NBA Season over?


Apr 8, 2009
We have 2 weeks till the NFL maybe it blows over by then, if not it has to be the most fucked up year ever. Seems like everyday I wake up, something fucked has happened. can we get a stretch where nothing happens or is this the new normal? Anyone who is having kids or thinking about it, DON’T!
We’re getting ready to bring one into this fucked up world in December. I’m nervous as fuck.

Sep 20, 2004
What a bunch of morons. The main people who actually really care if the NBA boycotted or shutdown are the same ones who are with BML issues. If they actually think this will change anybodies mind about the social injustice issues they are some kind of stupid. It might seem like people really, really care because the media, especially ESPN will all back the players stance hardcore (if they didn't they would be scorned and most likely fired) and thats what people will see on TV. But if you go in the real world and just ask average basketball fans, most will say "whatever, screw them". People will not care. They will not gain any fans, they will only lose fans.

They will hurt themselves more then anyone and are too stupid to realize that. If they think not playing is going to change how police handle a situation like this last one they are just dumb. Being police isn't easy, most of the time they will do that they are expected to do. There is judgement involved, occasionally it will go overboard on somebody will die when they shouldn't have. Ten times more blacks get killed every week in every city. So they can't say every life matters because obviously it doesn't to them or they would protest their bigger issues. Police brutality is probably #10 of their biggest issues, so why protest that,

Sep 21, 2001
I think either

A. This lasts a few days, one of the players says something like "We can affect change more staying in the buble and using our platform" which is a nice convenient cover so everyone can keep making $ (this isn't even a criticism of NBA players specifically, pretty much all corps that wade into this activism do so in a way that won't affect their pockets too much)


B. They cancel the season....This seems unlikely but I don't see a middle ground where they just sit in a hotel for a week taking a week off.

We'll know soon enough

I say stay in the bubble and keep playing but take the team name's (Lakers, Heat, etc.) off the jerseys and use the space for more new slogans on the front - black power, no parole, Uganda, falsely convicted, minding my business, lawyer fucked me

Sep 21, 2001
We’re getting ready to bring one into this fucked up world in December. I’m nervous as fuck.

Nah, you'll be ok - 99% of this shit is the liberal TV and it's agenda - wherever I go everyone gets along

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
What a bunch of morons. The main people who actually really care if the NBA boycotted or shutdown are the same ones who are with BML issues. If they actually think this will change anybodies mind about the social injustice issues they are some kind of stupid. It might seem like people really, really care because the media, especially ESPN will all back the players stance hardcore (if they didn't they would be scorned and most likely fired) and thats what people will see on TV. But if you go in the real world and just ask average basketball fans, most will say "whatever, screw them". People will not care. They will not gain any fans, they will only lose fans.

They will hurt themselves more then anyone and are too stupid to realize that. If they think not playing is going to change how police handle a situation like this last one they are just dumb. Being police isn't easy, most of the time they will do that they are expected to do. There is judgement involved, occasionally it will go overboard on somebody will die when they shouldn't have. Ten times more blacks get killed every week in every city. So they can't say every life matters because obviously it doesn't to them or they would protest their bigger issues. Police brutality is probably #10 of their biggest issues, so why protest that,
The part that gets me is they will all be back to playing tomorrow or the next day with nothing having really changed.
I agree with Patsfan in that it's nice to see someone actually doing SOMETHING beyond words - even if I disagree with the premise they are protesting...but it won't matter.
We'll all hear how this is "proof" they "won't take it anymore". But they will not sacrifice anything that really matters to them.

Jan 20, 2002
Boycotting because a violent criminal with active warrants who fought with police and who had a knife after all was shot by the police? So the players support criminal behavior I guess. Fuckem. Let someone else support their large salaries.

May 27, 2007
I sure hope the season is over. I wouldn't mind it a bit. Please cancel it today.

These spoiled fucking kids need to just go home and sit on the couch.

May 27, 2007
Boycotting because a violent criminal with active warrants who fought with police and who had a knife after all was shot by the police? So the players support criminal behavior I guess. Fuckem. Let someone else support their large salaries.

An active warrant for rape of a 14-year-old no less.

Jul 14, 2007
The part that gets me is they will all be back to playing tomorrow or the next day with nothing having really changed.
I agree with Patsfan in that it's nice to see someone actually doing SOMETHING beyond words - even if I disagree with the premise they are protesting...but it won't matter.
We'll all hear how this is "proof" they "won't take it anymore". But they will not sacrifice anything that really matters to them.

Agree, and neither will the NFL. That has been the underrated aspect of all of this and I've mentioned it numerous times on here. The way these billionaires have been able to take a delicate situation and find where the line is as to continue to have their product operate as business as usual while also appearing to be socially active was definitely finding the sweet spot (I don't think it was that brilliant considering they have the media in their pocket, but they definitely navigated the situation well so we'll see what happens now. My guess is more of the same)

Dec 27, 2011
I've always said you are the Woodward and Bernstein of our times even if some of it goes over my head.

thanks Pat .. this type of work goes unappreciated and is costly .. trump cracking down on child crimes and sex trafficking cost him his friendship with bob Kraft ..

unintended friendly fire .. "naked leapfrog" and "mister whiffle" tom-foolery in the locker room at Sandusky linebacker camp cost Pudge Spinelli his sanity and ultimately his freedom .. he was stifled from discussing at trial during his attempted murder trial that he ultimately plead out too once he knew he couldn't testify about that aspect of his past .. and now his current most recent attempted murder the same thing occurred / is occurring ... Spinelli managed to against advice of others do that interview on the news its on youtube .. and he chastised for it and convinced to save those bulletts .. his chance at ever seeing daylight again depends on putting everything but the kitchen sink into his testimony if he can ever get to the witness stand .. but watch just watch , how to prevent that ever happening he will get a relative sweetheart deal that has him on the street faster than expected for such a violent crime ( his second) albeit with a gag order by way of signed documents that will never see the light of day , he will see daylight before that agreement does.

Jun 12, 2008
I for one feel most sorry for Enfuego's wife.

I mean, can you imagine?

Talk about a shitty existence.

Dec 27, 2011
and might I add , it cost Spinelli his innocence .. mister whiffle let me clarify is not what you think .. it was a whiffle ball bat with

"mr whiffle" written on the barrel in magic marker and the gag was to tap someone across the ass with it while the ink still wet resulting
with mr whiffle on your ass.. while back then nothing to start an investigation over , as we know now it was a gateway .. naked leapfrog is exactly
what you think it is .. but it was a blatant gateway .. use your imagination

Sep 21, 2004
Keef,another Marxist

Stop it. Every time you say the word "marxist" i have to take a shot. I have been drunk for 2 months straight.

Apr 2, 2020
We'll know for sure in a day or two if Adam silver has any balls.

LOL, who am I kidding? We ALREADY know he doesn't. He'll deal with this IMPROPER,
CONTRAT-VIOLATING WORK STOPPAGE with the same spineless elan' as we expect him

Take a knee, Adam. And then get up and walk away, and leave your multi-million dollar
salary on the table. Be sure to wear some Kente cloth too.

Apr 2, 2020
We'll know for sure in a day or two if Adam silver has any balls.

LOL, who am I kidding? We ALREADY know he doesn't. He'll deal with this IMPROPER,
CONTRACT-VIOLATING WORK STOPPAGE with the same spineless elan' as we expect him

Take a knee, Adam. And then get up and walk away, and leave your multi-million dollar
salary on the table. Be sure to wear some Kente cloth too.

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