Why are people so scared of the size of the debt but no one gets scared about the size of GDP?
Like I have explained a million times. In order for real GDP to continue to rise the Govt has to go in to more debt, we have to spend more money faster (velocity), or we have to export more goods.
So if we balanced a budget and only took what we needed to pay essentials and eliminated waste and sacrificed bureaucracies we could do without... that would hurt GDP because business and individuals would have less cash on hand? For that to make sense, it would explain the absurdity of our system and again, another example of why our system will run its course. Export more goods? Like what? We are selling off entire sectors in favor of retail, and why not all we export is our need to consume, which technically is an export thus here we are.
Speaking of velocity, the debt has reach a point where GDP will never catch up, because we are at near zero in interest rates. This is as friendly of an environment bank to bank lending will get and we cant get out of the mud. Ill give you an example. Since banks dont need deposits to make money, debt = money. Thus, the debt is the vehicle for everything in a fiat system. Picture the fastest runner in the world distance and springting and combine him into one... that is our GDP. Then stick him on a treadmill. No matter how fast or how far he can run, it will never beat out the treadmill. First, he is using the treadmill thus whatever his output is... is tied to a certain degree the treadmill.
The treadmill though doesnt need the sprinter to go faster or slower because it keeps plugging away and still maintains its momentum. Thus if production slows, debt still climbs... production increases so does your debt , just as you say. What happens when the sprinter is tired and full of debt and the treadmill's increasing velocity wears out the runner? Imagine that treadmill getting cranked up, because thats what happens when we raise interest rates, and we will. We will find out. Consumers are saddled with so much debt and a system that feeds off debt needs good creditors. But when they are over leveraged you have to look elsewhere, enter subprime. Consumers are are strapped and consumption makes up 80% of GDP , thats a problem.
Consumers are also on the hook for a debt that will be impossible to maintain just the interest payments down the road much less the principal. The only way to stop the treadmill is to totally reverse course and step off. We wont just blow the whole thing up. That isnt going to happen. So it will blow up in front of our faces. This isnt sustainable thus how can you defend it? Arguing how it works doesnt matter because its a flawed premise. Arguing what do to about it is another argument.