSH at OHIO04:00 PMOHIO -8.5
U 161.0
+500 +500
RICH at FLA04:00 PMFLA -11.0
U 152.5
+500 +500
UNCA at WCU04:00 PMWCU -3.5
U 149.5
+500 +500
CLEM at TCU04:00 PMCLEM +2.0
O 150.5
+500 +500
NAU at IW04:00 PMNAU -2.5
U 148.5
+500 +500
JKST at HOU04:00 PMJKST +33.5
O 132.5
+500 +500
SFA at WYO04:00 PMWYO +1.5
O 143.0
+500 +500
AAMU at GT04:00 PMGT -21.0
U 147.0
+500 +500
NCCU at RAD04:30 PMRAD -12.0
U 137.0
+500 +500
NEOM at AMCC04:30 PMAMCC -3.0
O 148.5
+500 +500
O 137.0
+500 +500
UNM at SCU05:00 PMUNM -9.5
U 158.0
+500 +500
MSM at L-MD05:00 PML-MD +2.0
O 132.5
+500 +500
UNO at SJSU05:00 PMSJSU -10.5
U 145.0
+500 +500
CSF at CSUS05:00 PMCSF -1.0
U 134.0
+500 +500
UVU at ORST05:00 PMORST -3.0
U 132.0
+500 +500
MILW at UCD05:00 PMUCD -9.0
U 150.0
+500 +500
MIZZ at KU05:15 PMMIZZ +14.0
O 146.0
+500 +500
CAN at PITT06:00 PMPITT -18.0
O 152.0
+500 +500
FAIR at SH06:00 PMSH -4.0
U 148.0
+500 +500
COPP at GW06:00 PMCOPP +23.0
O 143.0
+500 +500
OSU at PSU06:00 PMOSU -5.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
EWU at AFA06:00 PMAFA -7.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
SMC at CSU06:30 PMCSU -3.5
U 137.5
+500 +500
CIN at XAV06:30 PMXAV -1.0
U 152.5
+500 +500
SELA at SOU06:30 PMSELA +2.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
BRY at STON06:31 PMSTON -1.0
U 146.0
+500 +500
JMU at ODU07:00 PMJMU -6.0
U 152.5
+500 +500
NORF at ILST07:00 PMILST -7.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
SEMO at PFW07:00 PMSEMO +15.0
O 151.0
+500 +500
UCLA at VILL07:00 PMVILL -3.5
U 127.0
+500 +500
KENN at SCUS07:00 PMKENN -3.5
O 159.5
+500 +500
WIU at WIGB07:00 PMWIGB -3.5
U 130.5
+500 +500
BYU at UTAH07:00 PMBYU -3.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
CSB at SDAK07:00 PMSDAK -2.0
U 136.0
+500 +500
PAC at FRES07:00 PMPAC +14.5
O 140.0
+500 +500
SDST at WICH07:00 PMWICH -4.0
U 149.0
+500 +500
SHSU at MOSU07:00 PMMOSU -7.0
U 144.0
+500 +500
AKR at NKU07:00 PMAKR -3.5
U 135.0
+500 +500
MURR at PEAY07:15 PMPEAY +2.0
O 138.5
+500 +500
NEV at DRKE07:30 PMNEV -4.0
U 149.0
+500 +500
NJIT at WAKE08:00 PMWAKE -26.5
U 150.0
+500 +500
BEL at MTU08:30 PMBEL +2.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
RUTG at HALL08:30 PMHALL -3.5
O 131.0
+500 +500
IDST at SUU08:30 PMSUU -4.0
U 144.0
+500 +500
UCSD at PEPP09:00 PMPEPP -4.5
U 145.5
+500 +500
CP at WEB09:00 PMCP +13.5
O 129.5
+500 +500
ND at MARQ09:00 PMND +21.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
UTEP at ORE09:00 PMUTEP +13.0
O 145.0
+500 +500
U 141.5
+500 +500
LMU at UNLV10:00 PMUNLV -3.0
U 143.5
+500 +500
ASU at USD10:30 PMASU -8.5
U 147.0
+500 +500
UCI at SDSU10:30 PMSDSU -11.5
U 138.5
+500 +500
GONZ at WASH11:00 PMGONZ -3.5
U 163.0
+500 +500

Active member
Sep 26, 2005

12/09/2023.........................49 - 60..............................44.95%..........................- 85.00
12/08/2023..............................6 - 8..............................42.85%...........................- 14.00
12/07/2023..............................6 - 3..............................66.66%..........................+ 13.50
12/06/2023............................23 - 27...........................46.00%...........................-20.00
12/05/2023............................16 -11............................59.25%...........................+ 19.50
12/04/2023................................6 - 2............................75.00%...........................+ 19.00
12/03/2023..............................18 - 7...........................72.00%............................+ 51.50
12/02/2023.............................24 - 12.........................66.66%.............................+ 54.00
12/01/2023.................................9 - 7..........................56.25%..............................+ 6.50

TOTALS..................................157 - 137.........................53.40%.............................+ 45.00

Active member
Sep 26, 2005
Sunday’s 6-pack:
Last six Heisman Trophy winners, how they did in their bowl games:
2022- Caleb Williams, USC- L45-46
2021- Bryce Young, Alabama- W27-16/L18-33
2020- DeVonta Smith, Alabama- W31-14/W52-24
2019- Joe Burrow, LSU- W63-28
2018- Kyler Murray, Oklahoma- L34-45
2017- Baker Mayfield, Oklahoma- L48-54, OT

Quote of the Day
“Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones comes too infrequently, and if you don’t collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don’t really mean anything.”
Norman Lear

Sunday’s quiz
Which college basketball team is known as the Anteaters?

Saturday’s quiz
Los Angeles Angels haven’t made the playoffs since 2014; they lost to Kansas City in that series.

Friday’s quiz
In the movie For Love of the Game, Kevin Costner plays a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers; JK Simmons plays the manager of the Tigers.


Sunday’s Den: Wrapping up a sports Saturday……..

— Shohei Ohtani signed a 10-year, $700M contract with the Dodgers, setting all kinds of records for the biggest contract ever; a lot of the money will be in deferred payments, so LA has some ability to sign starting pitching- they’re little short on that right now.
There are stories how the Angels made $10-20M a year in advertisements when Ohtani was in Anaheim, so the Dodgers will get some of that $70M a year back, plus jersey sales, going to be lot of jerseys sold in Japan.
Dodgers-Padres open the 2024 regular season with couple of games in South Korea.

— LSU’s QB Jayden Daniels won the Heisman Trophy, joining Joe Burrow, Billy Cannon as LSU alums who won the Heisman.
There were three quarterbacks among the four finalists for the award this year; all three of them transferred during their college career.

— Purdue 92, Alabama 86
Zach Edey scored 35 points, in his return to Toronto, his hometown.
Alabama was 19-46 on the arc, 10-18 inside the arc.
Purdue outscored the Crimson Tide 24-9 on the foul line.

— Clemson 74, TCU 66
Other game in Toronto was this battle of surprising unbeatens.
Clemson is now 9-0, vs schedule #32- improved team.
TCU is 7-1, but they’ve played easiest schedule in country so far.

— Tennessee 86, Illinois 79
All five Tennessee starters scored in double figures.
There were 62 foul shots in this game; lot of fouls.
Vols are 6-3, against the 6th-toughest schedule this season.

— Utah 73, BYU 69
First loss for BYU, which shot 7-30 on the arc.
Utah shot 64.5% inside the arc.

— Upsets of the Day:
Marshall (+9) 74, Ohio U 69
San Diego (+7.5) 89, Arizona State 84
South Florida (+7.5) 88, Florida State 72
Eastern Washington (+7.5), Air Force 68
Idaho (+6.5) 63,, Utah Tech 62
Saint Mary’s (+5.5) 64, Colorado State 61
Grand Canyon (+4.5) 69, Liberty 64
Washington (+4.5) 78, Gonzaga 73

— Word of the Day: Bonanza- a situation or event that creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits.
This week has been a bonanza for Shohei Ohtani.

— Penn State 83, Ohio State 80
Buckeyes led by 18 with 15:31 left in the game.
Both teams shot over 40% on the arc.

— Xavier 84, Cincinnati 79
Xavier outscored the Bearcats 22-10 on foul line.
First loss of season for 7-1 Bearcats; Xavier is 5-5.

— Villanova 65, UCLA 56
UCLA lost three of last four D-I games (beat Cal-Riverside by 1)
Villanova snaps three-game skid with this win.
Villanova is 5-2 vs top 100 teams, only 2-2 vs teams outside top 100.

— Rutgers 70, Seton Hall 63

Scarlet Knights win in this Garden State rivalry.
This is Rutgers’ first win in four top 100 games.
Seton Hall is now 0-4 vs top 100 teams.

— Auburn 104, Indiana 76
Tigers outscored Indiana 32-8 in last 10:00 of first half.
Auburn shot 14-29 on the arc.
Hoosiers start two frosh, two sophs, very young for this era.

— Washington 78, Gonzaga 73
Gonzaga’s 16-game win streak against the Pac-12 ends.
Three guys on Gonzaga played all 40:00; they’re not deep.
— Four of the country’s 12 unbeaten teams got beat Saturday.

Jun 22, 2009

Sunday, December 10

Trend Report



Active member
Sep 26, 2005


FOR at UNT11:30 AMUNT -6.0
U 126.5
+500 +500
BRWN at PROV12:00 PMPROV -15.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
PRIN at STJOE01:00 PMPRIN -1.0+500
BU at WAG01:00 PMBU +3.0
O 127.0
+500 +500
PV at ISU01:00 PMISU -28.0+500
WIN at UALR01:00 PMWIN -1.0
O 159.0
+500 +500
SIUE at BALL02:00 PMBALL -2.0
O 136.0
+500 +500
COLO at MIA02:00 PMMIA -1.0+500
URI at COFC02:00 PMCOFC -10.0
O 150.5
+500 +500
ALCN at VCU02:00 PMVCU -16.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
DETU at NW02:00 PMNW -24.0
U 133.5
+500 +500
CARK at EIU03:00 PMEIU -5.0
U 141.5
+500 +500
U 141.5
+500 +500
STT at CHS03:00 PMCHS +2.5
O 131.5
+500 +500
MEM at TAM04:00 PMMEM +8.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
LBSU at USC04:00 PMUSC -14.0
U 158.0
+500 +500
TNTC at ETSU04:00 PMETSU -8.0
O 137.0
+500 +500
MISS at UCF04:00 PMUCF -3.0
U 138.0
+500 +500
SJU at BC04:30 PMSJU -6.0
O 151.0
+500 +500
MICH at IOWA04:30 PMIOWA -4.0
U 159.5
+500 +500
ELON at UNCG04:30 PMUNCG -13.0
O 147.0
+500 +500
SFPA at IONA05:00 PMSFPA +16.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
TNST at LIP05:00 PMLIP -6.5
O 153.0
+500 +500
MSU at NEB06:30 PMMSU -3.5
U 144.5
+500 +500
TLSA at OKST06:30 PMOKST -6.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
ALBY at TEM07:00 PMTEM -7.0
U 152.0
+500 +500
GRAM at WSU08:00 PMWSU -23.5
U 139.0
+500 +500

Active member
Sep 26, 2005

12/10/2023.........................14 - 20..............................41.17%..........................- 40.00
12/09/2023.........................49 - 60..............................44.95%..........................- 85.00
12/08/2023..............................6 - 8..............................42.85%...........................- 14.00
12/07/2023..............................6 - 3..............................66.66%..........................+ 13.50
12/06/2023............................23 - 27...........................46.00%...........................-20.00
12/05/2023............................16 -11............................59.25%...........................+ 19.50
12/04/2023................................6 - 2............................75.00%...........................+ 19.00
12/03/2023..............................18 - 7...........................72.00%............................+ 51.50
12/02/2023.............................24 - 12.........................66.66%.............................+ 54.00
12/01/2023.................................9 - 7..........................56.25%..............................+ 6.50

TOTALS..................................171 - 157.........................52.13%.............................+ 5.00

Active member
Sep 26, 2005
Monday’s 6-pack:
— Long Beach State 84, USC 79 OT- Trojans were up 45-30 at halftime.
— Boston College 86, St John’s 80- Pitino isn’t happy with his team’s defense.
— Colorado 90, Miami 63- Impressive win for Pac-12’s Buffs.
— St Joe’s 74, Princeton 70- Only seven unbeaten teams left in country.
— Nebraska 77, Michigan State 70- Spartans are 4-5, 0-2 in conference games.
— Memphis 81, Texas A&M 75- Penny Hardaway’s Tigers improve to 7-2.

Quote of the Day
“These receivers can’t get out of the way of hurting the team.”
Tony Romo, talking about the Kansas City Chiefs’ WR’s

Monday’s quiz
In the movie For Love of the Game, Kevin Costner plays a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers; JK Simmons plays the manager of the Tigers.

Sunday’s quiz
Cal-Irvine’s basketball team is known as the Anteaters.

Saturday’s quiz
Los Angeles Angels haven’t made the playoffs since 2014; they lost to Kansas City in that series.


Monday’s Den: Wrapping up an NFL Sunday

Buccaneers 29, Falcons 25
— Mayfield threw 11-yard TD pass with 0:31 left for winning score.
— For the game, Mayfield was 14-29/144 passing, but with two TD’s.
— Last four games, opponents were 14-51 on third down.
— Tampa is 10-7-1 ATS in last 18 games with spread of 3 or less.
— Last play of game, Falcon WR was tackled on 3-yard line.
— Atlanta outgained the Bucs 434-290, but still lost.
— Falcons lost four of their last six games.
— under Smith, Falcons are 2-10-1 ATS as a home favorite.

Bears 28, Lions 13
— Lions’ last 2 drives of first half: 20 plays, 119 yards, 13 points.
— Lions in second half: 31 plays, 86 yards, no points.
— Last four games, Detroit is minus-6 in turnovers (4-10)
— In their last five games, Detroit has given up 29.8 ppg.
— Bears held to Detroit to 3.3 yards/pass attempt.
— Chicago outscored the Lions 18-0 in second half.
— Last five games, Bears ran ball for 144.4 yards/game.
— Chicago is 7-3 ATS in their last ten games.

Bengals 34, Colts 14
— Cincinnati averaged 11.0 yards per pass play.
— Bengals are 12-3 ATS in last 15 games coming off a win
— Cincinnati is 17-10-2 ATS in last 29 home games.
— Bengals are 6-1 giving up 20 or less points, 1-5 allowing more than 2o.
— Colts scored on a pick-6, but had only one offensive TD.
— Bengals outscored Indianapolis 20-0 in second half.
— Colts are 11-13 ATS in last 24 games with spread of 3 or less.
— Colts are 0-6 giving up 29+ points, 7-0 allowing 28 or fewer points.

Browns 31, Jaguars 27
— Flacco threw for 311 yards, three TD’s.
— Browns’ team total: over 9-3-1
— Browns are 9-3-2 ATS in last 14 games coming off a loss.
— Flacco is 19th QB in NFL history to win 100 games.
— Jaguars’ first six drives: 24 plays, 81 yards, no points.
— Jaguars ran for only 58 yards; they had 4 turnovers (minus-1)
— Jaguar defense gave up 11 TD’s on their last 26 drives.
— since 2018, Jags are 13-23-2 ATS as a road underdog.

Saints 28, Panthers 6
— Carolina lost his last six games (2-4 ATS)
— Last nine games, Panthers were outscored 140-52 in first half.
— Young completed only 13-36 passes; the game was indoors.
— Carolina is 0-8 SU/2-6 ATS on the road this year.
— Saints won despite being outgained, 303-207.
— Saints’ three TD drives: 44-24-64 yards.
— Carolina ran ball for 204 yards; they were 8-20 on third down.
— Saints, Bucs, Falcons are all tied for 1st in NFC South, at 6-7.

Jets 30, Texans 6
— In first half, teams combined for 11 drives, 11 punts, no points.
— Jets outgained Houston, 347-135.
— Rookie QB Stroud was knocked out (concussion) late in game.
— since 2016, Houston is 1-7-2 ATS as a road favorite.
— Jets in first half: 26 plays, 101 yards, five punts.
— Jets in second half: 42 plays, 247 yards, 30 points.
— Jets were 6-15 on third down, Houston 1-12.
— Opponents’ team total: under 9-4

Ravens 37, Rams 31, OT
— Wallace ran a punt back 76 yards for a walk-off TD in overtime.
— This was first time this season Ravens trailed after three quarters.
— Last six games, Baltimore scored 20 TD’s on 64 drives.
— Ravens won seven of last eight games (5-3 ATS).
— Rams forced OT with a 36-yard FG with 0:11 left in regulation.
— LA is 2-7 when it gives up 19+ points.
— Kyren Williams ran ball 25 times for 114 yards.
— Cooper Kupp caught eight passes for 115 yards and a TD.

Patriots 21, Steelers 18
— New England snapped a 5-game losing skid.
— Patriots in first half: 33 plays, 209 yards, 21 points.
— Patriots in second half: 22 plays, 69 yards, no points.
— Zappe is 3-1 as an NFL starting QB.
— Steelers lost last two games, both to teams that were 2-10.
— Last four games, Pittsburgh scored 10-16-10-18 points
— Last three games, Pittsburgh was outscored 41-16 in first half.
— Steelers are 16-21 ATS last 37 games as a home favorite.

Patriots 21, Steelers 18
— New England snapped a 5-game losing skid.
— Patriots in first half: 33 plays, 209 yards, 21 points.
— Patriots in second half: 22 plays, 69 yards, no points.
— Zappe is 3-1 as an NFL starting QB.
— Steelers lost last two games, both to teams that were 2-10.
— Last four games, Pittsburgh scored 10-16-10-18 points
— Last three games, Pittsburgh was outscored 41-16 in first half.
— Steelers are 16-21 ATS last 37 games as a home favorite.

Vikings 3, Raiders 0
— Vikings kicked 36-yard FG with 2:00 left for game’s only score.
— 4th-string QB Mullens came off bench, was 9-13/83 passing.
— Minnesota was 8-20 on 3rd down, Raiders were 3-14.
— Opponents’ team total: under 9-3-1
— Raiders lost last three games, scoring 13-17-0 points.
— Las Vegas had only 8 first downs, was outgained 231-202.
— Under is 10-3 in Raider games this season.
— Last seven games, Las Vegas is 28-89 (31.5%) on third down.

49ers 28, Seahawks 16
— Backup QB Lock was 22-31/269 passing, with 2 TD’s, 2 INT’s.
— Seattle lost last four games, giving up 17-31-41 28.8 ppg.
— Seahawks are 6-1 scoring 20+ points, 0-5 scoring less than 20.
— Seattle is 16-9-1 ATS in its last 26 games as a road dog (4-2 TY).
— 49ers are 5-0 since their bye (3-2 ATS) with all five wins by 12+ points. — McCaffrey ran ball 16 times for 145 yards.
— Last three games, SF ran ball for 169-146-173 yards.
— 49ers were 6-11 on third down, Seattle 2-11.

Broncos 24, Chargers 7
— Denver’s first TD came on a 3-yard drive after an INT.
— Denver was 8-17 on third down, Chargers 0-12 (1-6 on 4th down)
— Broncos are 6-1 SU/5-2 ATS in their last seven games.
— Denver is 18-14-1 ATS last 33 games as a road underdog.
— Chargers QB Herbert broke right index finger, is probably OFY.
— Chargers got stopped on downs on Denver 7-yard line on their 2nd drive.
— Bolts are 3-6 since their bye week.
— Under is 9-1-1 in last eleven Charger games.

Bills 20, Chiefs 17
— Buffalo scored TD’s on two of its first three drives.
— Bills are 9-3-2 ATS in last 13 games as a road underdog.
— Seven of their last nine games stayed under the total.
— Bills are 7-0 giving up 20 or less points, 0-6 giving up more than 20.
— KC appeared to take lead late in game, but TD was nullified by Chiefs’ WR lining up offsides
— Chiefs are 2-4 in their last six games, after a 6-1 start.
— Kansas City team total: under 10-3
— Under is 6-2-1 in their last nine games.

Cowboys 33, Eagles 13
— Last two weeks, Eagles lost 42-19/33-13.
— Last four games, Eagles were outscored 72-26 in first half.
— Eagles are 0-6 ATS in their last six visits to Dallas.
— Under Sirianni, Eagles are 5-9 ATS as an underdog.
— Dallas in 1st half: 4 drives- 43 plays, 262 yards, 24 points.
— Dallas was 9-16 on third down, Philly 4-9.
— Dallas won/covered seven of its last eight games.
— Cowboys are 16-6 ATS in last 22 games as a home favorite (6-1 TY)

Jun 22, 2009
MISS VALLEY ST is 7-0 ATS (7 Units) after a game where they made 20% of their 3 point shots or worse over the last 2 seasons.

TEXAS A&M-COMM is 2-10 ATS (-9 Units) after allowing 80 points or more in the last 3 seasons.

YALE is 75-36 ATS (35.4 Units) in road games as a favorite since 1997.

DELAWARE is 9-1 Over (7.9 Units) after a game committing 8 or less turnovers over the last 2 seasons.

COLUMBIA is 7-17 ATS (-11.7 Units) after a game where they covered the spread in the last 3 seasons.

STONEHILL is 10-2 Under (7.8 Units) in road games after playing 5 consecutive games as an underdog over the last 2 seasons.

PENNSYLVANIA is 6-0 ATS (6 Units) in home games after 1 or more consecutive unders over the last 2 seasons.

S CAROLINA ST is 42-24 ATS (15.6 Units) after one or more consecutive overs since 1997.

ALABAMA A&M is 8-0 Under (8 Units) after having lost 5 or 6 of their last 7 games over the last 2 seasons.

CS-NORTHRIDGE is 0-8 ATS (-8.8 Units) in home games after a game where they covered the spread in the last 3 seasons.

SAN FRANCISCO is 7-1 Under (5.9 Units) in all games in the current season.

Jun 22, 2009

Monday, December 11

Trend Report

Northern Colorado @ Texas A&M-Commerce
Northern Colorado
The total has gone OVER in 5 of Northern Colorado's last 6 games on the road
Northern Colorado is 1-8 SU in its last 9 games on the road
Texas A&M-Commerce
No trends to report

Yale @ Quinnipiac
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Yale's last 5 games on the road
Yale is 2-5 ATS in its last 7 games on the road
Quinnipiac is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
Quinnipiac is 5-1 SU in its last 6 games when playing Yale

Columbia @ Fairleigh Dickinson
Columbia is 3-6-1 ATS in its last 10 games on the road
Columbia is 2-20 SU in its last 22 games on the road
Fairleigh Dickinson
No trends to report

Howard @ Pennsylvania
No trends to report
Pennsylvania is 12-1 SU in its last 13 games at home

Delaware @ Robert Morris
The total has gone OVER in 4 of Delaware's last 5 games on the road
Delaware is 4-2 ATS in its last 6 games on the road
Robert Morris
No trends to report

Alabama A&M @ Samford
Alabama A&M
No trends to report
Samford is 5-0 SU in its last 5 games at home
Samford is 4-1 SU in its last 5 games when playing Alabama A&M

Jarvis Christian @ Texas State
Jarvis Christian
No trends to report
Texas State
The total has gone OVER in 7 of Texas State's last 8 games at home
Texas State is 5-12 SU in its last 17 games at home

Mississippi Valley State @ Gonzaga
Mississippi Valley State
No trends to report
Gonzaga is 15-2 SU in its last 17 games at home

Dixie State @ Cal State-Northridge
Dixie State
No trends to report
Cal State-Northridge
Cal State-Northridge is 4-2 SU in its last 6 games at home

New Orleans @ San Francisco
New Orleans
No trends to report
San Francisco
San Francisco is 7-1 SU in its last 8 games at home


Active member
Sep 26, 2005


HOW at PENN07:00 PMPENN -6.5
U 147.0
+500 +500
YALE at QUIN07:00 PMQUIN +9.0+500
CLMB at FDU07:00 PMFDU +1.5
U 160.0
+500 +500
DEL at RMU07:00 PMDEL -4.5
U 144.0
+500 +500
JAC at SCST07:00 PMJAC -6.0+500
STONE at UNH07:00 PMUNH -15.5
U 148.5
+500 +500
AAMU at SAM07:30 PMSAM -17.5
O 155.0
+500 +500
MVSU at GONZ09:00 PMMVSU +41.5
O 140.5
+500 +500
UNO at SF10:00 PMUNO +21.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
UTECH at CSN10:00 PMCSN -2.5
U 147.0
+500 +500

Active member
Sep 26, 2005

Completed Picks​

Past Completed Picks

Active member
Sep 26, 2005

12/11/2023......................... 9 - 5................................64.28%..........................+ 18.50
12/10/2023.........................14 - 20..............................41.17%..........................- 40.00
12/09/2023.........................49 - 60..............................44.95%..........................- 85.00
12/08/2023..............................6 - 8..............................42.85%...........................- 14.00
12/07/2023..............................6 - 3..............................66.66%..........................+ 13.50
12/06/2023............................23 - 27...........................46.00%...........................-20.00
12/05/2023............................16 -11............................59.25%...........................+ 19.50
12/04/2023................................6 - 2............................75.00%...........................+ 19.00
12/03/2023..............................18 - 7...........................72.00%............................+ 51.50
12/02/2023.............................24 - 12.........................66.66%.............................+ 54.00
12/01/2023.................................9 - 7..........................56.25%..............................+ 6.50

TOTALS..................................180 - 162.........................52.63%.............................+ 23.50

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