My suggestions for one or two new subforums


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Swish away...just making the point you are sometimes contradictory week to week.
Not that you lack obsessive like conviction.

gotta give you that...
I'm not contradictory. It's not my fault people change their minds or switch sides.

WHEN you switch sides, I'll become your biggest fan.

Liberty, Nationalism and the Constitution - nothing else matters.

You can't be for the Constitution and corrupt at the same time because centralized power at that point is so diffused there's literally no money to steal.

Like Trump, I think BIG...the entire global financial system and governing structure needs to be abolished and "reset" - all power given back to THE PEOPLE.

Fix the money, fix the world!

Oh, and your prized NYTs needs to be completely "Twittered" or taking over by Patriots!

Dec 13, 2007
NYT is much more than just hard "news" it every day but I'm interested in a bunch of stuff.
I doubt you'd be interested in the same shit I am..NYT isn't for everyone but I like it quite a lot.

Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 8.11.12 AM.png

gotta be interested to be interesting Joe.

enjoy the day....

I'm not contradictory. It's not my fault people change their minds or switch sides.

WHEN you switch sides, I'll become your biggest fan.

Liberty, Nationalism and the Constitution - nothing else matters.

You can't be for the Constitution and corrupt at the same time because centralized power at that point is so diffused there's literally no money to steal.

Like Trump, I think BIG...the entire global financial system and governing structure needs to be abolished and "reset" - all power given back to THE PEOPLE.

Fix the money, fix the world!

Oh, and your prized NYTs needs to be completely "Twittered" or taking over by Patriots!

Dec 13, 2007

Digital news subscription rankings​

The 100k Club league table below ranks news publishers/ publications by their digital-only subscriber numbers. Most, but not all, figures have been updated since our first ranking in December 2020. Where publishers do not provide digital-only subscription numbers, we make this clear.

The figures for news-focused magazines – the Economist, the Atlantic, the New Yorker, National Geographic and Wired – come from their circulation certificates, provided by ABC in the UK or the Alliance for Audited Media in the US. The figures of some titles, including these magazines, include readership on Apple News+ and other third-party platforms.

Press Gazette plans to regularly update this research with new figures and add new publications and publishers as they pass the 100,000 mark. If you know of any other publishers that should be included in this ranking, please let us know by emailing

1. The New York Times

Latest figure: 7.6m (September 2021)

Year-on-year change: +25% from 6.1m (September 2020)

The New York Times remains the global news industry’s digital subscriptions trailblazer.

The company announced last week that it now has more than one million digital subscribers outside of the United States.

The NYT’s biggest international markets are Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
There was no Russian Collusion, that's a dead horse. Most of the crimes were created by an investigation into a crime that never happened. the irony of the day is democrats complaining about January 6, 2021 and saying Trump is trying to overturn an election when they did that for 3+ years and spending 10's of millions of dollars on a fraudulent investigation. You can get away with this poppycock when you control the narrative. Nancy Pelosi is the biggest political whore in our nation's history. When he decrepit mouth moves, I puke in my mouth. Pure scum

And bad policy is responsible for gas prices, inflation, shortages. Can't sugar coat that. Democrats own the economic disaster they created, and the people will speak come November.

I don't care about the superficial stuff. I believe the vaccine works. I believe the virus is dangerous. I don't give a fuck about masks, and I oppose any and all federal government mandates

9/11 was not an inside job, Newtown happened, mass killings are not false flags and we landed on the moon. I agree with Red Eye that these issues are not about politics. Nothing conservative or liberal or libertarian or socialist to be found

The NWO as they describe it, courtesy of AJ, does not exist. The UN and NATO and the WHO are run by people who naively believe they know how to micromanage the world. We can't concede our autonomy to them. They're more needed by poorer countries. We're the provider, not the recipient. The NWO is not some cult born and indoctrinated into some secret society intending to destroy mankind. That's where that common sense and critical thinking part should apply.

If there's someone out there I haven't offended, please let me know. I'll try harder next time. :)
Your ignorance doesnt offend me pal...hell your consistent and unwavering commitment to it is impressive

The first paragraph was spot on and then your perception of reality took a serious nosedive from there as you shill for the vax.........(save for fuck masks, and I opposing federal government mandates)

as you turn a blind eye to FF mass "killings" ,911 govt fuckery and other govt scams like the Apollo Moon Landings(truly one of the most patently ABSURD hoaxes ever pulled)

then descends into utter foolishness and cluelessness when you refer to AJ and declare that the NWO are just misguided fools.

You kept the old classic Willieism trademarks though
bad policy ?
Libs suck (y)
Poppycock ?

Oct 31, 2004
I say they need less sub forums not more .
When you only have 9 posters (well 8 until avocado comes out of time out) you don’t want those post spread out between 50 different forums .

Less subforums would at least create the illusion that this place is not as dead as it really is In reality .

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I say they need less sub forums not more .
When you only have 9 posters you don’t want those post spread out between 50 different forums .

Less subforums would at least create the illusion that this place is not as dead as it really is In reality .
Tellem Chop

Hell they are already diluting interactions (though they dont understand at the time why its true)
by Double Posting Picks threads from other forums into the main forum

A better method of accomplishing their goals of promoting sports would be to perhaps merge a number of popular pick threads into ONE Master pick thread to keep on the Main Page( i dont know the technicalites of doing so but assume its possible)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Out of respect for those who don't want poIitics mixed in with their sports, I don't start any political threads in the main forum, but I don't avoid them. Hell, some of the mods even start them.

Willie loves to bad mouth bad policy, which is fine... But that's not tackling the problem at the root. Where does all this bad policy from governments and woke globalist corporations come from? It comes from scams like the pandemic and "climate change". Fake, phony and false information from the UN, the WHO, etc by elitists and foreign billionaires nobody votes for or audits. None of these (bad) "policies" are in your best interests and a direct affront to American sovereignty.

NWO is not a conspiracy. Follow the money and connect the dots... one massive scam after another.

Oct 28, 2021
We're working on creating those sub-forums so you all have a "safe space" to talk about this and we can focus the Main Forum on sports.

I love politics but we'll keep them where they "belong"

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
We're working on creating those sub-forums so you all have a "safe space" to talk about this and we can focus the Main Forum on sports.

I love politics but we'll keep them where they "belong"
Play all the forum games you want but until you raise overall traffic the end result is going to be the same...Gotta look busy cuz the boss is looking.

trump masterpiece.jpg

Oct 31, 2004
We're working on creating those sub-forums so you all have a "safe space" to talk about this and we can focus the Main Forum on sports.

I love politics but we'll keep them where they "belong"

There is already a forum for politics at this place

It’s called political forum

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
As soon as you all come to grips that short of a PICKS ONLY format

EVERY FUCKING THING is tied to whatever you think the world "politics" means....massively in SPORTS

Then you can move forward.....the world is vastly different from when Shrinky first cranked this baby out.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I say they need less sub forums not more .
When you only have 9 posters (well 8 until avocado comes out of time out) you don’t want those post spread out between 50 different forums .

Less subforums would at least create the illusion that this place is not as dead as it really is In reality .

C'mon man

There are at least 10 posters I interact with. Counting the 40 I have on ignore, that brings us to at least 50

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
C'mon man

There are at least 10 posters I interact with. Counting the 40 I have on ignore, that brings us to at least 50
That makes Williberal even more is a guy with a shit ton of people on ignore (even if he is joking about numbers)

YET he is STILL trying to advocate for Safe Space Forums....just in case he is accidently tempted to interact with a "wackjob conspiracy therorist"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The EU "Parliament" just voted to ban all fossil fuel vehicles.

No citizen in Europe voted for this. The EU started out as a borderless continent with a common currency. Now look what's happening. The people have no say in what their rulers do to them...From immigration to energy. No democracy... It's all controlled from the top.

The EU is the globalist vision for the entire planet: "international cooperation" and treaties that screw over every private citizen, except the ruling class that continue to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.

"There's no NWO, c'mon man!" - Brandon Willie

America First... ONLY America First!

Dec 13, 2007
The EU "Parliament" just voted to ban all fossil fuel vehicles.

No citizen in Europe voted for this. The EU started out as a borderless continent with a common currency. Now look what's happening. The people have no say in what their rulers do to them...From immigration to energy. No democracy... It's all controlled from the top.

The EU is the globalist vision for the entire planet: "international cooperation" and treaties that screw over every private citizen, except the ruling class that continue to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else.

"There's no NWO, c'mon man!" - Brandon Willie

America First... ONLY America First!
Elon smiles...
Sure you aren't conflicted with the Elon Musk love?
Dec 11, 2006
1) First and foremost, we need a conspiracy forum. That way those looking for the "truth" can easily find such and the truthers work won't be polluted by the sheep or any hired opposition to the truth. They can share their thoughts without interference. Their followers know where to find them, and the main forum can talk about something else.

My suggested name is "TheRx Ministry of Truth". Original, I know.

Staying on the conspiracy truth tipic, they should never be moved to the political forum. They have nothing to do with politics, they're all about truth. And there ain't no truth in politics.

2) A second suggestion would be a "Virus vs Vaccine" forum. We could shorten it to "VVV". In this forum, informed people can debate stuff like how safe the virus is and how bad the vaccines are. Again, for people still living in 2020, this would be a very rewarding and fulfilling place to become informed to help you make life's biggest decisions.

I'm suggesting we allow birds of a feather to flock together, Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya
haha Willie. Good one, bro. "The Mnistry of Truth" - does she sing for us?; "VVV"sounds like a didsease you got on Valentines Day.
Dec 11, 2006
I also suggest a private, invitation only bubble boy forum...DementiaWill is the moderator and anyone wishing to join must read his list of beliefs and prohibited topics and agree to conform.

That way anyone afraid of Truth shattering their reality can congregate in their own safespace.

Cookies and IceCream provided

What kind of ice cream? Will Joey B be there licking away?
Dec 11, 2006
Guys who denies Sandy hook ,Moon landings, 911, and believes in" shadow Presidencies" and Q bullshit aren't considered "conspiracy theorists"? how is that Joe?
This stuff I also think is crazy. But there's a lot the Joe the Sherriff and Stevie and maga bring that isn't conspiracy at all although the corrupt media would have yu believe it's crazy. Just yesterda they said that Trump supporters killed five cops on January 6th. That's complete and utter bullshit. The only person killed on that day was Ashley Babbit, a Trump supporter.

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