My suggestions for one or two new subforums


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Fucking rhinos. And the vax death is proven, confirmed , thousands and thousands and thousands and growing

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I don't think anyone here is defending Mitch or Lindsey Bozzie... Your " conspiracy theorists " aren't looking at this as a R vs. D...
EXACTLY,,,,the LIBTURDS are stuck in that mode and are still brainwashed by all that antiTrump propaganga of the last 6 years.

They literally support and promote Pedos, Commies and Satanists all because they have been made to believe ORANGE MAN BAD......

Shit for me the R's arent great, plenty of crooks and con men but they beat the hell out of the deranged left ....first we get rid of as many D's as possible and THEN we straighten out the R's


Dec 13, 2007
EXACTLY,,,,the LIBTURDS are stuck in that mode and are still brainwashed by all that antiTrump propaganga of the last 6 years.

They literally support and promote Pedos, Commies and Satanists all because they have been made to believe ORANGE MAN BAD......

Shit for me the R's arent great, plenty of crooks and con men but they beat the hell out of the deranged left ....first we get rid of as many D's as possible and THEN we straighten out the R's

View attachment 36041
"They literally support and promote Pedos"...wonder why just about anything you've posted has been move to the spot barely anyone visits and whata know? its "living" in the basement.. sorta like you.

All that"investigating" and whining .... flushed

Well done RX and keep it up.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Old media: long drawn out articles citing "experts" claiming the vax is "safe and effective". No resources provided, no peer reviewed documents, just, "trust us we're smarter than you and obey!"

New media: 2 sentence tweet with a link to Pfizer's own documents highlighting their drug's 12% efficacy, and the fact the govt totally lied.

Elon Musk is now tweeting about Spygate and chemtrails.

Soon "conspiracy theorists" will be the clear majority, if not already.

Suck it up, norniecups!

PS - If you think we're crazy, check out SBD's thread in the RR.

Dec 13, 2007
Only positive I see in Elon lately is the destruction of the share price @ Tesla .
Huge backlash coming for his products, Making electric cars isn't brain surgery.
GM and Ford will crush him eventually, so many production problems at Tesla plus his cars are plastic junk on the interior...he's a con artist and his cars suck

Old media: long drawn out articles citing "experts" claiming the vax is "safe and effective". No resources provided, no peer reviewed documents, just, "trust us we're smarter than you and obey!"

New media: 2 sentence tweet with a link to Pfizer's own documents highlighting their drug's 12% efficacy, and the fact the govt totally lied.

Elon Musk is now tweeting about Spygate and chemtrails.

Soon "conspiracy theorists" will be the clear majority, if not already.

Suck it up, norniecups!

PS - If you think we're crazy, check out SBD's thread in the RR.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I don't think anyone here is defending Mitch or Lindsey Bozzie... Your " conspiracy theorists " aren't looking at this as a R vs. D...
They're all corrupt AF getting rich off "foreign aid" with their foundations and offshore holding companies nobody - and I mean NOBODY - reports on.

No audits or the slightest bit of accountability. POOF! The money just disappears, and nobody stops to think why and how Washington's gilded class keeps getting richer and richer at the expense of everyone else.

Dec 13, 2007
They're all corrupt AF getting rich off "foreign aid" with their foundations and offshore holding companies nobody - and I mean NOBODY - reports on.

No audits or the slightest bit of accountability. POOF! The money just disappears, and nobody stops to think why and how Washington's gilded class keeps getting richer and richer at the expense if everyone else.

Dec 13, 2007

I'd wrestle in his class at 167 pounds, Only I'd be afraid he'd try to stick his finger in my ass while grappling.​

What is Lindsey Graham Net Worth?​

Net Worth$105 Million
Senator Salary$350,000
Business Income$12 Million
Taxes Paid$2 Million
Assets & Investments$45 Million
Cars Owned7
House Properties10
Weight167 lbs (76 kg)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Only positive I see in Elon lately is the destruction of the share price @ Tesla .
Huge backlash coming for his products, Making electric cars isn't brain surgery.
GM and Ford will crush him eventually, so many production problems at Tesla plus his cars are plastic junk on the interior...he's a con artist and his cars suck
Elon is homeless - literally! - and couldn't care less about money, the same way I and the majority couldn't care less about EVs. The fact the EU is now trying to mandate them tells you all you need to know.

Elon is settling into his new role of serving a much higher purpose than himself. Granted, if the globalists fuck up the Internet like everything else, Starlink will make him richer than Tesla ever did!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Russia collusion? 34 convictions Masks? couldn't be bothered to be annoyed Lockdowns? wasn't inconvenienced much Vaccines? worked Skyrocketing gas prices? we pay less than almost anyplace in the world Food supply lines mysteriously blowing up everywhere? 3 year time line on that falsehood .look at the list. The Ukraine war bullshit (Zelensky as the helpless victim while he's worth easy 100m) Personal wealth, have you look and Mitch or Lindseys $$$ lately? Safe and secure elections? hahaha The latest shooting in TX (the shooter was unemployed yet somehow drove a 70k truck and purchased 10k worth of guns and armor)? And that's just a snippet in the last two years. 10K? dude its not that much money and he didn't buy that truck Personally.

911, sandy hook ,moon lands, vaccine, and all the other endless shit you've missed badly on... eventually you'll tree a squirrel Joe.

WORNG AGAIN...100% "conspiracy theorists"

There was no Russian Collusion, that's a dead horse. Most of the crimes were created by an investigation into a crime that never happened. the irony of the day is democrats complaining about January 6, 2021 and saying Trump is trying to overturn an election when they did that for 3+ years and spending 10's of millions of dollars on a fraudulent investigation. You can get away with this poppycock when you control the narrative. Nancy Pelosi is the biggest political whore in our nation's history. When he decrepit mouth moves, I puke in my mouth. Pure scum

And bad policy is responsible for gas prices, inflation, shortages. Can't sugar coat that. Democrats own the economic disaster they created, and the people will speak come November.

I don't care about the superficial stuff. I believe the vaccine works. I believe the virus is dangerous. I don't give a fuck about masks, and I oppose any and all federal government mandates

9/11 was not an inside job, Newtown happened, mass killings are not false flags and we landed on the moon. I agree with Red Eye that these issues are not about politics. Nothing conservative or liberal or libertarian or socialist to be found

The NWO as they describe it, courtesy of AJ, does not exist. The UN and NATO and the WHO are run by people who naively believe they know how to micromanage the world. We can't concede our autonomy to them. They're more needed by poorer countries. We're the provider, not the recipient. The NWO is not some cult born and indoctrinated into some secret society intending to destroy mankind. That's where that common sense and critical thinking part should apply.

If there's someone out there I haven't offended, please let me know. I'll try harder next time. :)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Nothing to see here, normies..nothing at all.

Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead​

'If something were to happen to me,' Brandy Vaughan wrote in late 2019, 'it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.'


Damn conspiracy theorists!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

I'd wrestle in his class at 167 pounds, Only I'd be afraid he'd try to stick his finger in my ass while grappling.​

What is Lindsey Graham Net Worth?​

Net Worth$105 Million
Senator Salary$350,000
Business Income$12 Million
Taxes Paid$2 Million
Assets & Investments$45 Million
Cars Owned7
House Properties10
Weight167 lbs (76 kg)

How are assets and investments worth $ 45 million yet he has a net worth of $ 105 million?

I'm going to suggest you need new sources my friend. This looks like the work of CNN or the NYT. Maybe Slow Joe stumbling and rumbling about something. This is Nancy Pelosi math

Dec 13, 2007
No doubt the economy is in trouble and Yes, the dems will pay in November .
Can not disagree with that.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Each Senator earns $175,000 a year.

Linda is worth 100M?? I haven't even checked but like the exact $$ even matters! And I'm not even picking on her specifically - from Zelensky to Linda, THEY'RE ALL CORRUPT! Kickbacks from every industry, including BIG PHARMA! does a gal "serving the people" accumulate that kind of wealth? Ditto for Pelosi and all her insider trading, kickbacks and money laundering!

No corruption? At all??? It's all conspiracy??

For fuck sakes people!! ? ?

You guys have no idea what's going on behind the scenes...not a clue!

Oct 28, 2021
1) First and foremost, we need a conspiracy forum. That way those looking for the "truth" can easily find such and the truthers work won't be polluted by the sheep or any hired opposition to the truth. They can share their thoughts without interference. Their followers know where to find them, and the main forum can talk about something else.

My suggested name is "TheRx Ministry of Truth". Original, I know.

Staying on the conspiracy truth tipic, they should never be moved to the political forum. They have nothing to do with politics, they're all about truth. And there ain't no truth in politics.

2) A second suggestion would be a "Virus vs Vaccine" forum. We could shorten it to "VVV". In this forum, informed people can debate stuff like how safe the virus is and how bad the vaccines are. Again, for people still living in 2020, this would be a very rewarding and fulfilling place to become informed to help you make life's biggest decisions.

I'm suggesting we allow birds of a feather to flock together, Kumbaya my lord, Kumbaya
Good ones, we'll do it

Dec 13, 2007
How are assets and investments worth $ 45 million yet he has a net worth of $ 105 million?

I'm going to suggest you need new sources my friend. This looks like the work of CNN or the NYT. Maybe Slow Joe stumbling and rumbling about something. This is Nancy Pelosi math

Forbes... But the numbers are all over the shop depending where you look.​

He's not mentioned here....All crooks IMO its about personal gain not serving the public.


Dec 13, 2007
Elon is homeless - literally! - and couldn't care less about money, the same way I and the majority couldn't care less about EVs. The fact the EU is now trying to mandate them tells you all you need to know.

Elon is settling into his new role of serving a much higher purpose than himself. Granted, if the globalists fuck up the Internet like everything else, Starlink will make him richer than Tesla ever did!
Dudes an ego maniac, Elon bad before the failed twitter deal was a "globalist", "climate protector" "anti oil freak" and not from the US .... Elon good after switching parties and failing to buy twitter.

You are not complicated Joe, you are swishy though.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Dudes an ego maniac, Elon bad before the failed twitter deal was a "globalist", "climate protector" "anti oil freak" and not from the US .... Elon good after switching parties and failing to buy twitter.

You are not complicated Joe.
I'm not complicated because I support anyone past, present or future spreading Human Liberty. If Elon jumps off the wagon and starts shilling for globalism I'll ignore him again. Beyond that, couldn't care less about him personally, and sure as hell never buying an EV.

Right now Elon is destroying Twitter, one of the main propaganda machines of corrupt globalists.

See? Not complicated at all.

Dec 13, 2007
I'm not complicated because I support anyone past, present or future spreading Human Liberty. If Elon jumps off the wagon, I'll ignore him again. Beyond that, couldn't care less about him personally, and sure as hell never buying an EV.

See? Not complicated at all.
Swish away fella...just making the point you are sometimes contradictory week to week.
Not that you lack obsessive conviction.

gotta give you that...

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